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First Winter Trip


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Hello Everyone :-D

I am new to the Forum and would firstly like to say 'Hello'!

Hubby and I are going to attempt our first Winter trip in our motorhome next February.

We've booked in at a campsite near Les Arcs.

I have my 'aire book' but would prefer to book in a campsite around the Dijon/Beaune area in Burgundy but it's proving a bit difficult to find many open all year. I have found one but it only has telephone number and my French isn't the best by phone..we don't want to leave it until we go as it's half term.

Does anyone have experience of travelling down at this time? Any campsite or aire recommendations? Also, are we likely to be able to get onto an aire at evening time? Bit worried that they will be full and we'll be stranded! In my experience the French tend to go 'en masse' at this time.

Any hints or tips on Winter trips would be much appreciated :-D

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Guest JudgeMental

welcome! :-D


Are you sure the French camp "on mass" in February, I find that rather surprising as you will be lucky to find a site open. Can't think of a more miserable time to visit France...You might have half a chance of decent weather on the Cote De Azure or down into Spain......

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They all travel to the ski resorts which has aires that can be packed with motor homes at this time.

Just thinking that they will all take the spaces in the aires en-route.

I always fret about things..I'm sure we'll find somewhere..

I do like the sun but am a bit of a 'ski freak'..can't wait actually! :-S

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Guest JudgeMental

Ah!..You never mentioned skiing! lol :-D


Do you have a fully winterised van? Our last van (Euramobil) was brilliant for winter use, not that we did any as such! Powerful gas/electric heating and double floor, with all the tanks/pipework within the floor. EN certification for winter use as well.....


we have a panel van as of this year which we love but really only a 2/3 season van, unlike the Euramobil which was a 4 season.

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Guest Tracker

For the second time this year I find myself agreeing with Eddie.


Central France can be pretty darned cold in February!


So can the Med coast of both France and Spain at times but the further South and West you go the better the chance of a bit of warm sunshine and the better the chance of finding some open campsites, if campsites are your thing, but watch out for low life and crime which seems to get worse the nearer you get to Africa!


Wherever you stop the general view is that it can be unsafe to even leave your van unattended in a motorway service area to go for a coffee or a pee and downright dodgy to risk an overnight in one, again the nearer you get to the Med coast the worse this seems to be.


This can also apply to supermarket car parks where those so inclined will watch you leave the van and safe in the knowledge that you will be gone for a while they can break in, help themselves and be long gone before you discover the consequences.

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I therefore assume this is the Les Arcs near Bourg St Maurice, and not the one near Frejus.


I'd echo the comments regarding weather in central France in February. It can be extremely cold.


In Blois, rather a lot of years ago, at Christmas, it was so cold that a rain shower froze on contact, instantly coating roads, pavements, walls, lamp-posts, etc with about 3/4" of ice. Two friends and I had the job of escorting 80 year old granny back to her home after the festivities. She, with the wisdom of years, wrapped her shoes in two old scarves. We, with the impetuosity of youth (whatever was that?), eschewed such measures. Granny quietly shuffled along on the sheet ice as sure footed as the proverbial mountain goat, while the three of us took turns, with occasional team prizes, in slipping, sliding, falling, and generally being totally useless in assisting her, apart from providing the best entertainment, she said, she had had for years! Freak? Maybe, but how then did she know about using the scarves?


I think Rich (Tracker) is rather over-egging the parking risks. Stopping overnight on autoroutes is definitely not a safe practise, especially along popular routes at busy holiday periods. Stopping for a pee in one of the rest, as opposed to service, areas should not present any headaches since the toilets are close to, and usually in full view from, the parking areas. However, whether you would choose to use these in preference to your nice, clean, warm, on-board ones, is a different matter! :-)


However, I don't personally think supermarket car-parks in February, except possibly at/near the resorts, would present much, if any, enhanced risk. I think a far greater problem may be obtaining gas, and equipping your van adequately for the Alpine cold at Les Arcs. Have you investigated these factors?

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Guest Tracker
Fair comment Brian, but I would rather over emphasise the perceived risks to those who may not have heard about them than play them down, after all a little care and awareness can save a lot of heartache, expense and inconvenience.
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Finding French camp sites that are open all year are as rare as hens teeth, even if the book says they are open they are often closed or only open for the residents with their permanently pitched caravans.


If you do find an open site you won't have any problems finding a pitch as most French only holiday in July & August. The only French likely to be going on mass are those heading for the ski resorts.

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I think the difficulty you may have if you arrive late in the day, is getting on the aire at Les Arcs.

Ski resort aires do tend to get rather crowded, especially in popular resorts & the French will have a few hours start on you.


You should be able to find aires slightly off your main route, using Corky's link, tio eliminate staying at one on an Autoroute.


IMO get a full external screen which covers the bonnet & grill, not just the windscreen & don't forget Snow Chains. (IIRC they are compulsory on the road upto Les Arcs)

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We have done this trip times in the winter. Before I make any suggestions I would really need to know what time you are starting out from dover or wherever you are starting from. There is a very nice Aire at Cousances 20 Km south of Langres just in the Jura region. As said, look it up in campingcar infos. Its about 5 - 6 hours from Calais on the motorway. It is perfectly safe and quiet and just in the town. Its also free and close to a supermarket. It will not have water as it is switched off for winter but you can tip your grey water. I would guess it's about half way to Les Arcs.


Hope this helps................ Ned

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Apart from the ski resorts in winter most aires will have plenty of room but the water will be turned of to avoid frost damage. Plot your route to use the all year round sites once every three days or so . The guides are printed months in advance so its best to check availability by e mail or phone. Think - 20C in Jan and Feb.


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My Goodness, thanks for all your replies...help and suggestions :-D


We are winterized..no probs in that regard and have chains.


Plan is to leave Calais early morning and travel down to the Dijon area or further south if possible..


There is a campsite around Beaune but is only bookable by phone..I am going to have to 'bite the bullet' and contact them.. I loathe telephoning..my French is passable but it totally deserts me on the phone..embarrassing really when I lived in France for 2 years : :$


If I get no joy then will look at that link re the aires..thanks!


We are booked into a campsite called Les Lanchettes in Nancroix near Vallandry, Les Arcs so all sorted in that regard.


Well it will be a challenge for sure :-D


Thanks again everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...
A good stopover is theaire in beaune.just off the motorway in the hotel area.and a short walk into town.it has machines for water and elect,but in feb,may not be on.the area is used by coaches as well but away from campers.if busy you can lift the bollards for the car park go in and replace behind you.its what the french do.and its free! :-)
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We have used a campsite at Beaune on a few of our skiing trips in previous years - near the motorway so very useful.


We have never booked in advance (we never book anywhere in advance cos I am never exactly sure where I am going to end up!) and never a problem - turned up once, late, in deep snow and the owner lined us all up on the roads round the site. If you are looking at the site we went too the facilities were nice and warm.


Enjoy your trip.

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