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Are you shocked?


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Probably not as much as I should be.


The country in large numbers has lost its moral compass and now it seems anything goes, as long as there is a chance of getting away wth it. We have looters described as 'citizens requiring help', terrorists getting new homes and pensioners being penalised for trying to save for their old age. Theft is rampant especially among people who are supposed to know better such as MP's. The UK is now among the dirtiest in the world for litter and just garbage being thrown anywhere, what is left of the green belt is to be bulldozed to make houses for millions of immigrants, so the thought that someone would decide someone in distress's property was a suitable target, I regret just does not surprise me anymore.


Unfortunately, due to the price of gas always rising, using the oven to end it all has become too expensive, however Plan B is to escape to Spain for a few months and hope it will have all improved before we get back. As they say 'hope springs eternal'.

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Guest peter
/What a scumbag. He needs a good kicking for that, the evil b*stard. If he gets sent down he will definately get one in jail. The screws will make sure the right people inside know who he is. >:-)
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This particular woman was decapitated and had a leg severed after being crushed by the truck involved in the accident, what made this incident all the worse was that bystanders were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

The identity of this woman was not found out for a good few days after her death, she was not reported as missing, could it be that as she was an Asian female and they are classed as worthless?????

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I am the type of person who goes through life wearing rose tinted spectacles, I dont look for badness in other people but I know its there,

Because of this thread it suddenly occoured to me that with the advent of the modern mobile camera phone there must be some horrendous pictures in circulation.

Pictures taken perhaps by soldiers on the battlefield, pictures taken by paedophiles of their victims etc etc, its unbelievable what could be out there???

Before anyone jumps on their high horse I am not linking brave soldiers with low life paedo's I am just saying how easy it would be to secrete a tiny mobile phone camera in ones pocket and take what a pro photographer would call a scoop.

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