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Have a mouse in campervan now not using it. Any ideas how to get rid? Have been told if you catch one do not release it within a mile or it may return. Have tried a "tip trap" but the little blighter manages to get the food and away (must have an accomplace) May try old type of spring /goodbye vienna trap.Cannot see where he is getting in! Dont want to use poison as will not know if I have got him and may end up with rotting carcase.
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you will need to catch it or them asap, I have seen the damage they can do to the polystyrene floors and walls. They burrow into it and make dens. Some one I know does body and damp repairs and the bodywork is stripped down and if mice have been living in between the wall and floor layers you can see it. If you have to park for any length of time try to be on a hard standing and not grass. Farms are notorious for rats and mice or where chickens are kept. The last place to store a caravan or motorhome is in a barn.
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You are now at WAR no compasion & ,no prisoners.

All out WAR has to be declared & if they ignore the warnings so be it.


Go get the little blighters & good luck.


Apologies to pet owners, but they are (normally) confined to a cage, so safe from hostilities. >:-)

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They can 'squeeze in through tiny holes, gas ventilation drop holes etc., once you are 'Rid' of this 'bunch', Put in 'Screamers' ultra sonic devices that emit high pitched noise that makes it difficult for mice/rats to tolerate. You can get 9v battery powered and mains powered ones. They will NOT clear out one's 'already in residence' however (squatters rights ??). But, They DO deter 'new' ones from invading. I have had a similar experience, use 'Bleach' to clear away smell, not on soft furnishings of course. Last (and only,) 'Invasion' was 6 years ago now. Good luck ! ;-) Ray


PS. there are other threads on this very subject.

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I had them in an old building.


They could eat the chocolate, peanut butter, cheese, and so on off the traps without triggering it.

I filed the trigger and set it so that a feather would set it off, they still managed to eat the bait.


I then read that they hate the smell of moth balls, I didn't really believe that this would work but, hey. they were cheap, so I gave it a try. IT WORKS!!


Within a couple of days they had all gone, so if you can stand the smell....


Oh, and I never had moths again either!



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Another two caught this morning ! Hate to use spring traps but agree no other successful way,the plastic spring traps from B+Q have been successful .Put corpses on top of hedge a magpie took one a crow the other ,thinking of sacking our two cats who are lying in front of the fire at present and spending there food money on more traps! (got 6 in the van at present).
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Just to put your mind at rest ....... they have a litter size, on average, of 10 - 16, and are on heat again as soon as the litter is born, and the offspring are sexually active soon after six weeks old - so in theory, you can get approx 2200 mice from one breeding pair. (Better than rabbits!)


As I said, you rarely get just one!

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Couple of years ago I had mice in the boat chandlery I have built up over the years in my garage. I went on line and read a study an American university did on the house mouse. I adopted the attitude of "This is war with no prisoners taken." None of these mamby pamby traps for me. I bought ten of "The little Nipper" and baited them with peanut butter and chocolate (The mice seemed to prefer Cadburys). I caught lots of the little blighters and then it all stopped. The article said they can become trap shy, I suppose when they see their brothers and sisters laying on a trap with their eyes sticking out on stalks. I left the traps baited but not set and after a couple of days the bait began to disappear. I then reset all the traps very fine and tied the bait on with cotton so they had to tug to get it off. Result, caught the rest of them.

Even now I leave a couple of pieces of chocolate in a couple of small dishes in the garage to monitor if any new little beggars have arrived.

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Thanks for all the helpful advice,think I have got rid of them(no sign last 3 days) but leaving traps in permanently while not used.Agree only spring killer traps any good,dont like killing animals but no choice,have put "screamer" in and mothballs.......happy camping..Chris
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crocket - 2012-02-15 6:44 PM


Thanks for all the helpful advice,think I have got rid of them(no sign last 3 days) but leaving traps in permanently while not used.Agree only spring killer traps any good,dont like killing animals but no choice,have put "screamer" in and mothballs.......happy camping..Chris



I would mark the traps area with a post it note or something if I were you. Otherwise when you go down to the van all excited in Spring and start rummaging through your cupboards without thinking-OUCH sore fingers!!



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Mike B. - 2012-02-16 12:59 PM


crocket - 2012-02-15 6:44 PM


Thanks for all the helpful advice,think I have got rid of them(no sign last 3 days) but leaving traps in permanently while not used.Agree only spring killer traps any good,dont like killing animals but no choice,have put "screamer" in and mothballs.......happy camping..Chris



I would mark the traps area with a post it note or something if I were you. Otherwise when you go down to the van all excited in Spring and start rummaging through your cupboards without thinking-OUCH sore fingers!!




That's if the Mice haven't eaten the Post-its >:-) >:-)

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Had a good look in the van today noticed the little b..........s have been nibbling the upholstery! Hope I can get some more material from Autosleepers to get it repaired ,van is a 1995 symphony.Only need one small piece on one seat base.Will make sure they dont get anywhere near again.Got a good upholsterer near.
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Got two cats lying in front of the fire at present,old tom does catch the odd mouse then brings it in the house to disect it and make a mess. Anyone know where I might get any original material to repair covers as A/S have none and van is 17 yrs old ?
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