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Which type of fire extinguisher?

Matrix Meanderer

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Our habitation service identified that our small fire extinguisher is (a) out of date and (b) too small so it needs replacing. Having originally bought the extinguisher for a second hand caravan and now having it in a very different and much newer motorhome got me thinking about the right replacement.


The question is - which type of fire extinguisher to buy - Dry Powder which is recommended for MHs by several extinguisher manufacturers and the Fire & Safety Centre or Foam AFFF recommended by The Caravan Club? Cannot find any other advice from relevant national organisations.


We intend supplementing the 2 Kg or 2 Litre extinguisher with a small (1m x 1m) fire blanket as well.


So which type of extinguisher do Forum Members recommend?

Serious answers only please!


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The difference is that dry powder will smother the fire and stop any air getting to the fire but it will not cool it down so the fire could start again almost immediately unless it gets cooled down. Not too good on oil based fires such as chip pans or engines etc but good agains electrical fires as it does not conduct electricity.

AFFF smothers the fire and cools it down so is good on oil based fires and carbonaceous fires but as it is liquid based, it will act as a conductor on an electrical fire so the user risks electrical shock.


In my opinion, given that most prople are not trained in the use of fire fighting equipment, a dry powder extinguisher is safest, (given the amount of electrical equipment etc in the van), it should knock down a small fire sufficiently enough to allow people to get out of the van. I would say also carry a fire blanket too.



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Guest peter
Whichever one you choose, don't operate any of them whilst you are still in the van. If you've ever seen a dry powder extinguisher let off you would understand why, it would choke you to death as well as make a right mess of your van. Go for the fire blanket first and if that dosn't work then use the extinguisher as a last resort.
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Thanks for the helpful comments. Looks like powder is preferred.

We do have a combined carbon monoxide and fire alarm fitted as well.


The point about using the fire blanket first and then only if necessary using the powder extinguisher from outside the MH is a good one. In my working life I've been involved in evacuation and safety practice events and have been amazed at the output of extinguishers.


However, I think that cleaning up after a powder extinguisher is preferable to replacing a burnt out van.



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It's also worth bearing in mind size. Most of the fire extinguishers I see in motorhome are the size of Fairy liquid bottle and a 1kg one will typically only work for around 6.5 seconds (2kg gives around 14 secs). If you think you have minutes to merrily spray away at the fire you'll be in for shock.


Buy the biggest you can physically fit in your vehicle and get a fire blanket. Plus a smoke alarm and CO detector.


The other point I'd make is that dry powder is horrible stuff - very corrosive and will ruin all metal it comes into contact with. For this reason (and the fumes) I prefer AFFF.


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I agree with Peterrosey regarding dry powder extinguishers. I carry out fire warden training in the South East and we use all the different types of extinguishers. The dry powders make a dreadful mess and are extremely corrosive (my workmate bears the evidence).

I certainly would not use one in my motorhome and carry a large CO2 in an external locker and a fire blanket inside. The CO2 will only last for seconds, so get close and don't waste it !!

In edit, don't hold the black horn when using it as you'll get freeze burns....point it at the fire and then support it at the base. 

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Thanks for all the helpful comments.


I've invested in a fire blanket which will be mounted near the cooker. We have not had one of these before - really should be installed by default in all vans/MHs.


We don't do chips in hot fat (yuk and what a nasty smell) ever so the blanket will be the first line of defence.


I take the points about the mess that a powder extinguisher makes but if you ever get to using it the circumstances will be pretty dire. So better powder to kill the fire as quickly as possible, it will all have to be cleaned up afterwards.


I also found a big variation in price and delivery charges so well worth shopping with the mouse.


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I carry two extinguishers and a fire blanket. Blanket is within easy reach of the cooker, there's a 2 KG dry powder mounted on the driver's door step in case of engine fires (hopefully someone else's engine at that) and a 2 litre AFFF job by the sliding door on the passenger's B pillar for internal fires in our van and yes I do know how to use them, I did fire training when I worked for the MOD.



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