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Where's they gone?

Guest Tracker

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aultymer - 2011-11-02 8:12 AM


No fur the furst time I staun correctit.


I was relying on a 50 year old memory of my English teachers translation of Burns.

(Later in life I was to discover how flawed her tecnique, of analysing every single word in isolation, was!)


Had I bothered to look at one of the many Burns books in the house I would have seen the capitalisation and looked at the glossary showing 'giftie' = a gift.


"That man to man the world o'er,

shall brithers be for a' that"


I'm not sure whether you're blaming it on your English teacher , or your English teacher.........


......but I can probably guess! ;-)

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knight of the road - 2011-11-01 9:40 PM


In order to calm the situation down and have a laugh, anyone wanna buy one of my beautiful hand made birdboxes (lol) only joking, not trying to plug my wares.


That's just cruel ... fancy plugging up the hole ... how do the poor little dickie birds get in and out! :D

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francisgraham - 2011-11-01 8:16 PM


My experience of Tracker is of a devious and slimy individual who is underhand and delights in stirring trouble, just for the sake of it. His favourite ploy seems to be to post something nasty and  inflammatory and then, when taken to task, claim that he was just doing it for fun, or to provoke a discussion.


No he doesn't, he is a genuinely sly and snide person as I and several other longer serving members will testify.




It looks like 'The Jolly Fisherman' is going to need a bigger hook if he's taking on FG... 8-)

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