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Dr Fox

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
The fox has been hunted out of his job........but why was his mate being funded by Israel?;-).............we still seem to be ruled by mucky,dodgy politicians*-)
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Initially I thought he was one of the more creditable MP's but IMO he has been a complete idiot regarding this matter & despite his name he wasn't Foxxy enough to keep the News Hounds at bay.


Even though he now accepts that he breached ministerial code, I very much doubt he doesn't walk completely.& what odds on how long before DC invites him back.

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He's just taken his arrogance a little too far.


What I would like to know is WHY did he take his mate on all these trips, instead of the proper officials.


What, if anything, did his mate get out of it ?


I get the impression that he is apologising and admitting his "mistake" in the hope that no-one looks any further.




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I think he has been an arrogant idiot.


It is not as tho' the ministerial code is not well known.


You just keep hearing the comment "What the hell was he thinking?"


And bearing in mind the magnitude of the office concerned, the MOD, why was this breach of procedure not flagged up internally and dealt with BEFORE the press managed to figure out something was wrong.


Don't get me wrong - I am not having a go at the press - I think they did a damn good job here bringing this arrogant flouting of the rules to the publics attention.


As for Fox's statement yesterday - what a pile of poo that man is! - blaming the press for getting found out.


If he does manage to get back into someone’s good books, which I doubt given the importance of the MoD, I suspect he will be very low down the pecking order.


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CliveH - 2011-10-20 8:05 AM


........................And bearing in mind the magnitude of the office concerned, the MOD, why was this breach of procedure not flagged up internally and dealt with BEFORE the press managed to figure out something was wrong.



From what I have read, it seems he was indeed warned, and chose to ignore the warnings. I think he thinks he is a martyr for his wider cause.


Other aspects of this trouble me. It seems Werrity had fairly free access to him. It has not been stated whether this extended to an MoD pass but, in view of the number of contacts, that seems at least likely. At least, it seems neither party would have been that happy for Werrity to have to submit to the ignominy of requesting a day pass every time he pitched up in Whitehall. Someone then has to be dispatched to collect you from reception - this much I know! Not very conducive to discreet meetings. So (please forgive the speculation) who could have authorised the pass?


This seems to have been a highly political liaison, linked to extreme American so-called "neo-cons" and "tea party" funders. So, why keep it dark rather than in the open? Sort of answers itself, doesn't it? Then, who are the other four ministers involved with Atlantic Bridge. Haigh seems to be one, possibly Gove another, so who are the others? Bearing in mind Werrity's earlier interest in NHS matters, when Fox was shadow on health, and his abrupt shift of interest to defence matters, when Fox became minister for Defence, this all seems to have great bearing on proposals to privatise bits of this or that, but more importantly, to benefit from placing useful information into the hands of commercial interests looking to take over those privatised bits, or to pick up government contracts.


I find it very worrying that various government ministers may have been working behind the scenes to take Britain into political territory no-one has properly debated or voted for. I (paranoia again - see :-)) think I sense something that appears to me to be an attempt to subvert not only our chosen version of the role of the state, but also our normal parliamentary procedures, and our elected cabinet. This begins to look to me like an extreme right wing "cat's paw" being extended undetected right into the heart of our government. How far it may have eventually gone is impossible to say, but it seems at least possible that we should have been presented with the fait accompli of a number of our institutions having passed into commercial hands, whose controlling interests were far removed from what any of us might have wished, or voted for, given the opportunity.


So, are they idealistic fools, scheming knaves, or both? Whatever, unless they can give very convincing accounts of their strange trans-atlantic associations, I don't personally think any of them should be allowed into ministerial office, and any presently holding such posts should be removed.


Extreme? Maybe. But just ask yourselves what would be the probable Conservative reaction to such underhand tactics being used by members of a left wing government, through associating with extreme left wing elements in other countries, to nationalise and unionise swathes of British industry by the back door. It stinks.

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Guest pelmetman

I don't doubt Mr Fox has profited financially from his mates wheeling and dealing....................But he's not daft so he's not yet trousered any dosh.......I expect his mate is looking after it until he leaves politics*-)

Look at Mr Blair..........now making a fortune as a middle East peace envoy;-)............Blair?.... Peace Envoy?..............War monger would be more accurate:-( 
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I wonder if Cameron will do what the coalition agreed at it's formation.

That MP's found in contravention of parlimentary Rules would be ejected & Voters being given the opportunity to get rid.


I now don't think we will see this proposal proceeding before the end of this Parliment.


OR will the Lib Dems have the stomach to force the issue.

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flicka - 2011-10-20 7:44 PM


I wonder if Cameron will do what the coalition agreed at it's formation.

That MP's found in contravention of parlimentary Rules would be ejected & Voters being given the opportunity to get rid.


I now don't think we will see this proposal proceeding before the end of this Parliment.


OR will the Lib Dems have the stomach to force the issue.



Now that - is a REALLY good point flicka







But sadly I am not holding my breath

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pkc - 2011-10-21 8:21 AM


Malc, you have hurt me to the quick, to think I would do such a thing.

Anyway it wasn't a rhetorical question, if we are all in this together, where is my cut ?

I have my own plain brown paper bag.



Brown paper bags are out now, as they show up too clearly on undercover videos.




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flicka - 2011-10-20 7:44 PM


I wonder if Cameron will do what the coalition agreed at it's formation.

That MP's found in contravention of parlimentary Rules would be ejected & Voters being given the opportunity to get rid.


I now don't think we will see this proposal proceeding before the end of this Parliment.



There's no doubt that Cameron will forget his agreement just has he moved the goalposts on his promise for a referendum on the EU.

I did have high hopes for him and this is why, for the first time in my life, I voted Tory. Not only his he bullying his MPs to vote against a referendum his other promises on immigration, higher now than under Labour, and the opting out of the ECHR were all bulls**t.

With Fox's misdemeanour and Camerons broken promises it gives credence that all politicians are the same and are looking out for #1.

No doubt Camerons changed of heart on the EU is his earnings for the future. Nice plum jobs at Brussels with the megabuck pensions for working about 5 years like many other former failed unelected politicians.

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