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Where's they gone?

Guest Tracker

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Guest Tracker

Yesterday afternoon after a particularly offensive and bountiful posting of insults from FG to KOTR the 'Insults' thread was quite justifiably, IMHO, removed.


Since then neither FG or KOTR would appear to have posted at all and I wonder where's they both gone?




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Tracker - 2011-11-01 7:50 PM


Yesterday afternoon after a particularly offensive and bountiful posting of insults from FG to KOTR the 'Insults' thread was quite justifiably, IMHO, removed.


Since then neither FG or KOTR would appear to have posted at all and I wonder where's they both gone?


Yes, and long after it should have been pulled!

It should really have been pulled as soon as it was started but, in an ideal world, it would not have needed pulling because it would never have been started.

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I have, to all intents and purposes, left this forum and would not be responding if Tracker hadn't once again, sought to stir up trouble.

These are the facts. Yesterday afternoon KOTR's appalling thread 'Insults' which was started purely to attack me, was finally removed by the moderator. I suspect that the final straw for the mods was a post by Tracker, in similar vein to this one, having a go at me and completely ignoring the fact that KOTR insulted me, just as much as I insulted him.

A few minutes after the thread was removed Tracker started a new one called 'Insults 2' in which he made the same nasty accusation again and I am utterly convinced that he did it just to have another pop at me, as he has now done in this thread.

Most people would not have seen the 'Insults 2' thread as it was pulled within minutes. Pepe63 and one other person, I forget who, criticised Tracker for blatantly causing trouble, as did I and I asked the mods to pull the thread.

It was pulled just minutes later, which proves what the mods think of Tracker's insidious and nasty scheming.

Despite this he has done it once more.

Is there nothing to which this man will not stoop? I have had disagreements with some people on here but most of them were direct and upfront. My experience of Tracker is of a devious and slimy individual who is underhand and delights in stirring trouble, just for the sake of it. His favourite ploy seems to be to post something nasty and  inflammatory and then, when taken to task, claim that he was just doing it for fun, or to provoke a discussion.

No he doesn't, he is a genuinely sly and snide person as I and several other longer serving members will testify.

I have written to the mods to complain about him. Why, when a post almost exactly the same as this one was removed yesterday, has he felt the need to do it all over again?

The man is an appalling individual and another reason why I wish to leave this forum but as long he or anyone keeps up these sly little attacks, I shall respond.

Ask yourselves folks, if Tracker really wants harmony, why did he start 'Insults 2' and when that was pulled, why has he started this one?

I have finished with KOTR and I hope that he has finished with me. I have no wish to continue any further arguments and when the thread was pulled I'm sure that everyone was pleased.

And then along comes Tracker - again! And you're right Mel B, his grammar has always been poor and it's no different now!

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francisgraham - 2011-11-01 8:16 PMI have had disagreements with some people on here but most of them were direct and upfront. My experience of Tracker is of a devious and slimy individual who is underhand and delights in stirring trouble, just for the sake of it. His favourite ploy seems to be to post something nasty and  inflammatory and then, when taken to task, claim that he was just doing it for fun, or to provoke a discussion.

No he doesn't, he is a genuinely sly and snide person as I and several other longer serving members will testify.

I have written to the mods to complain about him. Why, when a post almost exactly the same as this one was removed yesterday, has he felt the need to do it all over again?

The man is an appalling individual and another reason why I wish to leave this forum but as long he or anyone keeps up these sly little attacks, I shall respond.

Ask yourselves folks, if Tracker really wants harmony, why did he start 'Insults 2' and when that was pulled, why has he started this one?
At last someone else who has sussed out Mr Nasty. Don't leave the forum on his account Francis, as a lot of us like your mostly balanced and eloquent posts.
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Guest Tracker

Thanks FG - you can always be relied upon to be unpleasant.


Your last posting on the original insults thread was particularly nasty as it included four separate insulting phrases directed at KOTR solely because he did not agree with your point of view on Gadaffi as I recall. That is the reason that the thread was finally pulled.


You choose to ignore the fact that KOTR's previous posting disagreeing with you was in no way offensive or insulting to you, now stating only that he had been rude to you before so does that alone justify you being offensive to him?


I was so disgusted by your attack on KOTR, which was nasty even by your standards, that I was on the point of posting a response asking you to please consider directing your replies at the topic and not at the individual when the thread disappeared - so I started a new one because I still felt so strongly about your ongoing and totally unjustified nastiness. But it was put to you without insults.


I wanted to draw to your attention that your insults were unjustified in the hope that you might finally see reason and stop insulting everyone who deigns to disagree with you and hopefully get you to apologise to KOTR before he saw it and was really offended.


You may recall that it was me that tried to get the name calling stopped on the original Insults thread as I considered it unfair for others to keep having jibes at you when you had not insulted them individually.


Once again and just for the record Insults 2 was politely worded to simply draw FG's attention to the unjustified insults that he had directed at KOTR.


For one who claims superior intelligence and gramatical skills I do not understand why you seem unable to make any point without insults and personal attacks?


Yes I do agree that it is a shame that my grammar is so poor but then again I never claimed to be a super intelligent literary giant and it is perhaps just as well that my senses of proportion and humour are in better fettle!


You writing to the mods to complain about me eh? WOW - that's a good one!


So you do have a sense of humour after all!






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Guest Tracker
peter - 2011-11-01 8:30 PM

Don't leave the forum on his account Francis, as a lot of us like your mostly balanced and eloquent posts.


By 'a lot of us' what you really mean is you is it not Peter?


A lot of us - meaning me - don't like FG's abrasive and abnoxious style.


Without doubt he has much to contribute with some really good points but, like you, he tends to spoil it all and devalue his postings by continually ridiculing all who disagree.

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I have stated before that FG's posts are well written and knowledgable and I like reading them, a few weeks ago we PM'd each other and had a private word over one or two things and he kindly commiserated on my health issues and wished me well which I thought was nice, I have nothing against francis but the one thing that I do take issue with is whenever he see's a post that he does not agree with he usually calls the poster an idiot or whatever, if only he would say to Tom, Dick or Harry or whoever the poster is, sorry but you are wrong and this is why? he would then command great respect from other members, I for one dont like getting involved in a war of words, its not nice.
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Brian Kirby - 2011-11-01 8:11 PM


Yes, and long after it should have been pulled!

It should really have been pulled as soon as it was started but, in an ideal world, it would not have needed pulling because it would never have been started.



....well, I reckon good old Rabbie Burns had it right........


O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us

To see oursels as ithers see us!

It wad frae mony a blunder free us...........


....which could be applied fairly universally to the rather sanctimonious population of Chatterbox, (present company excepted of course *-)) and was appositely dedicated "To a Louse....."



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I had hoped my posting above would lighten this thread but to no avail ... how long are you all going to keep having these very boring and juvenile diatribes about each other?


Can you all please leave it there, 'shake hands', and get on with enjoying chatting to each other? Is that TOOOOOO much to ask?????

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Guest pelmetman
Robinhood - 2011-11-01 9:30 PM  O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us..........
Any chance of a translation in English Robin:D............ Google doesn't seem to recognise Scottish(lol) 
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pelmetman - 2011-11-01 9:46 PM


Robinhood - 2011-11-01 9:30 PM  O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us..........
Any chance of a translation in English Robin:D............ Google doesn't seem to recognise Scottish(lol) 


Ach, ye sassenach!!


And would some Power the small gift give us

To see ourselves as others see us!

It would from many a blunder free us,




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Guest pelmetman
Robinhood - 2011-11-01 9:57 PM Ach, ye sassenach!!And would some Power the small gift give us To see ourselves as others see us! It would from many a blunder free us, :D

Ta very muchly:D
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knight of the road - 2011-11-01 9:40 PM


In order to calm the situation down and have a laugh, anyone wanna buy one of my beautiful hand made birdboxes (lol) only joking, not trying to plug my wares.

Tracker will have one, to keep his brain in. Preferably on for Tits :D
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aultymer - 2011-11-01 10:27 PM


Small correction:- the Giftie is not a small gift, it is God.


"Oh would some power God give us" makes a bit more sense.


Whilst not entirely happy about disagreeing on a thread on which I've posted this ;-) , I beg to differ.


Whilst I translated the above from memory, a trawl on the internet to confirm my memory reveals this:


This last verse contains the often quoted lines and shows Burns depth of understanding of human nature.


Note the capital P in Pow'r denoting God.


This last verse translates as


Oh, that God would give us the very smallest of gifts

To be able to see ourselves as others see us

It would save us from many mistakes

and foolish thoughts

We would change the way we look and gesture

and to how and what we apply our time and attention.


.....which, in the context I quoted it, is probably a better transfer of the meaning than I stabbed at; but giftie is a small gift; Power may be translated as God (or your particular god, to paraphrase Dave Allen).


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However, what Burns actually wrote is "some Pow'r". I think one has to respect his choice of words.


He had chosen to write in Scots, or Lallans, rather than English - in which he was equally proficient - so the inclusion of "some" should be accorded due significance: it is unlikely to be careless use of language.


It seems to me, as the whole poem is a little bit of light hearted poking of fun, that he merely seeks to summon an unspecified superior power to imbue us with better insight into our own foolish pomposity.


In this context, it seems to me, a direct appeal to God might, at that time, have been judged blasphemous. So, he capitalises "Pow'r" to indicate the need for something transcending human reason.


Pedant's corner? :-D

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2011-11-02 8:04 AM
Brian Kirby - 2011-11-02 7:38 AM  Pedant's corner? :-D

Pedant's Corner? Surely there's more than one of us? ;-)
I've got a pretty pendant;-)..............can I join?:D
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No fur the furst time I staun correctit.


I was relying on a 50 year old memory of my English teachers translation of Burns.

(Later in life I was to discover how flawed her tecnique, of analysing every single word in isolation, was!)


Had I bothered to look at one of the many Burns books in the house I would have seen the capitalisation and looked at the glossary showing 'giftie' = a gift.


"That man to man the world o'er,

shall brithers be for a' that"

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Brian Kirby - 2011-11-02 7:38 AM


However, what Burns actually wrote is "some Pow'r". I think one has to respect his choice of words.


He had chosen to write in Scots, or Lallans, rather than English - in which he was equally proficient - so the inclusion of "some" should be accorded due significance: it is unlikely to be careless use of language.


It seems to me, as the whole poem is a little bit of light hearted poking of fun, that he merely seeks to summon an unspecified superior power to imbue us with better insight into our own foolish pomposity.


In this context, it seems to me, a direct appeal to God might, at that time, have been judged blasphemous. So, he capitalises "Pow'r" to indicate the need for something transcending human reason.


Pedant's corner? :-D


.......Whilst my web reference specifically chooses "God", I agree with you (which is largely why I came over all Dave Allenish).


Now I'll go back into what has become (to please Francis) Pedants' Corner.


(....before someone launches into the joke about The Serious Burns Unit :-S )

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