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Government warning


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The Government have issued a warning due to the cold weather.




They suggest that anyone travelling in the icy conditions should make sure to have the following:




Blankets or sleeping bag

Extra clothing including hat and gloves

24 hours of food


Rock Salt

Tyre Chains

Torch or lantern with spare batteries

Road Flares or Reflective Triangles

Empty Diesel Can

First Aid Kit

Jump Leads




I looked like a right prat on the train going to work this morning !

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pelmetman - 2012-01-18 6:10 PM


I've got some snow chains out here in Calpe :D....................just in case ;-)


Now you've upset me!!!


Love the area - Moraira and Denia have very fond memories for me.


It's drizzling here Dave and the last few days we woke up to hard frosts.


You are a cruel man


(lol) (lol) (lol)


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vindiboy - 2012-01-18 6:06 PM


What good is an empty Diesel can, or Petrol can for hat matter, what am I missing ?


Believe it or not - but it is my understanding that this is an interpretation of "elf'n'safety" rules in that normal fuel tanks are designed not to split or break in an accident whereas an unsecured plastic container of fuel in a car could be a very real danger. Fair enough - I think we can all see the concern here.


So the idea is that if you run out of fuel in a blizzard you get out of your car and walk with your empty fuel can to the nearest fuel station, then walk back to fill your car up so you can then drive to the hospital to get treated for frostbite.


Alternatively - in terrible weather - be sensible and safety conscious and store a fuel can with fuel in it correctly.


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Colin Leake - 2012-01-19 6:42 PM


Naturally we carry all that but just to make doubly sure we carry a dozed red marine distress fliers and a bottle Scotch as well. You simply can't be to careful.


Think you mean an empty bottle of Scotch as you have just drunk it.

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Colin Leake - 2012-01-19 6:42 PM


Naturally we carry all that but just to make doubly sure we carry a dozed red marine distress fliers and a bottle Scotch as well. You simply can't be to careful.



Hi Colin

I bet you also carry a spare Combi Boiler as well so you can make tea (lol) (lol) (lol)

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I never thought of that but we could take the Cadac and a gas bottle. That way we could have a hot meal ourselves and sell hot food to other drivers.


We did get stuck once in the motorhome many years ago. Dished out hot drinks to other motorists and heated some food for a baby. That coupled with the fact we had toilet facilities made us very popular.

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