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Honda 10i generator stolen


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Last night my Generator was stolen from my work van, last week my Karcher jet wash/steamer cleaner was stolen from our garage, value 1700 pounds.

I need to replace the Geny, so if anyone knows of a 20i honda for sale, please let me know or of any company doing deals.


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Thank you for the comments. I've been looking at EBay etc and will monitor for the near future. With regard to the Kipor Generator, I've had such first class reliability, so this afternoon I purchased a new 20i for 1149 pounds. Needed it for work so had to be done. By the way my jet wash and Geny are not claimable on insurance and the added security will total 4-5k.

So thank you to the undesirables who took it on them selves to lighten me of my hard earned toys.

The vehicle the Geny belongs too is my own mobile medical repair workshop and on-call 24-7. But not Today!!!!


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