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http://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums/images/icons/NEWS.gif Grey Water.

Local television here in the South had local Authorities asking House holders to pour their Grey Water,[ from baths ,washing machines and sinks etc. ] over and around the trees and shrubs in their streets as the Councils can't afford to water these trees and shrubs and don't have enough water to do it anyway. So it seems that those of us [ Motorhomers ] who have always thrown their waste water into the hedges have been right all along .
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Guest pelmetman
Since the hose pipe ban.........It's barely stopped raining *-).............local news tonight a story of flash floods 8-)
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JamesFrance - 2012-04-19 7:34 PM

Exactly the same as the contents of the average motorhome waste tank.


In what way does it differ James??

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Guest peter
Watered down washing up liquid is a well known killer for greenfly, and it's also biodegradable. As is washing up water, despite it's smell. So is the contents of your toilet, but I wouldn't propose you chuck it on your garden or in the hedge. :->
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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2012-04-19 8:50 PM


Watered down washing up liquid is a well known killer for greenfly, and it's also biodegradable. As is washing up water, despite it's smell. So is the contents of your toilet, but I wouldn't propose you chuck it on your garden or in the hedge. :->


Any particular hedge Peter? ;-).....................Just hedging my bets :D

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crinklystarfish - 2012-04-21 9:56 AMGrey water - OK to use it to hydrate plants? Get away!

I think responsible motorhome owners everywhere should write to the local authorities concerned telling them how anti-social and environmentally destructive they are being.
Or, better still, write to get them to have motorhome stopover points with large tanks to collect the grey water which they can use on their trees and shrubs - I wouldn't even charge them for mine!David
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