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Is It Any Wonder?

Lord Braykewynde

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Eighteen C of E bishops have signed a letter complaining about the government which is cutting the limit that no household can claim more than per week to £500.

£500 8-)

Per week at that 8-)

There certainly is an unknown malaise affecting the clergy and judiciary of this country and most are certainly out of touch with the majorities feelings.

Is it any wonder that church attendances are so low?

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Just watched the Andrew Marr show over my porridge. Excellent point raised by one of the paper reviewers. he said something like:-


'The Church is taking on a policy that the majority of people actually agree with - the majority of people agree that benefits should be capped at the average income for all of us in the UK - which is c. £26K a year. However, there are some who can claim far more than that in state benefits currently.'


I agree - I think this is a sensible policy and the Church is barmy, out of touch, with its head in the clouds to think that the average hard working family is going to feel happy about the prospect of their paying huge amounts of tax so that others can manipulate the system to actually get MORE than that which is the average! 8-)


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I don't think the church is really taking this on.


Having come unstuck at St.Pauls where they were perceived to be backing the 'capitalists' against the 'people' they are now anxious to show that they are really on the side of the 'oppressed'.


Just a bit of grandstanding in my opinion.



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LordThornber - 2011-11-20 10:53 AM


The tale in full..






Read the comments that people have posted (lol)


Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)

I would think the majority of the country who work would love to take home £26k a year after all stoppages.

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Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)


It must be possible to have a discussion which stops short of inaccauracies, verging on personal insult. Clearly Dr Rowan Williams is not a "druid" as he is of the Christian faith, and Ed Balls is not, by definition, a "moron" however much you disagree with him and wish it were so.

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Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 6:18 PM


Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)


It must be possible to have a discussion which stops short of inaccuracies, verging on personal insult. Clearly Dr Rowan Williams is not a "druid" as he is of the Christian faith, and Ed Balls is not, by definition, a "moron" however much you disagree with him and wish it were so.


Of course it is Gwendolyn, but only if you can choose your contributors!


Sadly, it is quite common currency to demean those whose views run counter to the popular view of the day. It is the way those who hold the popular view seek to make their opinions appear worthy of debate. The problem is, it debases any discussion to the point at which one might as well discuss the merits of a dung heap. :-)


However, it is what passes for political comment, and is advanced in the name of equal rights and democracy. Which, of course, why we are in the mess we are in. ;-)

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Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 6:18 PM
Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)
It must be possible to have a discussion which stops short of inaccauracies, verging on personal insult. Clearly Dr Rowan Williams is not a "druid" as he is of the Christian faith, and Ed Balls is not, by definition, a "moron" however much you disagree with him and wish it were so.

I wouldn't waste your time on this lot Gwendolyn. On the one hand we have Ed Balls who went to Oxford and gained a First Class Honours Degree in PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and from there to Harvard where he was appointed a Kennedy Scholar. He then became a leader writer on the Financial Times before going into politics in 2005.

On the other hand we have Lord FullofWind who can't spell scary.

See you in a few weeks!

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Brian Kirby - 2011-11-20 6:46 PM


....it is what passes for political comment, and is advanced in the name of equal rights and democracy. Which, of course, why we are in the mess we are in. ;-)


Oh Brian, are you advocating that only those who can pass some kind of citizenship / political awareness / non reader of inflammatory, biased reporting / non prejudiced language user / test should be able to have a vote???? HMMMM.....

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2011-11-20 6:54 PM

I wouldn't waste your time on this lot Gwendolyn. On the one hand we have Ed Balls who went to Oxford and gained a First Class Honours Degree in PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and from there to Harvard where he was appointed a Kennedy Scholar. He then became a leader writer on the Financial Times before going into politics in 2005.

As you say FG:D Ed Balls along with many of our politicians are highly educated and obviously from very superiour stock..........................Maybe that's why Europe and us are up s***t creek without a paddle;-)................(lol)
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pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:18 PM


As you say FG:D Ed Balls along with many of our politicians are highly educated and obviously from very superiour stock..........................Maybe that's why Europe and us are up s***t creek without a paddle;-)................(lol)


Well there is simply nothing to stop you, and Lord B, and anyone else who thinks they may have a solution to the current crisis, seeking a nomination, standing for Parliament and, once elected, seeking high office in order to paddle us out of the proverbial creek? Why do you not?

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Guest pelmetman
Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 7:31 Pm Why do you not?
I maybe an idiot:D.......................but I'm not that stupid(lol).....................
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pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:35 PM


Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 7:31 Pm Why do you not?
I maybe an idiot:D.......................but I'm not that stupid(lol).....................


As Oscar Wilde said [well if it wasn't him saying something it was Shakespeare]:


“Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.”


SO>>> go on, be noble .....



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pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:35 PM


Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 7:31 Pm Why do you not?
I maybe an idiot:D.......................but I'm not that stupid(lol).....................


Oh, I don't know ...... you'd get my vote as you seem to 'qualify' in that regard! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 7:42 PM
pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:35 PM
Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 7:31 Pm Why do you not?
I maybe an idiot:D.......................but I'm not that stupid(lol).....................
As Oscar Wilde said [well if it wasn't him saying something it was Shakespeare]:“Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.”SO>>> go on, be noble .....
I'm much better at being Ignoble Gwendolyn;-).....................and its lots more fun:D
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pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:52 PM


I'm much better at being Ignoble Gwendolyn;-).....................and its lots more fun:D


Sure it is.... but then if we are not prepared to take on any civic responsibility, are we right to rail so strongly against those that do, when they get it, in our judgement, wrong????

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I feel part of this forum now because Forest Gump has finally picked me up on one spelling mistake ... LMAO (lol) Considering he wasn't going to post anymore he's been waiting a long time ;-) heh! heh! heh!

Just one more comment for Gwendoline, Gumpy and Kirkby. You're lot had thirteen years in power and look how they've screwed up the country so that doesn't say much for Ed Balls credentials. :-)

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Guest pelmetman
Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 8:09 PM
pelmetman - 2011-11-20 7:52 PMI'm much better at being Ignoble Gwendolyn;-).....................and its lots more fun:D
Sure it is.... but then if we are not prepared to take on any civic responsibility, are we right to rail so strongly against those that do, when they get it, in our judgement, wrong????
As a budding armchair anarchist:D.......... I feel its my responsibility to treat all our authorities with the disrespect they deserve;-).............and judging by the number of times they have proved to be self seeking hypocrites*-)..........We darn't take our eye's of them for a second8-).............the expenses scandal is just the latest episode.........Lobbying will be the next;-)     
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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 8:18 PMI feel part of this forum now because Forest Gump has finally picked me up on one spelling mistake ... LMAO (lol) Considering he wasn't going to post anymore he's been waiting a long time ;-) heh! heh! heh!Just one more comment for Gwendoline, Gumpy and Kirkby. You're lot had thirteen years in power and look how they've screwed up the country so that doesn't say much for Ed Balls credentials. :-)

I could spend all day pointing out your imbecilic writing and why you're the last person who should be labelling Ed Balls a moron.

But I'll start with "You're lot had thirteen years in power...................."

You're lot? You're is a contraction of 'you are'. A man who doesn't know the difference between your and you're has no right to be calling Oxbridge graduates morons! 

Write one hundred lines: 'I must not criticise my betters until I've mastered Junior-School English.'
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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 8:18 PM


I feel part of this forum now because Forest Gump has finally picked me up on one spelling mistake ... LMAO (lol) Considering he wasn't going to post anymore he's been waiting a long time ;-) heh! heh! heh!

Just one more comment for Gwendoline, Gumpy and Kirkby. You're lot had thirteen years in power and look how they've screwed up the country so that doesn't say much for Ed Balls credentials. :-)


I fail to see how a comment about the necessity for careful use of language = labour voter.

At no time did I comment on Ed Balls’ credentials [did you mean expertise, competency????] but pointed out that, by definition, he is not a moron. Judging him to be less than competent does not extrapolate into "moron”.


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francisgraham - 2011-11-20 8:36 PM


Write one hundred lines: 'I must not criticise my betters until I've mastered Junior-School English.'


Sorry Gumpy but I've better things to do than scan peoples posts for spelling mistakes and then try to show how superior I am but I will do a deal with you. I will accept that I'm an imbecile if you admit that you're infantile :-)

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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 10:19 PM
francisgraham - 2011-11-20 8:36 PMWrite one hundred lines: 'I must not criticise my betters until I've mastered Junior-School English.'
Sorry Gumpy but I've better things to do than scan peoples posts for spelling mistakes and then try to show how superior I am but I will do a deal with you. I will accept that I'm an imbecile if you admit that you're infantile :-)

I'm not actually trying to prove that I'm superior to you as that has always been self-evident. What I'm trying to show you is that you really are an imbecile who is unintelligent and poorly educated and unfit to go around insulting others, and I'm pleased that you now understand that.

Perhaps now the truth has dawned you'll stop calling people morons, especially when they have an I.Q. twice that of yours?

Anyway, how do you get to your age without having worked out the difference between your and you're? Now that is an absolute mystery to me! Even if you left school at fourteen, don't you read books or newspapers? Do you actually read anything? Actually, I suspect that you don't!

What really worries me is that people such as you are driving around in three and a half ton motorhomes! Now that is scary (not 'scarey' by the way!).

Well, I've enjoyed my little visit sorting out this site's resident cretin, so I'll bid you goodbye until the spirit moves me to pop in again! 

Toodle pip your vulgarness!
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