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Smoky water heater vent


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Don't know if anyone has had this problem but towards the end of the season last year, I switched the water heater on for the usual 20 mins or so when camping, happened to walk outside the van and noticed I had black steam/smoke/condensation from the vent halfway up the van ! I switched it off quick ! The water itself was nice and warm, the heater under the seat seemed fine with no smell in the van.

I had my local mobile motorhome repairer carry out a Habitation Service in the spring and I told him about the heater. He took the cover off the side of the van and somewhere between that and the heater, he found "loads and loads" of spiders which had crawed in there which he said would be causing the smoke. He got as much out as he could without disturbing too much of the heater (that tested fine) and said that it was ok to use and that it would be smoky for a few times while what's left burns off which seemed logical to me. Admitedly, I can't use the van nearly enough as I'd like due to all sorts of reasons but on the 6 or 7 times I've been away in it this year, I'm still getting the same black condensation/smoke, call it what you will up the side of the van from the vent. I'd have thought that once what was in there had burnt off, that would be it but still seems to be happening. Again the heather itself is fine and works perfectly to my knowledge.

I should perhaps mention that that side of the van is often parked up the driveway next to trees and bushes and I often find cobwebs here and there.

Is this common ?

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Well steam is not black, I've never seen black smoke or steam coming off condensation, so looks like crisp smokey flavored spider's............Or have you a little dead mouse in there. It does need sorting out tho' just in case it's neither.

Not nice but a good sniff at the smoke to make sure it hasn't got the smell of plastic should eliminate burnt wiring :-S



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That sounds horrible, no wonder you are concerned. May I suggest that if you are parking near to the trees/bushes you cover the heater vent when it is not in use to stop the spiders getting in. I would be inclined to use Duck Tape (avoiding the paintwork of course) . There seems to be twice as many spiders about this year than last, probably due to weather conditions.


Spiders like nothing better than somewhere they will not be disturbed so they can breed.

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You should get it checked again. I am a gas engineer and you should not have black smoke coming from your flue. Usually its associated with poor combustion and leaves sooty deposites which, when heated, give off carbon monoxide. You have a combustion problem. Although the flue gases may not enter your van if the flue is properly sealed, they could be harmful if someone gets a lung full.



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Thanks for the replies everyone, all good valid points....some of which I can easily look in to...

I'd like to think it's just spiders (hey, I like our long legged friends like the next person but you know what I mean...) but I think Bill could be on to something. Surely, once whatever is in there has burnt off, that should be it, which makes me think Bill might be right.......

Looking back at what I wrote, I suppose steam wasn't the right word to use. It's definately smoke, not a lot, the amount that something like a joss stick would give off. It has a smell to it but it isn't like anything I've smelt before....which I know doesn't help ! But, it appears to be a wet smoke if there is such a term. Think of boiling a kettle with the spout next to a wall, kitchen tile etc......well, it goes wet doesn't it. Now that is what I'm getting up the side of the van from the vent upwards but it's not clear, it's black. Luckilly it polishes off the coachwork. Like I said, the heather itself is fine, the water gets nice and warm, it's performance is not affected.

Looks like I'll have to get "my man" on to it and see what he can find. Until, he comes round, I'll just use a kettle !!!!

Thanks again everyone for the help and advice :-D

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Your water heater is in need of a thorough service, as its a '96 van is it a Truma Ultrastore or a Carver Cascade? The work involved will vary according to which heater you have. The cascade can be serviced from outside, including removing and cleaning the burner. The Ultrastore needs to be removed as a whole unit and stripped to access the burner. There is one other possibile cause of your problem, dirty gas. If your gas cylinder is close to running out you may be getting some "heavy ends" being dragged through to the burner which can cause the sooty burn and odd smell.


As "your man" didn't even try to clean the burner and felt that just removing the spiders would cure it I respectfully suggest you find a new man that can.



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Carver Cascade parts are still available but beware second hand spares from ebay. Chap got me to look at his carver last year. It had frozen and burst. When I stripped out the burner it was totally rusted out. He came back a month later with a second hand one for me to fit. When I looked at it and stripped it down it was in a worse state than the first one. Straight in the bin. His money wasted and my time. There is also more than one PCB connection for the electrical set up too. Your dealer will know what to look for, (I hope!!!!)


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