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LEZ (London)


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I received a letter from Transport for London today saying my van will not be compliant in 2012 BUT.....

The leaflet they sent with it states I will be compliant! If I log on to TFL and use their checker the registration check says non compliant but the check by vehicle type says compliant. Elsewhere on the TFL website it states vehicles "Vehicles registered as new before 1 October 2006" are non compliant. (the online check by vehicle type states vehicles registered before 2002 & make s no mention of 2006)

I have e-mailed TFL with the registration document for clarification but it looks as if their leaflet AND online "check by type" are both wrong as neither make any mention of vehicles registered before 1/10/06


Anyone else noticed this?

Trigano Tribute 3300kg 2005 registered.



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Unless there is no chance of you entering the LEZ, I would persevere with your attempts to get compliance by reg number acknowledged (since this will be what sets the system off if you enter).


FWIW, the whole system appears to be a shambles. My previous 'van was both Euro III and over 3500kg, so non-compliant from 2012.


My current 'van, to which the registration number was transferred via the DVLA, is Euro IV and 3500kg, so entirely compliant from 2012.


I gave 6 months for the LEZ system to recognise the vehicle change (which it never did), and so I invoked a change by registration number by sending off the appropriate documentation.


It was acknowledged by letter, and a check by registration number now evokes a compliant response - the latest mailing exercise (as you have obviously just been subjected to) tells me however (by registration number) that I am not compliant from 2012.



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BTW, the 1/10/2006 date refers to the point at which all new (relevant) registrations had to be Euro IV compliant, and the LEZ will insist on that Euro IV compliance for motorcaravans over 3500kg after 1/1/2012.


The reason you haven't encountered that date is presumably because you have been researching a vehicle that is not over 3500kg, for which only Euro III compliance (which yours should have) will be required.

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There are probably those that still don't care too much about the LEZ, however if you ever use or may use the M25 you really need to be aware.

Should you be travelling on the M25 and get ordered off by the authorities due to say an accident, as occured recently on the southern clockwise section due to a diesel spill melting all four carriageways you could inadvertantly (as I also did recently) enter the LEZ. I am told by a friend that works for TfL that even if ordered to go into the Zone that would NOT stop you from liability for the charge as is also the case with the Congestion Charge. I have also on a previous occasion, albeit late at night, joined the M11 at one junction prior to the M25 where there was absolutely no warning that the M25 slip round was completely blocked with roadworks and you had to continue down to Woodford where it is very easy to get caught in the LEZ and not easy to avoid it if you don't know the area (I know the area reasonably well and I still went into the LEZ).

So all the rights and wrongs of whether you should be liable or not does not alter the fact that anyone could accidently stray into the LEZ and will be charged if they are non complient.



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Basil - 2011-11-08 5:24 PM


There are probably those that still don't care too much about the LEZ, however if you ever use or may use the M25 you really need to be aware.

Should you be travelling on the M25 and get ordered off by the authorities due to say an accident, as occured recently on the southern clockwise section due to a diesel spill melting all four carriageways you could inadvertantly (as I also did recently) enter the LEZ. I am told by a friend that works for TfL that even if ordered to go into the Zone that would NOT stop you from liability for the charge as is also the case with the Congestion Charge. I have also on a previous occasion, albeit late at night, joined the M11 at one junction prior to the M25 where there was absolutely no warning that the M25 slip round was completely blocked with roadworks and you had to continue down to Woodford where it is very easy to get caught in the LEZ and not easy to avoid it if you don't know the area (I know the area reasonably well and I still went into the LEZ).

So all the rights and wrongs of whether you should be liable or not does not alter the fact that anyone could accidently stray into the LEZ and will be charged if they are non complient.




.....it may be from a friend, but it is not at all true ;-)


Extracted from the LEZ official documentation:


Diverted into the Low Emission Zone - If you are diverted into the Low Emission Zone due to an incident, accident or road works, you should either follow the diversion route or leave as soon as possible. When making a Representation please give as many details as possible including the date, time and location of the diversion; details of the incident that may relate for instance an accident on the M25 and if you spoke with a police officer. We will check our records to confirm if there was a diversion. If, however, you enter the Low Emission Zone just to avoid traffic or got lost then these are not valid grounds for Representation

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IF i was diverted INTO the LEZ, the first thing I would do is stop and cover my numberplate('obscure' it anyway) I have no intention of EVER driving into or near London ,but you can't really avoid the M25 can you ? AND i don't see why i should have to 'Argue the toss' as whether i pay an anonymous 'Someone' £200.or Not. >:-) >:-) >:-) Ray


ps the 'obstruction' would be removed as soon as the 'Big Brother' cameras were cleared (OUT of London). funny, i never thought it would come to this, as I am normally a 'Law abiding' citizen.AND an Ex.Londoner. i also believe, but don't care, that my vehicle IS compliant.They still will not Read my number.

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Rayjsj - 2011-11-08 8:53 PM


IF i was diverted INTO the LEZ, the first thing I would do is stop and cover my numberplate('obscure' it anyway) I have no intention of EVER driving into or near London ,but you can't really avoid the M25 can you ? AND i don't see why i should have to 'Argue the toss' as whether i pay an anonymous 'Someone' £200.or Not. >:-) >:-) >:-) Ray



....well, of course, far better to risk a £1000 fine than to be able to avoid any payment at all by a valid "representation".



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Robinhood - 2011-11-08 7:48 PM


.....it may be from a friend, but it is not at all true ;-)


Extracted from the LEZ official documentation:


Diverted into the Low Emission Zone - If you are diverted into the Low Emission Zone due to an incident, accident or road works, you should either follow the diversion route or leave as soon as possible. When making a Representation please give as many details as possible including the date, time and location of the diversion; details of the incident that may relate for instance an accident on the M25 and if you spoke with a police officer. We will check our records to confirm if there was a diversion. If, however, you enter the Low Emission Zone just to avoid traffic or got lost then these are not valid grounds for Representation


And how does that make it untrue? Making Representation does NOT mean you will be let off it and again according to my friend, with a little smile, well you can try!




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Robinhood - 2011-11-08 9:07 PM


Rayjsj - 2011-11-08 8:53 PM


IF i was diverted INTO the LEZ, the first thing I would do is stop and cover my numberplate('obscure' it anyway) I have no intention of EVER driving into or near London ,but you can't really avoid the M25 can you ? AND i don't see why i should have to 'Argue the toss' as whether i pay an anonymous 'Someone' £200.or Not. >:-) >:-) >:-) Ray



....well, of course, far better to risk a £1000 fine than to be able to avoid any payment at all by a valid "representation".



FIRST they have to catch me ! and with hardly any 'traffic cops' around anymore (mores the pity !) not very likely. When Policing relies too much on Cameras and 'Good citizenship' for compliance of 'Unfair Laws', they are doomed to fail. ;-) Ray


And yes, i would rather pay a £1000 fine than pay either the LEZ or the Congestion Charge, Both set up and Run by private companies for profit.


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Basil - 2011-11-09 11:13 AM


Robinhood - 2011-11-08 7:48 PM


.....it may be from a friend, but it is not at all true ;-)


Extracted from the LEZ official documentation:


Diverted into the Low Emission Zone - If you are diverted into the Low Emission Zone due to an incident, accident or road works, you should either follow the diversion route or leave as soon as possible. When making a Representation please give as many details as possible including the date, time and location of the diversion; details of the incident that may relate for instance an accident on the M25 and if you spoke with a police officer. We will check our records to confirm if there was a diversion. If, however, you enter the Low Emission Zone just to avoid traffic or got lost then these are not valid grounds for Representation


And how does that make it untrue? Making Representation does NOT mean you will be let off it and again according to my friend, with a little smile, well you can try!






....by all means continue to rely on the opinion of your "friend" (or indeed, your wife's cousin's mother-in-law's boyfriend ;-) ).


I'll rely on the regulations as enacted in law. :-D

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Thats fine, but doesn't really warrant the sarcasm IMO!


As always it's your choice to do as you please, personally I have no faith whatsoever in TfL as an organisation and I certainly would not wish to go to law as you may be prepared to do. So being aware, which is what I was saying, to me is the best policy.



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Rayjsj - 2011-11-09 11:16 AM


Robinhood - 2011-11-08 9:07 PM


Rayjsj - 2011-11-08 8:53 PM


IF i was diverted INTO the LEZ, the first thing I would do is stop and cover my numberplate('obscure' it anyway) I have no intention of EVER driving into or near London ,but you can't really avoid the M25 can you ? AND i don't see why i should have to 'Argue the toss' as whether i pay an anonymous 'Someone' £200.or Not. >:-) >:-) >:-) Ray



....well, of course, far better to risk a £1000 fine than to be able to avoid any payment at all by a valid "representation".



Rayjsj - 2011-11-09 11:16 AM

FIRST they have to catch me ! and with hardly any 'traffic cops' around anymore (mores the pity !) not very likely. When Policing relies too much on Cameras and 'Good citizenship' for compliance of 'Unfair Laws', they are doomed to fail. ;-) Ray


There are a very large number of police within the LEZ and Congestion charge areas, with a remit to look out for people who are trying to avoid the charges.


And yes, i would rather pay a £1000 fine than pay either the LEZ or the Congestion Charge, Both set up and Run by private companies for profit.


......well, the areas were set up and are administered by the GLA, which isn't a private company (or at least wasn't the last time I checked, but with Boris at the helm, anything might have happened :-( )


I have little time for Capita, who were involved at the start, but somewhat more time for IBM who now run the systems, and of course, expect to make some profit from the provision of their services, but in this culture of outsourcing, nothing different there.


Of course, if you get caught, and are non-compliant, you are not likely to get the option to pay one rather than the other - more likely to be all three. :D

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  • 1 month later...

I downloaded the form and filled it in. Have now been acknowledged as LEZ compliant. (I checked this by putting the reg no in)

Re the form...some of the answers are not specifically available on the reg document. If you are doing this just quote your weight as shown on the reg. doc and tell them the engine is "as original" since the reg doc does NOT state if the engine is euro3/4 etc.

Still don't plan on going into the zone but as it's so close to where we live one never knows.


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