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Robbed in Spain


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Well I live in Spain......and my house does not look at all like Wormwood Scrubs, my dog is a problem though as she licks most people to death!!


I travel in Spain and feel safe (Spanish reg) but my goodness when I go to the UK Mmmmmmm Spanish reg could be just the same sort of trouble for me.


I guess what I am saying is foreign reg, you have ( or could have) a problem in ANY country.


Well I just thought I would give my penny worth *-)

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Well I will try, it is tradition, years ago the rural people had to try and stop boys (young men) getting to their daughter during the night......so long long ago the best way (they thought) was to place bars onto the windows, that seemed to work!!


Now I agree that may be an old wife's tale, but I should say that tha "bars" are only fixed into the wall by about 4 inches and you could almost pull them out with your teeth (not mine I haven't got many left, I am just old in the tooth) .


Most house robbers go through the door of a house in Spain, just as they do in England.


Hope that helps.


Not sure I can answer all questions about Spain but will try.





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Maybe it's because it's so hot in summer that they can have the windows wide open without the local cats/villians climbing in during the night.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Billy23 - 2012-02-05 9:25 PM


Not going to change your mind then B-)


Having lived here for years, I bow to your 2 visits.



My last comment was just a bit of fun :D

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While it may not have helped in your case unless it was switched on before you got out of the van, we have bought a "Barking Dog Alarm". So far only used it at home and,of course, it may be a good idea to leave it there protecting the house when we're away, but it senses movement from outside, through walls (our upstairs neighbours are detected through the wall when they go up their stairs) and I shall probably take it when we travel. It gives a very good impression of an Alsatian type dog although I thnk it cost about 40 quid.
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To put the threat in perspective:


The Consumers Association say that 10% of people who bank on-line had their accounts hacked into in the last year.


So it seems that driving your motorhome to Spain is much safer than banking on-line.




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Guest 1footinthegrave

That's it then, sorted.


I'll take all my cash out the bank, and keep it in the M/home and go off to Spain. I could do with some sun :D

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Bulletguy - 2012-02-05 5:43 PM

......not sitting around chatting and larking about like I experienced both at the roadside and the Police Station.


The point I was trying to make was that it is entirely possible that while you were sitting in the Police station waiting to be interviewed the two men who robbed you could (and probably were) on their way back to France.


Yes, of course you are 100% correct that a quicker response, and more Police cars around would help, in fact they could have issued a radio call giving the description of the car (I would imagine you had a good description to give them)


I'm not sure where the subject of extradition came from, that is irrelevant because it only applies once the criminal has been caught and tried.


I'm trying to make the point that these might be lawless criminals but we shouldn't assume they are stupid, they KNOW that they can cross the border unhindered, a very small chance of being stopped, (especially if the Police had acted quicker) but a lot of burglary around Barcelona must (as everywhere) occur at night and the victims don't know until morning and then definately too late to put a stop on the border.


But, what the heck, no one seems to really care about Sheningen, politicians rabbit on about the benefits while ignoring the problems, Police don't respond quick enough to help, those who have never been robbed don't really care, it's the whole world 'not my problem' scenario all over. Makes you feel like topping oneself doesn't it!!!!!!


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nowtelse2do - 2011-12-28 3:01 PM


Like I said in my earlier post, 'sign of the times' When I first went to Spain in 1958 and again in 1960 I can't remember seeing steel bars at the windows, shutters 'yes' bars 'no'. And a certain General in charge..!! and you never argued with the police and definitely not with the Carabinieri. You could leave things on the beach, go swimming and when you got back they would still be there, honest no exaggeration.




My first trip to Spain was 1959 not 58.


Billy, this is an earlier post of mine on this thread. Forget the Carabinieri bit, as was pointed out later I should have said The Guardia Civil.


Like over here when people could leave their front doors open, and likewise in Spain where you could go for a swim leaving your things on the beach, they wouldn't be touched, those day's are well over.



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Losos - 2012-02-06 11:49 AM

I'm not sure where the subject of extradition came from.......


In relation to your belief that the Schengen Agreement (of which UK is not a signatory....we still have our Border Controls) has allowed criminals to commit a crime in one country, then escape back to their own. It's not quite that simple! Yes the border controls have gone.......but that's all.


To use these youths as an example; lets assume they were actually French and returned back into France. If traced the Spanish Police would apply to the French Police for an extradition in order that they are prosecuted in the country where the crime took place.


As mentioned in my previous post, extradition is reciprocal throughout all European countries. Spain used to be the favoured 'safe haven' for British criminals but that's long gone. I'm sure everyone here will be familiar with the extradition from Spain of Kenneth Noye who was sentenced to life for murder in 2000, but there have been many more 'lower profile' cases since.


So even though Schengen has given Europe borderless controls, with the exception of the UK, it has not given criminals freedom to escape from Justice.



Losos - 2012-02-06 11:49 AM


The point I was trying to make was that it is entirely possible that while you were sitting in the Police station waiting to be interviewed the two men who robbed you could (and probably were) on their way back to France.


Fully understand the point you were trying to make except there were parts in your post which are flawed (re. Schengen).


I assumed these youths were French as the only youth who spoke to me spoke in French, the other youth never spoke a word. I gave a description of the two youths (never saw the third until their car pulled away) and a brief description of the car. Unfortunately I didn't get the registration so didn't even notice if it was French or Spanish plated though as some have said the cars are often stolen and running on false plates.


Even though they didn't have a powerful car they could still easily out-run me as I was driving a heavy diesel van weighed down with full water tanks plus a full tank of fuel.



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It seems that a considered and thoughtful approach to this thread has fallen on deaf ears, Please do not post third party information of doubtful provenance. Spain is not 'wormwood scrubs' bars are on windows so we can leave the windows and doors open in the hot weather. Crime all over Europe has not been helped by successive governments letting more and more countries and imigrants into all European countries. Unfortunately it is probably too late already to reverse this, but we should be aware that our freedom to 'roam' is one of the advantages. Being an E.U Citizen does have advantages!


Will all new travellers please read everything and take ill considered threads with some caution.


Welcome to the travelling community - we are not all Wild Campers and fly by night individuals. Come to France and Spain (and anywhere else) and join our friendly community and relax on the beach or countryside with us (wild campers welcome), we are always pleased to help anyone. *-

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Ah the wonders of the Internet, that people just happen on to an English language website, specifically aimed at a specific group of people, and contribute, and with English language skills to boot.


I mean the chances of that happening by chance are astonishing. :-S

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A word of warning!!


As if being robbed in Spain wasn't bad enough *-) in the process of making a reply back to Bill Cash earlier today, I used a couple of English - Spanish translation sites from Google and had to shut down my PC.......pronto RAPID!


Sudden 'attack' from one of these evil bugs which attempts to fool you into believing 1001 'trojans' (fake of course) are in your computer. Probably set up by these thieving tw**s.


Done a full scan just to be sure and the drive is clean.

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Guest JudgeMental
JamesFrance - 2012-02-10 4:51 PM


Have you done a scan with MBAM? They specialise in the removal of fake scamming anti virus programs.


They will find things that your anti virus may miss.




funny that...I just downloaded and ran this program about an hour ago. As have had a few odd pop ups recently. It did not find anything malicious though

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JamesFrance - 2012-02-10 4:51 PM


Have you done a scan with MBAM? They specialise in the removal of fake scamming anti virus programs.


They will find things that your anti virus may miss.




Thanks for this link James. I am just about to download it. Do you rate it better than Spybot Search and Destroy? Also I have MacAfee Internet Security installed so do you think MBAM is compatible?

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JamesFrance - 2012-02-10 4:51 PM


Have you done a scan with MBAM? They specialise in the removal of fake scamming anti virus programs.


They will find things that your anti virus may miss.




Forgot i'd already got that installed! Anyway I gave it a run through and it's clear.


Thanks for the reminder James!

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Patricia - 2012-02-10 10:17 PM



Thanks for this link James. I am just about to download it. Do you rate it better than Spybot Search and Destroy? Also I have MacAfee Internet Security installed so do you think MBAM is compatible?


Hi Patricia,


Spybot S & D has gone out of favour with the security experts in recent years. The most useful ones now are MBAM, Superantispyware and HitmanPro, but the last one won't remove anything without a subscription.


The free versions of these can all be used to scan with any anti virus program installed, as they don,t run all the time. I am not a McAfee fan as I have been very involved with the testing of the free Comodo Internet Security and nothing gets past that.


Sorry to be off topic.

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Bulletguy - 2012-02-06 4:18 PMI assumed these youths were French as the only youth who spoke to me spoke in French, the other youth never spoke a word. I gave a description of the two youths and a brief description of the car.

OK just to recap, the information you were able to give the Police was (in my opinion) insufficient for them to go belting down the motorway and cross over into France, so what could the Police do? Well probably more than they did, (I agree with you on that) but if they were French (We'll never know on that one) and they did leg it back to France how can they ever be prosecuted, I don't get it, how? the Spanish Police can't prosecute (Different laws, different language, etc) and the French Police can't prosecute (Different country) so how can they be brought to justice, and if they are never brought to justice then they will never be extradited.


Finally, I agree with all you're saying on extradition, but I say again, before you can extradite someone they have to have been found guilty in a court of law, or be wanted with a warrant for their arrest issued.


If those three guys were French and back in France they are laughing their heads off now and probably planning their next foray into Spain!!!!!


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Losos - 2012-02-11 5:18 PM
Bulletguy - 2012-02-06 4:18 PMI assumed these youths were French as the only youth who spoke to me spoke in French, the other youth never spoke a word. I gave a description of the two youths and a brief description of the car.

OK just to recap, the information you were able to give the Police was (in my opinion) insufficient for them to go belting down the motorway and cross over into France, so what could the Police do? Well probably more than they did, (I agree with you on that) but if they were French (We'll never know on that one) and they did leg it back to France how can they ever be prosecuted, I don't get it, how? the Spanish Police can't prosecute (Different laws, different language, etc) and the French Police can't prosecute (Different country) so how can they be brought to justice, and if they are never brought to justice then they will never be extradited.


Finally, I agree with all you're saying on extradition, but I say again, before you can extradite someone they have to have been found guilty in a court of law, or be wanted with a warrant for their arrest issued.


If those three guys were French and back in France they are laughing their heads off now and probably planning their next foray into Spain!!!!!

The easiest way to look at it Losos is whilst Schengen has dismantled Border Controls in those countries, the laws between each, including the UK which isn't signatory to it (we have always liked to pick the 'bit's' what suit and discard those that don't), are reciprocal. There is no 'safe haven' for any foreigner committing crime outside their own country. Simply fleeing back to their own country would actually be the daftest thing any serious criminal could do as that would be the very first place Police would look!Personally I find the autonomous powers of the US legal system on extradition far more discomforting than what we have in the UK and European countries. A person from France or UK committing a crime in Spain, and then returning back here would eventually be traced and that person would face justice before the Spanish Court (the country in which the crime had been committed). Different laws, language and countries does not allow a criminal to escape Justice at all. They will face the Court in whichever country the crime was committed.Of course we also have Interpol working between all European countries but a snippet of trivia 'info' I came across which I never previously knew is that Interpol only become involved in robbery crimes where the amount is a minimum of £3k. Odd considering the fuss our own Border Police make if you are taking a smaller amount of cash out of the UK.
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