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Travelling with dogs


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Hi, my name is Vicky, I would like to pick the brains of you seasoned professional.

Hubby & I have recently purchased our 1st motorhome, it is an end lounge type, with just 2 belted seats in the cab.

We have 2 dogs, 1 weighing 32kg the other 15kg, they are well behaved and sleep while travelling in the car which is fitted with a dog guard, I would like to be able to restrain them in the motorhome in case of an accident, but I am unsure how I can do this, as the van hasn't any anchorage points or extra belts fitted for me to attach a car harness to. I've looked at soft crates for them to travel in, but these obviously still need restraining somehow.

Has anyone else in this situation solved the problem without drilling holes in the van for anchorage.

Thanks for reading.



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Hi Vicky-welcome to the forum


Without knowing the exact van it is difficult to make an exact suggestion. However, as you say it is a rear lounge layout, does it have a table which has a strong anchor point? If so you could put the cages together and use a ratchet strap to tighten and secure them together with the table mount maybe as the seats would stop them moving sideways.



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Hi Vicky we travel with our two, but they are tiny and we dont have a problem anchoring them as they lay in their bed and they only weigh 3.5kg I dont allow them to wander around if they do they have their harness on and I can tie them up.


However that doesnt help you! can you put a soft crate at the rear between the seats and use a baby gate to keep it in place, other than that I can only suggest putting the crate in the bathroom if there is room, or using a metal crate that wouldnt move with then in it, it would just be a nuisance collaphsing it to get it out of the way when you need to sit at the back, or you could drill through the bed boxes and put an anchor ring of somesort to tie their leads to and have their bed so they could lie down. Good luck Im sure you will come up with something.



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Hi Vicky - welcome to the mad house! :->


From looking at images of a Starspirit it appears that below the rear sofa are 2 vent slots (picture 1) - it may therefore be possible to utilise these. You could make some fixing points on the floor within the rear sofa box base (ie out of sight) which you could feed a strap through, and then through the vent slots, to attach to their harnesses. The fixings ideally should in some way attach to the metal floor framework/chassis so they are secure in case you have a shunt and they don't catapult forward.


I wouldn’t advise using fabric ‘cages’ at the rear as they don’t have any strength to them at all (we have one) and wouldn’t keep them safe/secure, whereas if you were able to attach your harnesses to secure fixings that would be much better.


The other option would be to see if you can use straps to attach a metal cage to the rear of the passenger seat base for them to go in (picture 2), at least that way they would be up front with you and in a front shunt the passenger seat base would prevent the cage from shooting forward.


The only real thing I am a little bit concerned about is if you are thinking of putting them both in one cage, as, in an accident, the smaller one could be seriously injured by the larger one ‘squishing’ him/her.



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Thanks Mike, The dogs are very well behaved 11 year olds, and that was my original idea, but being a complete novice, I wasn't sure if it would be suitable or not and I'm also quite scared to start screwing things to the interior for fear of damaging something, under the seat boxes does sound a good idea.


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Thank you Mel, and thanks for your advice, I'm so impressed as how helpful everyone has been on here :-)

I did wonder about soft crates and how they'd protect them, perhaps better forget that idea.

A car harness is the way I'd prefer them to travel, but just so worried about damaging the van drilling anchor points.

I love the idea of behind the passenger seat, as they wouldn't slide anywhere, but they'd definitely want a crate each (which then comes down to space) as Jasp the big boy would certainly squish little Sal.

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Vicky your layout is the same as our by the looks of it! and I do know if you put a crate behind you, you wont easily be able to get past it to see out of the rear window which I need to access to guide O.H when reversing, unless of course you have a reversing camera, your dogs would be better laid on a large matress type bed and secured by their harnesses :-S the thing with that is you are going to have to look for a securing point.
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I think the idea of a metal cage/s behind the passenger seat seems a good solution. If they rest on a rubber mat they will not slide about as they will on the wooden floor as shown in your photo. Cages could be fixed to the passenger seat with tie down straps fitted around the seat base. When reversing the passenger can still get out of the passenger door to assist reversing.
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Welcome Vicky and what lovely dogs. However, if I am judging their size correctly I cannot think that you can fit in a cage that is big enough for the large dog to get into, never mind being able to move around in it; plus a cage for the other one too.


My suggestion is probably not feasible but I wonder if some clever chap could not access the seatbelt anchorage on both the passenger and driver seats and insert another seatbelt fixing so that they can travel in their harnesses? If not that actual point then near to it so that they fix to the chassis? I am sure there are experts on here who could advise.


It would certainly make life easier for your access/exit and for the dogs' comfort etc.

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If you try the 'search' facility, you will come across many posts that have taken place over the last few years on the subject of carrying dogs in motorvans.


For example: http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=4308&posts=23


These should give you some good ideas to try out.


I used the words "dog" and "carrying" and set the search to 'all posts' and to look in just the 'Motorhome Matters' forum

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Guest pelmetman

We recently did a mod to our camper to provide an anchor point for Troy........as I understand its a requirement to have him restrained when traveling in some countries abroad........ :D


I sure you could install a discreet eye plate like I did, inside the seating and use the slots shown at the bottom of your rear seating to lead the straps through.......like you.....any mod I do I also try to avoid it being obvious ;-)



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Hi Patricia, my dogs say thank you for the compliment :-)

As much as I'd prefer the idea of a secure cage, you're right, it wouldn't be physically possible to have cages :-(

We've just been out for our 1st short (12 miles) trip with them to see their reaction. I erected a barricade with a seat cushion across the gap between the kitchen & bathroom, and they lay in the lounge area perfectly content, I know this isn't the answer to my question regarding safety, but at least I now know they'll travel well now :-D

I will have to try and make some enquiries regarding your suggestion, as it sounds good.

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I just have to say how very helpful & friendly everyone has been on here.

This is a new venture for hubby & me, and it's great to know that any problems we encounter are more than likely going to be sorted by you friendly bunch.

I have received a lot of good ideas regarding securing our dogs, and it's good to read how other have solved the problem too.

Sal & Jasp in the van today:


Ooops perhaps not :-S

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we have a 20Kg labrador.


in the early days we used a cage (which i clipped to rear seat belt) but it was a pain - especially if weather was wet.


we have a harness seat belt. Current motor home does not have a rear seat belts but there is a handle by the habitaqtion entrance. I use a climbers loop (a strong tape loop which will take the weight of a fallingclimber). the pull would not be directly on handle. This is similar to putting in a fixed point as alraedy recommended.


The aim is to stop 20kg + of dog/dogs flying around so even if you use a cage it needs to be restrained. equally a baby gate would not take the strain of a flying dog - especially if its 35Kg!


Good luck Peter

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