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Foldaway Buckets?


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I'm toying with buying one of those foldaway bucket thingies for our MH, as garage storage is very tight, and the "doorway" height into our external lockers is only about 12" high.


I only want a cheapo type one, in PVC perhaps, but a fairly large capacity, maybe 11 litres.



Summat like this:






I'd be using it mainly for draining grey water into from our waste tanks whilst wild camping for several days if the tanks get full up, so that I can then tip that water down appropriate drains


Anyone out there with experience of using one - which type have you got, how much was it, is it robust enough and does it really hold water? (haha....ahem).







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I recently bought a Gelert 10ltr green bucket on e-bay for £4.79 in anticipation of my new Panel Van to be delivered next Spring.

It is made of good quality PVC appears strong and durable and doesn't collapse or fall over when filled with water. I also squashes down to practically nothing.

Havent used it in earnest yet but at that price cant go too far wrong.

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HymerVan - 2011-11-25 12:55 PM


I recently bought a Gelert 10ltr green bucket on e-bay for £4.79 in anticipation of my new Panel Van to be delivered next Spring.

It is made of good quality PVC appears strong and durable and doesn't collapse or fall over when filled with water. I also squashes down to practically nothing.

Havent used it in earnest yet but at that price cant go too far wrong.






Thanks Laurence; was it this one I wonder?





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Hi Bruce, we've got the one in your original posting - the blue one with the white plastic bands on - it is very tough and doesn't collapse in use (some are very weedy). With having the plastic bands it also means you've got something solid to grab at the bottom and a 'stable' lip when trying to poor stuff out, or put stuff in it, rather than a 'floppy' top which can give you wet feet!!! :$
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We too have these Bruce and they are fine in use with no leaks and reasonable stability if you put them down.


Ours came in a pack of three sizes but we only ever use two and only then if the tap is too far from the van for the hose and we can bucket and pumpit!


The smallest one is pretty pointless so if they are cheap enough get two of the bigger sizes and be one bucket ahead of the crowd!


Usual use is for filleting fish or van, boots or dog washing but the dog does tend to knock it over - usually over my feet!

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We got one like this - http://wackypracticals.com/pack-away-bucket - it may not be what you're looking for at £19.99 and only 7 litres, but it does work. Our waste tap is set very low, and folding down the top "step" of the bucket lets me get it under the tap for emergency grey waste emptying. We didn't get it from the site above, but it's defintely the same bucket.


Ours was to replace a yellow plasticised fabric one - which was useless unless you actually wanted a sieve!

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Solwaybuggier - 2011-11-27 1:35 PM


We got one like this - http://wackypracticals.com/pack-away-bucket - it may not be what you're looking for at £19.99 and only 7 litres, but it does work. Our waste tap is set very low, and folding down the top "step" of the bucket lets me get it under the tap for emergency grey waste emptying. We didn't get it from the site above, but it's defintely the same bucket.


Ours was to replace a yellow plasticised fabric one - which was useless unless you actually wanted a sieve!


That looks much better than the one we had although much more expensive. Looks very sturdy. We have gone back to using a caravan waste container that is only 6" high, if that, left over from a previous life.

I don't think they make these anymore. Not a very picture.


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Mel B - 2011-11-27 6:34 PM


You can get the waste containers on ebay, or at car boot sales, in local papers etc, they still make them too, here's a selection on ebay at the moment;


Waste container





Thanks Mel, but it's specifically a fold-flat stylie bucket that I'm after, as I ain't got the space in the MH storage areas to carry a big bulky waste container all the time, just on the basis that I might need to use it 3 or 3 times a year.


Up until now, when the need to drain off our grey waste whilst parked up for several days has happened, I've just cut the top bit off an empty 5 litre water container (in Spain all the shops do the big 5 litre bottles of water, in the thin clear plastic bottles), and that's what we buy/carry for our drinking and cooking water, so we've always got two or three of them in the MH whenever on tour.


I just fancy the idea of a posher, fold-flat bucket, after having seen another chap using one on a site a while ago...........

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Hi Bruce


We have one of the blue ones in your original posting - got it for £1 from Woolworths when they were still in business - and for usual washing type duties it is OK. However, for waste water you may experience a problem with it 'standing up' while still empty. When full of water it will stand relatively stable but empty it tends to sag back down into its folded position.


For waste we use a black Thetford container which I bought on Ebay. They are quite thin but still hold something like 20 litres.




ps. Like this one here:



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BGD - 2011-11-28 9:02 AM


Thanks Mel, but it's specifically a fold-flat stylie bucket that I'm after, as I ain't got the space in the MH storage areas to carry a big bulky waste container all the time, just on the basis that I might need to use it 3 or 3 times a year.



I simply use a short, square rigid bucket. The square shape means that it is easier to store in a locker or garage than a round one, and it is also easier to store some of the existing "cargo" in it.


The net result is that it takes up very litle extra space (but needs to be emptied for use - 3 times a year shouldn't be too onerous).


Of course, if you've set your heart on a "folder", then that just isn't going to do, is it? ;-)

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Hey Bruce ... how about one of these! :-D


Kids bucket


Or these ... a bit little though:


little bucket


For square/oblong buckets, look at squeegee buckets, for example:


squeegee bucket


Or a flexible tub trug, which can be squished into a space, of stuffed with ... stuff ... when not needed, and can double up for other duties too.


tub trug


Alternatively, a washing up bowl - we keep tins in ours in the cupboard but can use it for other things if needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a fold away water container which may do the job. Inflates to a cube. Really does 'fold' very small and is kept in the garage area. We do however use it for emergency clean water so should not be confussed with your grey water unless your are happy with this appearing from your taps !!!



However reading on with your choice of wine this prob. would not be an issue !


Mr & Mrs Batty xx

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The one you've pictured looks very good quality Bruce.

We carry a couple of these


- but without the lids, for exactly the same purpose. Not just when wild camping, but on sites which don't have drive-over drains too!

I know what you mean about how imoprtant it is that it folds flat. however "convenient" a shape may be (like the square ones above), it still needs to live somewhere. Ours fold flat and sit just inside the toilet cassette hatch.

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Well, the one I went for in the end was the one I included a link to in my OP.


It arrived a couple of days ago.


For anyone else in the market for summat similar, I can HIGHLY recommend it.


It really does fold down to almost flat - perhaps 2 inches high - and really does hold it's full 11 litre capacity of water, robustly and without leaks, once opened up.

Some may like the little circular carrying case thingy that it comes in; we've ditched it and are carrying our new folding bucket in the MH without the case to save space/weight/hassle.


IMHO a very useful, value-for-money item.

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BGD - 2011-12-13 4:54 PM


Well, the one I went for in the end was the one I included a link to in my OP.


It arrived a couple of days ago.


For anyone else in the market for summat similar, I can HIGHLY recommend it.


It really does fold down to almost flat - perhaps 2 inches high - and really does hold it's full 11 litre capacity of water, robustly and without leaks, once opened up.

Some may like the little circular carrying case thingy that it comes in; we've ditched it and are carrying our new folding bucket in the MH without the case to save space/weight/hassle.


IMHO a very useful, value-for-money item.


Very funny ... save weight!!!!! :D I must admit the case is a pain to get the thing back into though! *-) It makes a useful store for other bits and pieces though as it's quite tough. :-D

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Yes we use two like the one in the OP and we got them from the Poundshop for, yep you got it, a pound a time. They have proved very useful over the couple of years we have had them though I am not sure that I would use them for waste as that might introduce nasty smells into the van.



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  • 2 weeks later...
BGD - 2011-12-13 4:54 PM


Well, the one I went for in the end was the one I included a link to in my OP.


It arrived a couple of days ago.


For anyone else in the market for summat similar, I can HIGHLY recommend it.


It really does fold down to almost flat - perhaps 2 inches high - and really does hold it's full 11 litre capacity of water, robustly and without leaks, once opened up.

Some may like the little circular carrying case thingy that it comes in; we've ditched it and are carrying our new folding bucket in the MH without the case to save space/weight/hassle.


IMHO a very useful, value-for-money item.


Hi Bruce


This looks identical to the one we bought (at Woolworths before they went bust for £2.99) but I have to warn as I said above that although they are a great item they do have a tendency to 'collapse' as I have just found out again!


After a long (and very wet) journey south to just below where you live I thought I would use the bucket to wash the road grime off the van - twice in succession the full bucket of warm water simply collapsed and let all the contents out! I managed in the end by carrying the full bucket whilst using the sponge instead of putting it on the ground. Small sacrifice for the good weather we have just enjoyed though.




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