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Peterbourough advice from Warners on camping!


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rolandrat - 2012-04-25 7:37 PM


I'm one of those who has pre-booked for Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday but because of the weather forecast I've decided to bite the bullet and give it a miss even though I was sited with the MCC. There's no pleasure in wading around in mud all weekend.


Peterborough is not that bad. There is plenty of indoor display area and outdoors don't they lay aluminium roadways?


The weather forecast for the next couple of days is much better than today, sunshine and showers with possibly Saturday being the worst day.



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Mike B. - 2012-04-25 7:25 PM

What a load of absolute rubbish. What are Warners supposed to do-ring everyone in the country with a motorhome and say 'if you haven't booked don't come it's full?'


Get real-people can see the weather forecast, it's hardly Warners fault-if you don't advance book anything you take a chance-if it's full when you get there it's your fault for not pre booking

As for thousands driving through storm and tempest unbooked-more fool them



What a load of old tosh - how can you defend an organisation with so much show experience that it should know better than to be trusting in a lucky break in the weather for it's major shows rather than making adequate contingency plans for extra parking on firm ground should the need arise.


It's not as if entry was free!


Warners must have a good idea of the projected turnout both of prebooked and unbooked Motorhomes and it should not be beyond their wit and budget to find venues that can accommodate everyone on firm ground.


The weather is not Warners fault, as far as I can tell, but failure to plan ahead certainly is - after all this scenario has happened many times before at lots of locations - but especially at Peterborough.


I sympathise particularly with the exhibitors who may well end up the real losers here - I wonder if they will get a rebate?


To bar entry to anyone unbooked with no prior warnings boldly publicised in the adverts to check before travelling seems to me very cynical and negligent on their part - and the knock on effect to lots of angry, tired and disillusioned motorhomers will do Warners reputation no good whatsoever.

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Tracker - 2012-04-25 9:02 PM


Mike B. - 2012-04-25 7:25 PM

What a load of absolute rubbish. What are Warners supposed to do-ring everyone in the country with a motorhome and say 'if you haven't booked don't come it's full?'


Get real-people can see the weather forecast, it's hardly Warners fault-if you don't advance book anything you take a chance-if it's full when you get there it's your fault for not pre booking

As for thousands driving through storm and tempest unbooked-more fool them





" The weather is not Warners fault, as far as I can tell,............... "





I've checked with the met office and they confirm that the weather is not Warners' fault.



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Tracker - 2012-04-25 1:34 PM


pepe63 - 2012-04-25 1:20 PM



Edit: Manu..I don't think it's wrong type of rain..more like the wrong type of "terrain"... ;-)




Or the wrong type of organiser!

It's nothing to do with the organisers You idiot! If visitors were allowed to camp on a bog of a field, that would be o/k would it?. You really should get your brain in gear before engaging your mouth, (metaphorically speaking).
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I know this may have already happened as its not rocket science but could the person who has decided not to go due to the weather, contact the person who is half way there and give them his details and so at least one of them could have a good weekend. :-D :-D :-D


Just a thought



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We were booked on the CC Ferry Meadows site for the weekend. I rang them on Monday to make a booking for a friend to join us, and was told that the site was water- logged and they were pulling vans off, so I cancelled. Looks like Newbury as usual this year.
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peter - 2012-04-25 10:22 PM

It's nothing to do with the organisers You idiot! If visitors were allowed to camp on a bog of a field, that would be o/k would it?. You really should get your brain in gear before engaging your mouth, (metaphorically speaking).


Why don't you read the postings properly before shouting your big fat mouth off again?


For the sake of all the other dumb bu**ers unable to grasp what I am saying - but more specifically you, - I will repeat -


I do reluctantly have to agree that the weather is not the fault of Warners!!


Failure to use their experience and resources to plan ahead to provide an alternative location with hard standing parking for hundreds of vans even if it means being off site and a bus to the show most certainly is.


The repercussions for visitors, both booked and unbooked, but not least for the long suffering exhibitors have already been voiced and if you disagree now is the time to politely put forward a logically thought out alternative view rather than just criticise - can you manage that?


If you don't agree you might like to consider engaging both of your brain cells and answering with courtesy - although I do believe that is well beyond your infantile comprehension of reality.


Morons like you who constantly insult and criticise others without ever offering anything constructive themselves are not really a credit to either themselves or this forum.

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peter - 2012-04-25 10:22 PM

]It's nothing to do with the organisers You idiot! If visitors were allowed to camp on a bog of a field, that would be o/k would it?. You really should get your brain in gear before engaging your mouth, (metaphorically speaking).




Perhaps when you reply you might consider a more pleasant tone - perhaps more like the following?


Meanwhile may I respectfully ask that you read my postings again and you will see that at no time do I blame Warners for the weather.


What I did suggest was that with all their show experience and resources their failure to provide alternatives for parking at this venue with it's well known history of flooding is very poor both for visiting motorhomers expecting to be able to stay for the weekend and also for the exhibitors who have paid a lot of money to be there and are surely entitled to have the organisers do their best to get as many people in as they can.


Do you have an alternative view that you can share with us all?


So you see it can be done without being rude and I do so hope that this example helps you to accomplish that.

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So what you are saying Dick is Warners should rent every hardstanding pitch in the county so that visitors who chose not to pre book will have somewhere to stay? Oh and you expect them to rent every bus in the county to bring these POSSIBLE visitors to the showground (whether they want to or not?). I can only assume this is your meaning 'cos I can't see any other way of providing alternative locations with hardstanding pitches for non pre booked visitors who may choose to turn up add hoc.



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Dave Newell - 2012-04-26 6:14 PM


So what you are saying Dick is Warners should rent every hardstanding pitch in the county so that visitors who chose not to pre book will have somewhere to stay? Oh and you expect them to rent every bus in the county to bring these POSSIBLE visitors to the showground (whether they want to or not?). I can only assume this is your meaning 'cos I can't see any other way of providing alternative locations with hardstanding pitches for non pre booked visitors who may choose to turn up add hoc.




Tracker is saying that they should have a contingency plan for hard standings for hundreds of vans just in case it rains hard.

The odd hard standing on campsites clearly wouldn't be enough so I would suggest they rent a runway at Stansted.


Hope this helps.



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There are plenty of underused car parks and disused industrial sites in the area and whilst these are far from ideal they would be better than being turned away if they were made available with a shuttle bus service to the show site.


Failing this then perhaps Peterborough is not the best place to have this show?


The weather forecast for Friday is mainly dry and with the strong winds of toady and probably Friday the ground should not get any worse and may ever dry out a bit.


Saturday is forecast dry and breezy too but rain again on Sunday, locally heavy at times does not look good.

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Tracker please give us all a break, why don't you go and see a Vet.

Your just getting on every ones nerves.

I think the original post asked for information regarding parking up at Peterbro, they didnt want to hear your thoughts of your brain storm.

You must be a Tory


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Tracker - 2012-04-26 10:17 AM...  For the sake of all the other dumb bu**ers unable to grasp what I am saying...

I'm going out on a limb here but my take is that most of the "dumb bu**ers" that have responded did read your postings properly and fully understood the central point the very first time you wrote it; and thought it ridiculous.

I don't think there's much more to it than that.

It's in Warner's commercial interest to pack visitors and traders in so rest easy that they will very likely be the biggest loser.

They are not in any way a public service and have no obligation to spread love and happiness.
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Barney123 - 2012-04-26 7:52 PM


Tracker please give us all a break, why don't you go and see a Vet.

Your just getting on every ones nerves.

I think the original post asked for information regarding parking up at Peterbro, they didnt want to hear your thoughts of your brain storm.

You must be a Tory


Oh dear - you do sound ever so pompous Barney!!

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crinklystarfish - 2012-04-26 7:56 PM
Tracker - 2012-04-26 10:17 AM...  For the sake of all the other dumb bu**ers unable to grasp what I am saying...

I'm going out on a limb here but my take is that most of the "dumb bu**ers" that have responded did read your postings properly and fully understood the central point the very first time you wrote it; and thought it ridiculous.

I don't think there's much more to it than that.

It's in Warner's commercial interest to pack visitors and traders in so rest easy that they will very likely be the biggest loser.

They are not in any way a public service and have no obligation to spread love and happiness.
You may well be right!However I was just so irritated that Warners with no advance warning decided to turn all non booked campers away with no help or advice seemingly available as to where those who arrive in the evening - as many do - might spend the night before visiting the show, if they still want to, as a day visitor the next day.Perhaps I got a bit carried away!
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Sorry Tracker, but IMO your arguement is undefendable


Anyone going to the Show without pre-booking takes a gamble as to whether a pitch is available or NOT, irrespective of the weather / ground conditions.at any time of the year.


So as a counter arguement -

If the weather forecast is for glorious wall to wall sunshine & every man & his dog decides to attend without pre-booking, Warners should accept every unit that turns up. (?) (?) (?)


At any Show there is a limited No. of Pitches, so if you are sure your want to attend - PRE-BOOK.


Anyone who hasn't pre-booked (any Show) takes that risk & therefore the responsibility if turned away.

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I cant believe some of the stuff I read on this forum. It reminds me of that advert on the TV about road rage.

When you go to Out and About Live forums, Motorhome Matters states the following, "Log on for friendly chat with hundreds of motorhome enthusiasts like yourself...

It doesn't say, "Log on for friendly chat with hundreds of motorhome enthusiasts like yourself or maybe a load of abuse and foul language",

Perhaps some people should take an extended holiday to calm down a bit and have a word with themeselves.

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I pre-booked and because of the feedback I received I took the decision not to attend, I don't expect a refund or a credit note to be able to attend another show but If Warners offer then it would be a well received gesture. A friend of mine was taken to his pitch being towed by a tracter so what does that tell you about the ground conditions.
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We only live approx 20 miles away from the showground and usually attend as a day visitor , but going by the amount of heavy rain we have had this week we have decided to give it a miss , not that we need anything ,but have always enjoyed the event . I can rember in 2007 when the Lincoln Show was a complete washout the parking area was a swamp and the traders area walkways were covered in straw to cover the mud. I feel for the traders as they need every oppourtunity to make a living in these difficult times as doing shows doe's not come cheap. At the end of the day no one can alter the weather and in the past the event has enjoyed excellent weather , so there is bound to be a bad one at some time. At the end of the day a lot of people are going to end up seriously out of pocket.
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The fun will begin when the show ends, How many tractors will be available to remove all the campers and exhibitors from the show ground, I pity all those that are built on low slung Alko chassis. The ruts that the tractors make can be very deep. I was once at the Dorset Steam Rally which suffered with torrential rain and had to wait for 6 hours for a tractor to tow me off. The showground ended up looking like a ploughed field, there wasn't a blade of grass to be seen anywhere.
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flicka - 2012-04-26 8:29 PM

Sorry Tracker, but IMO your arguement is undefendable

Anyone going to the Show without pre-booking takes a gamble as to whether a pitch is available or NOT, irrespective of the weather / ground conditions.at any time of the year.

So as a counter arguement -

If the weather forecast is for glorious wall to wall sunshine & every man & his dog decides to attend without pre-booking, Warners should accept every unit that turns up. (?) (?) (?)

At any Show there is a limited No. of Pitches, so if you are sure your want to attend - PRE-BOOK.

Anyone who hasn't pre-booked (any Show) takes that risk & therefore the responsibility if turned away.


Thanks John and I appreciate the well reasoned and polite response.


What began as a tongue in cheek response as ever gets taken too seriously by some and I do find it so hard to resist carrying on the saga , if only to see who says what !


If there is ever any chance of bad weather restricting access to a show, and there is always that chance in the UK, the organisers should make that very clear in their promotional adverts - and I don't mean hidden away in the small print - and advise people to phone or check on line before leaving home. Whether they have enough staff to answer the phones is another matter of course?


To suddenly announce with no warning that unbooked campers will be turned away suggests to me a knee jerk response and a blatant disregard for potential customers who may well have driven a long way, whatever the reason given.


Why should you have to book to 'guarantee' a place? Some people can't book in advance for various reasons and others - quite rightly - prefer to wait and see what the weather does before going.


There are three groups of visitors, booked, unbooked, and day visitors and the sheer volume of the unbooked campers must make that sector as important in terms of numbers of attendees per day as the booked visitors so to suddenly exclude them without prior warning does the organisers no credit as far as the exhibitors are concerned as well as the inconvenienced campers who will be rightly, in my view, miffed.


Even after a last minute decision and arriving on a Saturday in the past I have never been turned away from a show when it is hot and/or dry - somehow the organisers always seem to find more space to reap in all that lovely income - even if you do end up with a very long walk to the show!

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