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Mobile "Smartphones": iphone v HTC.


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Just a quick update on a thread that was running maybe 6 months ago now (although I can't seem to locate the original thread!).


A number of contributors then were wondering about/discussing the relative merits of iphones, versus others, notably the Android software-driven competitors such as the HTC smartphones.


At that point I was using an iphone 3, with 16GB of memory.

In some ways it was very useful, particularly having a phone with built in wifi, and what I had thought then was loads of space for storing/accessing music, photos, and even videos (films) on the move.

But in other respects I found it very frustrating:

- the visual design was great, but the itunes software that you use on your PC to "talk" to it is utterly utterly dire. Really.

- The internal phone software regularly locked up.

- I quickly found that a total memory of 16GB ( of which only about 13 GB can actually be used, as the rest hosts the basic operating system of the phone) ain't very big by modern standards. And 'cos that memory is built in to the phone, you can't expand it.

- I found battery life to be VERY poor. After a years use I was having to charge it up every night. The battery is also built in, so there's no way of changing the battery (other than sending the whole phone back to Apple and paying a King's Ransom for them to replce the battery.




Anyway, to the point of my post.

I've recently had a feeebie new phone offer from Vodafone Spain, 'cos of the number of points we've built up.

After quite a lot of research, and talking to loads of people, and looking at loads of mobile phone forums ( yes, I'm sad, I know!), I have opted for an HTC Wildfire S smartphone.

It's been around for about 1 year now; is slightly smaller than the "full size" smartphones, (I found a full size smartphone a bit too big for my pocket) and has (apparently) got a slightly slower processor than the very latest ones that have been launched in the past 6 months or so.


So, what's it like?



Utterly fantastic.

A revelation.


The Android operating softarwe that all these "iphone-competitor" smartphone use is just brilliant. So simple. So fast. Never any hanging, or conflict with any other programmes on your PC. You can load the phone with MP3's and just about any format of music/video without first having to laboriously change it's format into the stupid ".AAC" format that only iphones use.

There are hundreds of thousands of "Apps" available for it, from loads of different places...OK, so slightly fewer than the number currently available for iphones, but all the ones you'll ever actually need in the real world are available, and loads more are free compared to the total rip-off that is the itunes store.

The phone comes with a microSD memory card slot, with just a 2 GB card installed. But I've got a 32GB SD memory card from it from ebay for the enormous cost of £16.99 (I could have got a 64GB memory card!). These cards are industry standard; are removeable easily, so can be transferred to other phones/your pc etc.

The battery is removeable, and you can buy a spare, or even upgrade yours to a heavy duty higher milliamp one quite cheaply.

It's bluetooth ability is faster, more powerfull, and auto-setup.

It's wifi ability is a LOT more powerful, and is an utter piece of cake to setup/use.

Accessories like chargers etc are all over ebay, at FAR less money than iphones. I've bought three 12volt cgiggie-lighter chargers for it via ebay UK for the TOTAL price of £3.42, including free postage to Spain.




If anyone out there is thinking of getting a new smartphone, and is toying with buying an iphone, I would urge them to consider the HTC range instead......... having experience of both types I am totally convinced that the HTC smartphones really have overtaken iphones, and are a much better phone, with much better and easier use, for a lot less money.


Just my personal opinion............





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Guest Tracker

Thanks for that highly illuminating posting Bruce.


I always suspected that there might be communication issues between Apple based products and MS based products.


My son has an Apple laptop, and Iphone and an Ipad and he reckons they all inter communicate brilliantly.


I on the other hand have an MS OS on my PC and whilst I do quite fancy an Ipad and a smartphone as handy playthings I am reluctant to buy either until I can be sure they will communicate with the PC.


Anecdotaly I am told that an Android device will communicate well with an MS device - but I have often been told similar things by people who know how to fix glitches - I don't - so I have yet to have the confidence to buy either!

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Rich - I can vouch for how totally seamlessly and fast the Android 2.3 software on this HTC phone (so I assume, the same or latest 3.0 Android software on any other smartphone) interacts with the MS operating system on any PC.


Honestly, it's brilliant; after all the hassles with my iphone, I love it!





Chaps, don't go ipad - go the Android equivalent. Pay a lot less and get a LOT more.



iphone/ipad/iripoff is so overtaken now - long live Android and HTC!!!

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Yep, thats exactly what I said at the time on the previous thread you mentioned. Just the fact that you can change or upgrade the battery makes it better than the Iphone that you have to send away or exchange in an Apple shop at extortionate cost.

My own opinion after having both is, as with most Apple 'stuff,' it is the most overhyped rubbish going.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from yet another chug around Spain, this time for 12 days - and this HTC Wildfire S mobile phone was just brilliant to use throughout.

Battery lasts ages.

Wifi is brilliant, and reception is very good too.

Music sound card is great.

Bluetooth is easy-peasy.


Happy bunny. :-D

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  • 2 months later...
Guest pelmetman

Contemplating a new phone and thinking of the HTC...................am I right in thinking I can load it with all my music and use this to play music via the camper radio?




Clear scan technology to locate the best radio frequency to listen to your music




Clear scan technology to locate the best radio frequency to listen to your music

The dock connector charges your iphone/iPod using the 12V lighter socket

Extra USB charging let you charge virtually any MP3 player

Rich sound output with the TuneCast's built-in PRO setting to boosts the volume of your digital music

High-contrast backlit LCD

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I purchased an HTC Wildfire a few weeks ago. Its my first Smart Phone and I do find it rather clever. Initially I found typing a bit difficult but I am getting used to it. I have ordered the more powerful battery but that seems to have gone astray in the post so they are sending me another! One reason for buying it was that I have just purchased a netbook and wanted to use the Wildfire for tethering.



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  • 1 month later...
Klyne - 2012-03-16 11:09 AM


postnote - 2012-03-16 1:10 AM


It’s always amazed me that people have smart phones when they themselves are far from being smart! :D :D


Thats why we need a Smart phone :-)




Nice reply... :D :D

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