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Is It Any Wonder?

Lord Braykewynde

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Gwendolyn - 2011-11-20 6:58 PM


Brian Kirby - 2011-11-20 6:46 PM


....it is what passes for political comment, and is advanced in the name of equal rights and democracy. Which, of course, why we are in the mess we are in. ;-)


Oh Brian, are you advocating that only those who can pass some kind of citizenship / political awareness / non reader of inflammatory, biased reporting / non prejudiced language user / test should be able to have a vote???? HMMMM.....


Do you know what, Gwendolyn, I really think I may be! I mean, what is the alternative? Having the lunatics in charge of the asylum? Dreadful, isn't it! (lol)

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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 8:18 PM


I feel part of this forum now because Forest Gump has finally picked me up on one spelling mistake ... LMAO (lol) Considering he wasn't going to post anymore he's been waiting a long time ;-) heh! heh! heh!

Just one more comment for Gwendoline, Gumpy and Kirkby. You're lot had thirteen years in power and look how they've screwed up the country so that doesn't say much for Ed Balls credentials. :-)


Ah, the humours of the fundament speak! As usual, followed by the ordures. :-D


Pray explain, whose lot is that you refer to? My lot are in government at present - unless there's been an election I've somehow missed. They don't seem to be doing too well either!

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francisgraham - 2011-11-20 11:17 PM


Perhaps now the truth has dawned you'll stop calling people morons, especially when they have an I.Q. twice that of yours


I wasn't disputing his I.Q. because I wouldn't know what it is. The point I was trying to make is how they don't use that superior intelligence. Not all are capable of this. You are a classic example but then again your superior intelligence is only what you've propagated yourself and not all are taken in by your ego :-)


P.S. Would you please stop typing out your posts in Notepad and then copy/pasting them so that you can use spellcheck because it makes it difficult when quoting your rants.

Have a nice vacation Gumpy and don't let too many pi$$ you off. (lol)

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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-21 7:35 AM
francisgraham - 2011-11-20 11:17 PM
Perhaps now the truth has dawned you'll stop calling people morons, especially when they have an I.Q. twice that of yours
I wasn't disputing his I.Q. because I wouldn't know what it is. The point I was trying to make is how they don't use that superior intelligence. Not all are capable of this. You are a classic example but then again your superior intelligence is only what you've propagated yourself and not all are taken in by your ego :-)P.S. Would you please stop typing out your posts in Notepad and then copy/pasting them so that you can use spellcheck because it makes it difficult when quoting your rants.Have a nice vacation Gumpy and don't let too many pi$$ you off. (lol)

I really didn't want to return but here goes! Why do you always get everything wrong? I never use Notepad as, unlike you, I can actually spell. I use Google Chrome and type directly into the box. However, every time I post a thread I get a warning notice that tells me that Mozilla is not supported. Now I know that Mozilla is yet another web browser but it must have similar properties to Chrome, hence the message. Needless to say I have no intention of ditching my favourite web browser because of this site's antiquated systems.

I post this mainly because it may help other users who are having the same problem that you are experiencing. 
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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 11:45 AM


LordThornber - 2011-11-20 10:53 AM


The tale in full..






Read the comments that people have posted (lol)


Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)

I would think the majority of the country who work would love to take home £26k a year after all stoppages.


£26k a year? I know one or two guys on the dole and none of them are on that kind of money, so can you tell me who is please?

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knight of the road - 2011-11-21 3:02 PM


Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 11:45 AM


LordThornber - 2011-11-20 10:53 AM


The tale in full..






Read the comments that people have posted (lol)


Once the bearded druid, Rowan Williams, who lives at Lambeth Palace and that moronic Ed Balls chirp up their argument loses all credibility *-)

I would think the majority of the country who work would love to take home £26k a year after all stoppages.


£26k a year? I know one or two guys on the dole and none of them are on that kind of money, so can you tell me who is please?



£26k is said to be the average wage in the country, but like all these satistics they are almost completely meaningless.


For example : If you are running a family business where you pay yourself £50,000 a year and your assistant £10,000 a year, the average wage in your company is £30k !

I doubt if your assistant would see it that way.





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francisgraham - 2011-11-20 8:36 PM
Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-20 8:18 PMI feel part of this forum now because Forest Gump has finally picked me up on one spelling mistake ... LMAO (lol) Considering he wasn't going to post anymore he's been waiting a long time ;-) heh! heh! heh!Just one more comment for Gwendoline, Gumpy and Kirkby. You're lot had thirteen years in power and look how they've screwed up the country so that doesn't say much for Ed Balls credentials. :-)

I could spend all day pointing out your imbecilic writing and why you're the last person who should be labelling Ed Balls a moron.

But I'll start with "You're lot had thirteen years in power...................."

You're lot? You're is a contraction of 'you are'. A man who doesn't know the difference between your and you're has no right to be calling Oxbridge graduates morons! 

Write one hundred lines: 'I must not criticise my betters until I've mastered Junior-School English.'
Nice one Francis. That's twice in one thread. Things are looking up. :D
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where on Earth does F.G. get the idea that the abiity to spell correctly means that you have a superior intellect and that anyone is your better. As far as I'm concerned Shakespear's spelling was strange but he has had more fame than most. *-) John.
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Totally agree Telfon.


And Wow, wow Wow! – here is one for the note books folks.


FG deciding LB is wrong to call a politician a moron when FG, of course has a totally blameless and spotless record of dishing out names and accusations to all and at all and sundry.


I quote


Writing “inflammatory, untrue and racist garbage”


Saying that what a forum member wrote “is a blatant lie” and is “bigoted nonsense”


And that truly excellent example of FG’s tact and diplomacy:-


“I don't believe you, you've read every word and we all know it! But I'll sum it up for you in simple terms. You're a racist, homophobic bigot with the IQ of a goldfish.”


In marked contrast – I would say that LB description of Ed Balls as a moron is pretty mild given the verbal skills LB can impart – it is certainly more accurate than any of FG’s bizarre and rather puerile utterances.


But hey! Perhaps he has seen the light and will now act as unofficial “standards” monitor as well as our self appointed spelling delegate.


Oh deary deary me. (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Ah, but Shakepear's spelling was probably correct for the time when he wrote his plays etc. Most literature of that period and even newer followed what we could quaintly call 'old English'.


I must also accept that I now read words which I feel cannot be English, but do appear in the latest versions of the dictionary. I still feel they are gibberish but evidently smarter minds than mine have approved them. Being able to spell and use proper grammar is certainly something everyone should attempt to attain to the best of their ability, but mistakes should not be considered a crime. However, laziness should not be used to justify poor use of the language. There are many people who have had a poor education but in later life have made efforts to remedy any faults.


I do have a dictionary above my computer and do use it if I have doubts about a word. Why not? I certainly do not trust the 'spell checker' as it is usually set to US English as a default and we all know they cannot speak English at all.

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Dave225 - 2011-11-21 8:11 PM


Ah, but Shakepear's spelling was probably correct for the time when he wrote his plays etc. Most literature of that period and even newer followed what we could quaintly call 'old English'.




Old English, properly, is Anglo Saxon, which is not recognisable as English as we know it at all.

Then came Middle English, at the time of Chaucer, and showing the French influence on our language following the Norman Conquest.

The English of Shakespeare’s day is very much nearer our own, but spelling was not standardized. Shakespeare's name for example was spelled in many different ways.


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teflon2 - 2011-11-21 7:41 PM


where on Earth does F.G. get the idea that the abiity to spell correctly means that you have a superior intellect and that anyone is your better. As far as I'm concerned Shakespear's spelling was strange but he has had more fame than most. *-) John.


The sad point is poor old Forest Gump picked up that spelling mistake in this thread ...


which has no relevance to this one but to score a brownie point he felt he had to show it ;-)

This says a lot about Gumpy and his couple of disciples who haven't the intellect to stand up to him.

Sad to think that Gumpy trawls the threads, (does that make him a Troll), in his infantile, puerile way.

Sometimes I wonder if he attempts humour but if he does he should give it up as a bad job because if wit was s**t he'd be constipated.

Somehow I don't think I'd be far wrong in assuming that Gumpy was either bullied at school or had a rough childhood and sitting behind a computer allows him to pay back society in his own warped sense.

Anyway, apologies to anyone who I may have upset but I reserve the right of reply if someone uses insults against myself for no other reason than to allow their online ego to grow :-)

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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-21 9:14 PM



The sad point is poor old Forest Gump picked up that spelling mistake in this thread ...


Shouldn't that be Forrest Gump?


Or are you referring to some kind of tree-dwelling simpleton?


Perhaps they should make a film about him, too? (lol)

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oldlowie - 2011-11-22 10:22 AM


Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-21 9:14 PM



The sad point is poor old Forest Gump picked up that spelling mistake in this thread ...


Shouldn't that be Forrest Gump?


Or are you referring to some kind of tree-dwelling simpleton?


Perhaps they should make a film about him, too? (lol)


I'm not sure about that oldlowie. I know there was a film of that title but I've never seen it. There is a Forest Gump on another forum I belong to and he's referred to as FG. This is how I refer to the FG on here as Forest Gump because it seems more appropriate and the name is more preferable to such an effeminate name than Francis (lol)

Thankfully the FG on the other forum doesn't use this forum. I can assure you that Gumpy would have a field day on his spelling because he's dyslexic and he wouldn't give a damn about his feelings. A past member of the same forum was also dyslexic and he was driven away by the Gump style keyboard bullies on that forum like the resident Gump on this one. This can be verified by Clive H.

As for a film on this Gump I envisage something along the likes of the Billy Goats Gruff. I see FG playing the Troll, a part he'd fit admirably as he's a miserable little s**te, and as for the Goat actors take your pick. There would be no shortage of people to act the goat and butt the turd up his jacksy (lol)

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Guest Peter James

You really need to know whether it is the mean average, or the median average.


For instance if you have 4 people on £10,000 a year, and 1 on £100,000 a year, the median average is the guy in ther middle, who has 2 below him and 2 above him - so £10,000 per year is the median average.



But the mean average is when you add them all up and divide by the number of people, £140,000 / 5 = £28,000, so looks a lot beter.


Guess which average our politicians prefer, median or mean *-)

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Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-22 2:33 PM


oldlowie - 2011-11-22 10:22 AM


Lord Braykewynde - 2011-11-21 9:14 PM



The sad point is poor old Forest Gump picked up that spelling mistake in this thread ...


Shouldn't that be Forrest Gump?


Or are you referring to some kind of tree-dwelling simpleton?


Perhaps they should make a film about him, too? (lol)


I'm not sure about that oldlowie. I know there was a film of that title but I've never seen it. There is a Forest Gump on another forum I belong to and he's referred to as FG. This is how I refer to the FG on here as Forest Gump because it seems more appropriate and the name is more preferable to such an effeminate name than Francis (lol)

Thankfully the FG on the other forum doesn't use this forum. I can assure you that Gumpy would have a field day on his spelling because he's dyslexic and he wouldn't give a damn about his feelings. A past member of the same forum was also dyslexic and he was driven away by the Gump style keyboard bullies on that forum like the resident Gump on this one. This can be verified by Clive H.

As for a film on this Gump I envisage something along the like of the Billy Goats Gruff. I see FG playing the Troll, a part he'd fit admirably as he's a miserable little s**te, and as for the Goat actors take your pick. There would be no shortage of people to act the goat and butt the turd up his jacksy (lol)





Indeed I can verify LB - and it was one of the most unedifying and abhorrent bullying I have ever seen.


To be fair to FG - he is not as bad as that particular slime ball - more of a mild nuisance than a full on obnoxious *hit


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