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Unbelievable weather


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last week or so i was pottering about my gardens enjoying the weather, this morning I looked out of the bedroom window saw the snow and promptly jumped back into bed, what a change?

I have now finally decided to retire and rest on my laurels, after 56 years of work I think I have done enough, in september I am going to have the mother of all retirement party, the venue at the Fishermans retreat is all booked, I am giving the business, vehicle and equipment to my son and grandson with the strict proviso that they go out and do it and dont come to me with any problems I can't handle stress and strain anymore but I will be in the background with any advice they might need.

If anyone needs me? I will be in my shed making birdboxes, instead of my M/H being parked up most of the time I will use it for my day to day trundling about the places like B&Q. Hasta la Vista amigo's

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Guest pelmetman

Its been peeing down with rain here all night....... and still its blowing a gale and pouring now........



Hose pipe ban starts tomorrow (lol) (lol)

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Guest Tracker

What's so unbelievable about it?


Snow is statistically much more likely at Easter in England than it is at Christmas - always has been!


Average weather is made up of a wide range which includes extremes - that's life!


It's only water and their is no such thing as inappropriate weather - just inappropriate clothing!

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Guest pelmetman
Still blowing a gale here and raining...........got the log burner going with Lamb shanks cooking for tea :-D............ scrounged another load of free wood the other day.......free heat and free cooking......cool B-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave

1616: Hot summer with drought similar to that of 1612


1620-21: Frost fair held on the Thames


1626: Dry and hot summer


1635: Severe winter, Thames froze over


1636: Severe drought, rainless for months



Must have been that global warming and all those cars to blame, or horses farting..................or is it just "weather"

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2012-04-04 5:08 PM


1616: Hot summer with drought similar to that of 1612


1620-21: Frost fair held on the Thames


1626: Dry and hot summer


1635: Severe winter, Thames froze over


1636: Severe drought, rainless for months



Must have been that global warming and all those cars to blame, or horses farting..................or is it just "weather"


Blimey 1foot 8-).............I didn't know you were that old :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tony Jones - 2012-04-04 2:02 PM


What's the problem? .


By the look of your neighbours houses you've left the wheely bin out, or put it out too early, that's the problem, and you've no excuse you've got a first floor study to study these things, me I've only got a bedroom :D

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antony1969 - 2012-04-04 6:58 PM


Malcolm , I think I'm suffering from deja vu or sumat . You seem to have been retiring every month for the last couple of years :-D

My problem is antony that my head buzzes with idea's and I burn the midnight oil, my latest project is a CNC machine to churn out birdboxes and dolls houses.

I would like to retire but some inner force drives me on and I disappear into the dark recesses of my shed and come out with an idea that can make a shilling or two, I have retired and made a come back more times than Frank Sinatra (lol)

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pelmetman - 2012-04-04 5:19 PM


1footinthegrave - 2012-04-04 5:08 PM


1616: Hot summer with drought similar to that of 1612


1620-21: Frost fair held on the Thames


1626: Dry and hot summer


1635: Severe winter, Thames froze over


1636: Severe drought, rainless for months



Must have been that global warming and all those cars to blame, or horses farting..................or is it just "weather"


Blimey 1foot 8-).............I didn't know you were that old :D







He ain't.......................1616 is only a tad after quarter past 4.



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knight of the road - 2012-04-04 10:08 PM

My problem is antony that my head buzzes with idea's and I burn the midnight oil, my latest project is a CNC machine to churn out birdboxes and dolls houses.

I would like to retire but some inner force drives me on and I disappear into the dark recesses of my shed and come out with an idea that can make a shilling or two, I have retired and made a come back more times than Frank Sinatra (lol)

Ah-ha ... your secret is out!!!! I know who you REALLY are ... you've got a dog called Gromit haven't you Wallace!!! :->

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Tracker - 2012-04-04 11:29 AM


What's so unbelievable about it?


Snow is statistically much more likely at Easter in England than it is at Christmas - always has been!


Average weather is made up of a wide range which includes extremes - that's life!


It's only water and their is no such thing as inappropriate weather - just inappropriate clothing!

What I meant was that last week my next door neighbours were having Barby in the back garden and my neighbours wife being a sun worshipper was as per usual parading about the garden naked as a jay bird and this week she is wrapped up like a polar bear.

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knight of the road - 2012-04-05 8:42 AM


Tracker - 2012-04-04 11:29 AM


What's so unbelievable about it?


Snow is statistically much more likely at Easter in England than it is at Christmas - always has been!


Average weather is made up of a wide range which includes extremes - that's life!


It's only water and their is no such thing as inappropriate weather - just inappropriate clothing!

What I meant was that last week my next door neighbours were having Barby in the back garden and my neighbours wife being a sun worshipper was as per usual parading about the garden naked as a jay bird and this week she is wrapped up like a polar bear.



I would say thats' very appropiate clothing. B-)

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Hopesy - 2012-04-05 11:52 AM


knight of the road - 2012-04-05 8:42 AM


Tracker - 2012-04-04 11:29 AM


What's so unbelievable about it?


Snow is statistically much more likely at Easter in England than it is at Christmas - always has been!


Average weather is made up of a wide range which includes extremes - that's life!


It's only water and their is no such thing as inappropriate weather - just inappropriate clothing!

What I meant was that last week my next door neighbours were having Barby in the back garden and my neighbours wife being a sun worshipper was as per usual parading about the garden naked as a jay bird and this week she is wrapped up like a polar bear.



I would say thats' very appropiate clothing. B-)



It's absolutely disgusting.


If we were meant to walk around with no clothes on, we would have been born like it.




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