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Husband and I are off to Denmark, Norway and Sweden mid May, hope to leave the Motorhome in Stockholm and go on the overnight ferry to Helsinki and return to Stockholm the next night Has anybody any info re this and can they recommend a safe campsite in Stockholm.
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Check with the insurance company that it will be okay the leave your motorhome unoccupied / unattended on site. Some may not cover you. If you just do it and something happens to your motorhome without checking you may have problems.

Good luck have a good trip.


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The advice on checking the insurance is sound. I interpret my own as having terms which exclude leaving it (abroad) for more than 36 hours without prior agreement (though this, of course, might be just long enough for your purposes).


Any campsite might also not officially allow an unoccupied vehicle overnight (but they aren't necessarily going to know).


Stockholm is well worth the visit, especially if it is sunny, as it has a very attractive setting on the water. It is a good few years since we stayed there, but there are at least a couple of sites within walking distance of the T-Bahn, making access to the centre OK. I believe we stayed at this one:




......simply from looking at the layout. (The confusion arises from the fact we looked at two, and it's long enough ago for me to have forgotten which one we ended up at).


The other is:




....and it fits my memory of the one we decided against.


Whilst you're there, don't miss a vist to the Vasa Museum, it beats the Mary Rose hands down!


If you like visiting the cities, then Copenhagen is worth a stop on the way through. Easy to spend a couple of days, and I can recommend a campsite (which was recommended to me on here) within walking distance of the train, that we used last year.



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Stayed in B&B when we went to Stockholm, before camper; lovely city; make sure you take a boat trip around the islands; amazing.Hope to make the same Scandinavian trip in the not too distant future.

Have a good trip,


alan b

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