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So, tomorrow is the showdown at the OK Corral. OK, it is just a meeting between Big Angie of the German Empire and our own ‘Call me Dave’ the bright boy from Oxfordshire.


Dave evidently wants Angie to open up her handbag and pay for the drinks, OK, the rest of Europe while she feels that this is not appropriate for a nice well dressed girl from Munchen somewhere and that really Dave should be gentlemanly and offer to pay the whole she bang. After all, he does have all the banks in his part of the world and why cannot they pay up as they caused the whole mess in the 1st place. Dave in turn feels that Angie’s mob were very quick to loan lots of loot to the weak knee’d peoples from the south just so they could buy German goods, and so it would be humane to help them out now they are bust. He feels the fact that the banks were involved was just ‘business’. A bit like Al Capone selling booze to Clubs and then taking a share of the profits perhaps.


Meanwhile one of her trusted allies, Sarky le Frog, feels that as long as he does not have to pay, then who cares, with a Gallic shrug. Anyway, it was his banks that did the loan shark business and now want either their cash back, or will send the ‘heavies’ round to see those nice Greek boys and the Italian Mob. As he states, if that fails, every time his Mob get into trouble the 'nice boys' from across the 'river' always come to help. He will be round to see Big Angie jsut as soon as 'Call me Dave' has headed for home to see what deal has been stitched up, oops sorry 'negotiated'.


So, how will it all end? Kisses and happy frankfurters together or tears and barbed comments?


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Unfortunately as seems to be normal these days, it all turned out to be a damp squib.+ They agreed to disagree and Big Angie is carrying on doing it all her way, and sod the rest of us. Little Dave for his part achieved very little.


Is there anyone out there who can fight for ther UK??????????

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Dave225 - 2011-11-18 9:55 PM


Is there anyone out there who can fight for ther UK??????????


Only UKIP.

Unfortunately I got taken in by the lies of the present incumbents and voted for them. It wont happen again because UKIP will get my vote.

The only people who would have fought for Britain are all dead with the exception of Mrs. T.

All politicians, a few backbenchers excepted, are now ditherers in the Chamberlain mould, frightened of their own shadow and disciples of politically correct, multicultural diversity which has spread through this country like a cancer in the last 15 years.

The government haven't even got the will to clear St. Pauls and was it a coincidence that the biased BBC chose two protesters to interview in the square who could barely speak English? Like Dale Farm, a lot of the protesters are foreign agitators who shouldn't be allowed in the country let alone costing taxpayers thousands of pounds.

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Whilst I work in the finance sector, I actually support a lot of what the protestors are saying - namely that the big banks need sorting and that "capitalism" as it works at the moment is hardly what it should be. The State has taken over the regulation of so much of it such that an elite morphs easily from one side to the other.


Sorry to repeat myself but we saw this with the FSA as a State run regulator not being able to understand what the banks were doing so they invited Bank officials to be seconded to the FSA.


The result was the banking crisis that kicked off with Northern Rock.


The whole thing is a mess. We pay an inordinate amount of tax to be governed by plonkers who just feather their own nest. What we have now is not capitalism it is cronyism. And in a similar way I think the justifiable concerns of some of us that true capitalism has been sidelined by a rapacious State, I also think that the protest at St Pauls and elsewhere has been taken over by the same old agitator crowd that is anti everything.


And I too was concerned at the accents of the two people interviewed on the BBC.


"......was it a coincidence that the biased BBC chose two protesters to interview in the square who could barely speak English?"


Good point LB


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Is it going to matter as we will all be under the 'yoke' of Germany before too long. Even the German ministers have stated that the UK will have the Euro whether we like it or not. The Irish Budget was sent to Germany for approval, so who is betting ours is also in the Post? Actually, if it is in the Post they probably won't get it until next year as it probably did not fit the slot in the Post Office Hah! Hah!


Cameron has stated that if we do not participate in Europe we will end up like Norway, Oh, how I do wish. Plenty of money, generous pensions, good lifestyle and always bottom of the Eurovision song contest. What more could you ask for? I noted that DC arrived back at Northolt Aerodrome and came down the steps of the plane waving a piece of paper. 'I had talks with the German Chancellor and he/she has agreed to disagree. She has stated that Germany has no aggresive actions towards the UK, just as long as we do as we are told'. So that is alright then. ' I have fully agreed with her, and Nick Clegg told me I was in line for a EU job when I get thrown out of office'.



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