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The "3.5 Days" Plan.


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Every single "oh my life is so hard and so stressful" achieved-nothing whiner and protester in the West should be sat down and forced to watch this again and again and again until they finally grasp and appreciate the reality of just how obscenely well-off and cosseted they actually are.


Bill Whittle's "3.5 days-per-year" plan should be made compulsory.


End of rant.







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Guest Tracker

Absolutely - how wonderfully non PC and presented so much better than I ever could!


On the other hand it could also be argued that corporate and individual greed especially in the banking, financial and political sectors has got somewhat out of hand over the last twenty years or so and does need to be reigned in?

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Guest Peter James

The directors of FTSE companies got about 50% increase last year, but he doesn't criticise people like them. Must be paid by them, or aspires to be one of them if he isn't already.

Whats needed is for our leaders to lead from the front and set an example. Still no progress on bringing MP's salaries, expenses, and pensions back into proportion with the rest of the population. And don't get me started on the Royal Family and their hangers on. As long as they keep taking the piss you cannot expect the rest of the population to realise what a dire state the economy is in.

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Well, that opened an educational Pandora's box or two! Nice to get such an unbiased set of opinions on so many issues (not!). I had to keep digging, because I thought it may just be an exercises in ironic commentary, rather than actual opinion. Seems it isn't the former, and fear it may be the latter - or possibly just someone saying what gets him paid by those for whose presence he exhorts us to feel such gratitude. Trouble is, those to whom he says we should feel grateful (primarily rich corporations such as Exxon, Monsanto etc), aren't those he cites as deserving of our gratitude (the far less well paid oil rig worker, the farmer etc), being just those who live off their labour. The one about Israel and Palestine is positively rabid, and hugely bigoted! Oh dear, and these are our closest allies. Hmmmmm! :-S
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Guest Tracker
Brian Kirby - 2011-11-22 4:47 PM

and these are our closest allies. Hmmmmm! :-S


Only when it suits them and we are suitably 'grateful' for them allowing us to be their puppets!


On the other hand - who else in the world do we have as true allies?

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Tracker - 2011-11-22 5:25 PM


Brian Kirby - 2011-11-22 4:47 PM

and these are our closest allies. Hmmmmm! :-S


Only when it suits them and we are suitably 'grateful' for them allowing us to be their puppets!


On the other hand - who else in the world do we have as true allies?


Gibraltarians and Falkland Islanders! :-)

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Guest Tracker
Brian Kirby - 2011-11-22 5:42 PM


Tracker - 2011-11-22 5:25 PM


Brian Kirby - 2011-11-22 4:47 PM

and these are our closest allies. Hmmmmm! :-S


Only when it suits them and we are suitably 'grateful' for them allowing us to be their puppets!


On the other hand - who else in the world do we have as true allies?


Gibraltarians and Falkland Islanders! :-)


And the Isle of Wight - thank heavens we are not alone then!

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