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What we can expect for a year or two


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Guest peter

This is the first time I've clicked on this thread and guess what? It's still the same old combatants , still at it. For crying out loud Francis, why don't you get a life, and refrain from responding to Clives posts.

Give us and yourself a break. I've not even bothered to read any of the posts as a consequence.

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francisgraham - 2012-04-20 10:49 PM


we shall all watch with great amusement, as a man who is possibly the nastiest and most bigoted member that this forum has ever had to endure, continues to embarrass himself. 


We shall indeed

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2012-04-20 10:49 PM

I have an 'Ignore List', on this forum. This consists of two people at present. They are members whose views are so vile, so bigoted, so unintelligent, that it's simply pointless attempting to have a sensible debate with them, so I never respond to their posts.


Am I one of them Francis?........am I??.................am I???? :D







Oh I forgot :-(.........................Your not responding (lol) (lol)

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pelmetman - 2012-04-21 8:45 AM


francisgraham - 2012-04-20 10:49 PM

I have an 'Ignore List', on this forum. This consists of two people at present. They are members whose views are so vile, so bigoted, so unintelligent, that it's simply pointless attempting to have a sensible debate with them, so I never respond to their posts.


Am I one of them Francis?........am I??.................am I???? :D




Oh I forgot :-(.........................Your not responding (lol) (lol)


I see a window of opportunity here...... if everyone goes on said list???.....

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francisgraham - 2012-04-20 10:49 PM


Anyway, I have an 'Ignore List', on this forum. This consists of two people at present. They are members whose views are so vile, so bigoted, so unintelligent, that it's simply pointless attempting to have a sensible debate with them, so I never respond to their posts.



I'm pleased to inform you that you are now the third person on my 'Ignore List' and I shall not be replying to any more of your rather childish rants


Please carry on with your bile, we shall all watch with great amusement, as a man who is possibly the nastiest and most bigoted member that this forum has ever had to endure, continues to embarrass himself. 


Awwww Gumpy, please dont get upset and put me on iggy just because I pointed out one of your discrepancies regarding how you think yourself superior to others.

If you must iggy me then please tell me one thing before you go. Since I've been on this forum there's hardly an insult that you haven't thrown at me causing me great anguish and many sleepless nights. :'(

According to you I'm thick, nasty, full of bile, bigoted, unintelligent and worse of all, I embarrass myself.

Now what I want to know is you inferred that Iggy1 and Iggy2 were "so vile, so bigoted, so unintelligent" but also accused me of being similar, so who is the most bigoted and vilest :D

Thanking you Gumpy in anticipation (lol)

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The reason that I won’t be responding to any more of Lord Fullofwind’s posts is laid out below and I also, just so members know that it isn’t just me, paste in a comment made by Brian Kirby in an earlier thread.

I have always thought that Fullofwind is the vilest creature that I’ve ever encountered anywhere, both on a forum or in real life. As I’ve pointed out before, everything about him, from his leering avatar, to his obscene nom de plume and address just screams VULGAR OAF.

However, as I said, it’s not just me. I think that we can all agree that Brian Kirby is one of the most reasonable and even-tempered individuals on this forum. However, after months of Fullofwind’s BNP-inspired bile and bigotry, even Brian snapped and, on March 8th, on page 3 of a thread entitled ‘Perfect Britain’ he posted this response to another of Fullofwind’s bigoted outpourings:

‘God, you can't even get it right when it is all laid out for you! Just engage little grey cell, and read what you wrote! 

I emphatically do not believe you to have anything approaching "a unique insight into compassion": quite the reverse, in fact. As I said above, and you seem to have failed to read that as well,"Your whole post reeked of your sense that you have some unique insight into the misfortunes of others." Think on. 

As to my lacking in, what gives you that idea, what I actually wrote somewhere, another of your straw men - or just something else you misread? I think I have read more inflammatory, ill informed, uncompassionate, twisted, bigoted, bile from you than from anyone else on this forum, ever - and that is quite a record! 

I quote: "I doubt it Gumpy, those will be the ones here legally. The illegals are probably making a pretty penny people trafficking, counterfeiting, drugs barons, child begging etc. Fortunately some do get caught eventually including those who murder and rape or even use children for sex." 

And you think I lack in the compassion department! Physician, heal thyself!’

I particularly enjoyed this section of paragraph three:

‘I think I have read more inflammatory, ill informed, uncompassionate, twisted, bigoted, bile from you than from anyone else on this forum, ever - and that is quite a record!’ 

Immediately after this post from Brian, Fullofwind mysteriously disappeared for about a month. From virtually living on this forum he just vanished. I suspect that even he realised that he’d gone too far, too often.

Now he’s creeping back and probably hopes that his bigoted and vile views will have been forgotten. But they haven’t, not by me and I doubt that Brian Kirby has forgotten them.

So that’s why I shall no longer be responding to Fullofwind’s posts. The man is so far beyond the pale that I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him.

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francisgraham - 2012-04-23 12:17 AM

I have always thought that Fullofwind is the vilest creature that I’ve ever encountered anywhere, both on a forum or in real life.

I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him.


Have to disagree with you FG - His windyness may not be the most diplomatic on here but he is far from the most consistently unpleasant!


I really have no desire to see you stick needles in those delicate parts but I can think of a few that would probably enjoy watching!


Try not to take it all quite so seriously - it's only make believe and hardly life and death is it!

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Tracker - 2012-04-23 10:05 AM


francisgraham - 2012-04-23 12:17 AM


I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him.




I really have no desire to see you stick needles in those delicate parts but I can think of a few that would probably enjoy watching!


Try not to take it all quite so seriously - it's only make believe and hardly life and death is it!


a) I have already got some rusty needles that I am happy to donate and have a cuppa and a sandwich ready and await the screams! For pure entertainment this has GOT to be good value


b) I just wish FG would say the same (" I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him") about me as he does about LB! (lol)

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CliveH - 2012-04-23 11:17 AM


a) I have already got some rusty needles that I am happy to donate and have a cuppa and a sandwich ready and await the screams! For pure entertainment this has GOT to be good value


b) I just wish FG would say the same (" I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him") about me as he does about LB! (lol)


Sorry Clive - but as one who deals with the great unwashed in every day life you would know only too well that not everyone does what they say they will!


We live more in hope than expectation though don't we!

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CliveH - 2012-04-23 11:17 AM




a) I have already got some rusty needles that I am happy to donate and have a cuppa and a sandwich ready and await the screams! For pure entertainment this has GOT to be good value





Makes me wonder how you spend your spare time Clive.




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I have a plasticine figure with large testicles that I nickname "Francis" on the windowsill by my desk and I spend many a happy hour with said rusty needles


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


And if you believe that you would believe anything!

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Tracker - 2012-04-23 11:26 AM


CliveH - 2012-04-23 11:17 AM


a) I have already got some rusty needles that I am happy to donate and have a cuppa and a sandwich ready and await the screams! For pure entertainment this has GOT to be good value


b) I just wish FG would say the same (" I’d rather stick needles in my testicles than have anything more to do with him") about me as he does about LB! (lol)


Sorry Clive - but as one who deals with the great unwashed in every day life you would know only too well that not everyone does what they say they will!

We live more in hope than expectation though don't we!


Where there is hope there is life?


(It's life Jim! - but not as we know it)

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CliveH - 2012-04-23 12:35 PM


Where there is hope there is life?


(It's life Jim! - but not as we know it)


But where there is life there is not always hope?


Klingons on the starboard bow - again!

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What's the difference between a Klingon and some folk on here?


Klingons are honourable, misunderstood, and just need to be loved!

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malc d - 2012-04-23 1:47 PM


CliveH - 2012-04-23 1:35 PM


Are they hairy as well then Malc?



Dunno about 'hairy' - but some certainly bristle with indignation if their views are questioned.





I believe that's called prickly - not hairy!!

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malc d - 2012-04-23 10:10 AM


knight of the road - 2012-04-23 2:34 AM


If someone referred to me like francis and apparantly Brian, i dont think I would sleep at night.



So how come you posted that at 2:34 a.m. ?





I take a pain killer tablet at 6pm, 9pm then 12 midnight and I am due another at 2.30/3am hence my nochturanal wanderings, the computer is a boon to taking my mind off things while the pain killers kick in, then I have a wonderful feeling of relief until morning.

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