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Would it be fair to say?


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Would it be fair to say that people in this day and age are under intolerable pressure? at one time it used to be just a case of keeping up with the Jones, now its a case of keeping up with the ever rising cost of utilities and the community charges, when i got married 50 years ago life was ever so simple.

Not a day goes by without someone ringing you up or knocking on your door trying to part you from your money.

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Well,I would think in respect to the threat of job loses etc..then most definately YES..!


(..this forum is usually awash with posts from some saying "..well,I just handed my notice in on the friday..and I started a new job first thing monday.." *-) But those days are l-o-n-g gone I'm afraid !)


But in many other areas I can't help but think that folk just put pressure on themselves by tying themselves up with "non essential" tatt... :-S


...What with credit/store cards..big TVs..Sky subscriptions...mobile/internet phone subscriptions.. the latest computer war game for little Johnie etc..Oh!..and not forgetting his latest replica footie kit(both home and away kit! *-) )..all of which they see as "must haves" .. ?! :-S

..and then after all of that,they'll wonder why they're struggling with their mortgage/rent/utility bills?... *-)


As for those people who phone us up or maybe knock on our doors..well,I expect that they're under a lot more pressue than we are.... ;-)

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Guest pelmetman

I would agree that a lot of it is self inflicted:D..........Fortunately we weaned ourselves of conspicuous consumption years ago, people laugh at my thrift agenda8-)..............but how many people can cook a tasty nutritious meal for 3 people for £1.70...........that's not each......that's in total;-)......and we had enough meat left over for sandwiches the next day(lol)

My whole approach to life now, is about enjoying it on as little as possible:-D.............In my view the most valuable thing we all have, and its something even the richest people on the planet can not buy!!!.............Is TIME......tempus fugit as they say;-)  
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pelmetman - 2011-09-30 12:38 PM

...In my view the most valuable thing we all have, and its something even the richest people on the planet can not buy!!!.............Is TIME......tempus fugit as they say;-)  


Exactly! ;-)


When the time comes,I can't imagine anyone of us would be wishing that we'd put a few more overtime hours in at work?!... ;-)

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pelmetman - 2011-09-30 12:38 PM


I would agree that a lot of it is self inflicted:D..........Fortunately we weaned ourselves of conspicuous consumption years ago, people laugh at my thrift agenda8-)..............but how many people can cook a tasty nutritious meal for 3 people for £1.70...........that's not each......that's in total;-)......and we had enough meat left over for sandwiches the next day(lol)


Going to have to look at you in a different light :-S How many baskets of crumbs did you pick up after the banquet? :D :D



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pepe63 - 2011-09-30 11:08 AM

(..this forum is usually awash with posts from some saying "..well,I just handed my notice in on the friday..and I started a new job first thing monday.." *-)


When was that then????? :-S


I'm leaving work (at 48) and hubby left nearly 2 years ago (at 51). We won't need to work but we may choose to (probably voluntary) or set up a little business enterprise to keep ourselves out of mischief. We are fortunate to be in the position we are I know, but this has only been achieved by our saving hard and being thrifty over many years, not going out every week and blowing money on posh meals etc, or on trips to the pub etc. Our only real luxury is the motorhome as the car is pretty much been a necessity although the 2 scooters were definitely a bit of retail therapy but seeing as my hubby got paid to leave work when we weren't expecting him to get anything, it was our treat to ourselves and they are useful too.



I've seen too many people leave work at retirement age and not be able to enjoy it, or even before then - a colleague in another area, who I've known for a long, long time, is undergoing tests at the moment as they believe she has cancer ... she's not even 60. She works in a highly pressured job and wishes she could afford to leave, but with a husband out of work (his profession is suffering badly he can't get another job although he is highly skilled and well regarded) she's had to stay on and this is the 'thanks' she gets ...


Even if we end up on the breadline its got to be better than half-killing yourself every day.

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2011-09-30 8:07 PMDave .... I want to know what meat you eat ... I know dog food is nutritious but I certainly wouldn't want to make a shepherd's pie with it or spread it on sarnies! 8-)

Bacon Hock:D........they were £1.75 each at our local butcher, but as we bought 2 I got them for £1.70 each;-)

You don't often see them but they taste so much better than boiled Ham at a £1 a slice from the deli counter*-)
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