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Peterbourough advice from Warners on camping!


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We are thinking of going as day visitors tomorrow or Sunday, so can anybody who is there please post and let everybody else know how good / bad the show and conditions are please? I would not want to drive there from Birmingham only to find its either not worth going or that we will bring a ploughed field back with us

Many thanks


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Bojitoes - 2012-04-27 4:32 PM


We are thinking of going as day visitors tomorrow or Sunday, so can anybody who is there please post and let everybody else know how good / bad the show and conditions are please? I would not want to drive there from Birmingham only to find its either not worth going or that we will bring a ploughed field back with us

Many thanks




Hi Bob


We've just got back from Peterborough.


We went this morning by car. Got there about 11 a.m. and there was still plenty of room for parking on the 'stony' areas. So probably best to get there early.

When we left there were a lot of cars parked on the grass but the area didn't seem to be churned up, but was pretty soggy.


The BBC web forecast was for heavy rain all day, but it didn't rain on us until about 2 p.m. - when it was quite steady.


Although there is plenty of the usual metal paving down there are areas which are very 'squelchy' - even inside some of the outdoor stands. Many have put straw down which has cut down on the mud.


What surprised us was that it was quite cold - so my suggestion would be to wear good waterproof footwear and dress for a cold wet day !


( Remember the old saying that there is no such thing as bad weather - just the wrong clothing).


Got the impression that there were not as many day visitors as usual - but plenty of campers with some very muddy looking dogs.


Have a good day !




The camping area looks extremely soggy. ;-)

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Local weather forecast shows tomorrow (Saturday) as being the best, reasonably dry. Sunday is forecast to chuck it down again.


I went to Lincoln show a couple of years ago when the weather was so bad and the floods were at their height. Warners worked so hard to rearrange the various areas to the best ground, and the atmosphere was very good as everyone made the best of it. They arrange the shows for us to be able to see all sorts of stuff in one place, enjoy the entertainment and the craic and have a good time, but they don't do it for the sake of their health - everyone is entitled to make a profit, so they must make the most of the good years to compensate for the bad.


It is extremely difficult to find alternative venues that are all hardstanding. Part of the fun of the shows is all being in one place and being able to walk to the exhibition area or concerts. I wouldn't want to be stuck on a disused industrial estate somewhere as has been suggested. There is nothing wrong with Peterborough showground, it is just unlucky for us that the weather has been so bad recently.

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Tracker has a valid point which has perhaps been lost in the subsequent melee.


On 22 April, I posted on Chatterbox that following a period of drought, Peterborough had experienced rain over the last few weeks. Tracker responded by suggesting the site would be ankle deep in mud. Since then it has raised everyday in Peterborough. Tracker identified the potential problem a week in advance.


Personally, if I was organising an outdoor event I would be checking the weather for a week or so beforehand. The "failure" of Warners is not down to a sudden change in the weather or unforeseen weather conditions.

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Brock - 2012-04-27 5:57 PM




Personally, if I was organising an outdoor event I would be checking the weather for a week or so beforehand. The "failure" of Warners is not down to a sudden change in the weather or unforeseen weather conditions.



But, if you WERE organising the event, what changes / preparations would you have made ( at such short notice ) ?







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Hi all....ready for a laugh then yeah.....Warners got this show so wrong that they had to dish out FREE day passes to loads of motorhome people at the day visitors carpark this morning me included at 08.30am, because there was so many angry non booked motorhomers who were parked in the surrounding streets overnight baying for blood.

Maxine the events organiser for Warners came along to discuss the issue and ADMITTED "THEY GOT IT ALL WRONG".......so to all of you that were calling people idiots there was far less of them there and plenty having a good day.

Just go's to SHOW calling name, hey....its about opinions that all !


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Maybe the same as Warners have. Hence "failure" was in quotation marks. I'm not criticising. My point is simply that the adverse weather, and the consequences, were foreseeable. And Tracker correctly foresaw these consequences.


Warners had at least a week's notice so its not that short term. It has rained heavily for the last three weeks in Peterborough. I would have had a contingency plan for not being able to use all the camping field - as Warners seem to have - I would have something to dry up the excess water - like Warners have done - I would find a way of discouraging campers and encouraging day visitors - as Warners have done although possibly earlier than Warners did.


I'd have planned the camping layout early on the basis of which is likely to be the drier area - Warners may have done this. I would have been tempted to close off the bookings at least last weekend - Warners may have done this. I would probably question whether I had taken too many bookings given the weather forecast some weeks ago was heavy showers until June. I would have sufficient tractor pulling power - Warners may have. Perhaps arranged for the local radio station to give warnings although that would be too little too late. Perhaps look to see what I could do for the exhibitors. Consider whether there is sufficient cover for paying patrons in the event of a sudden heavy shower - there may be. They may have been able to plan a park and ride for contingency day visitors and use some of that day parking for overnight stays.


I would have someone monitoring the weather and conditions at the showground. Warners are based at Bourne, less than 18 miles from the showground.


Contingency planning is all about a structured assessment of what might go wrong, analyse what has gone wrong in the past, and whether there are any special circumstances this year that might cause extra problems. Once you have assessed the risks, you decide how many of these can be eliminated or mitigated within the cost of what you are prepared to pay.

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Guest Tracker

To all those folk who heaped abuse, criticism and grumbles on me -


No need to apologise!!



To all those who didn't -






Quack quack!

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Guest Tracker

Seems like a suitable item -


"Say, what's your name?" the bartender asked the first duck.


"Huey," was the reply.


"How's your day been, Huey?"


"Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. What else could a duck want?" said Huey.


"Oh. That's nice," said the bartender.


He turned to the second duck, "Hi, and what's your name?"


"Dewey," came the answer from duck number two.


"So how's your day been, Dewey?" he asked.


"Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball too. Been in and out of puddles all day myself. What else could a duck want?"


The bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So, you must be Louie?"


"No," she said, batting her eyelashes. "My name is Puddles.

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Guest JudgeMental
Oh please! This is excruciating...... Do yourselves a favour.....Save up.....and get over to Düsseldorf to see what a PROPER motorhome show is like :D
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Tracker - 2012-04-27 7:37 PM


To all those folk who heaped abuse, criticism and grumbles on me -


No need to apologise!!





You shouldn't get carried away just because a couple of people have agreed with you.


Some people told Gordon Brown he was doing a good job.





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Guest Tracker
malc d - 2012-04-27 8:33 PM

Some people told Gordon Brown he was doing a good job.


Oh come on Malc - be fair - even you can't blame the Gordon Brown cock ups on me!

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I've no interest in this show.


On the 25th I got an email from Warners warning me not to turn up prebooked, and highlighting their Facebook/Twitter feeds.


Seems to me they did what they could to reach out via the reasonably available communications channels. What did people want, an item on BBC news?

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I've no idea why you people in the UK keep on putting up with this sort of thing.


Really, I just don't understand.

Which numpty decided to hold such an event in such a weather-dependant location?


And why do you people pay good money to go to and get stuck at a motorhome show held in an area of bogland?




Is it truly not beyond the whit of British man to actually think; and book such things, where by definition, big heavy vans will attend by the thousand, at a location with hard-standing or tarmac for parking?

Anywhere else in Europe this is an utter basic requirement of MH shows.



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Tracker - 2012-04-27 9:02 PM


malc d - 2012-04-27 8:33 PM

Some people told Gordon Brown he was doing a good job.


Oh come on Malc - be fair - even you can't blame the Gordon Brown cock ups on me!




I wasn't.


I was merely pointing out that because someone has one or two supporters, it doesn't mean they are right.


It only means that one or two people agree with them.




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BGD - 2012-04-27 10:21 PM  ...Is it truly not beyond the whit of British man to actually think; and book such things, where by definition, big heavy vans will attend by the thousand, at a location with hard-standing or tarmac for parking? Anywhere else in Europe this is an utter basic requirement of MH shows.

Do the people at Bad Kissingen know they are letting the side down? - where it's not been unknown for overlanding 4x4 trucks to need a tow off.

In the UK it rains, sometimes a lot, I'd imagine that crosses the mind of any business that has a commercial interest in the success of outdoor events.

I think the highly skilled would-be event organisers that have posted ought to club together and form a consultancy company.

They'd make a fortune advising dimwits like Warners, numerous outdoor music festival organisers, MotoGP, and Ecclestone's Formula 1 circus - all of which have had recent events sullied by the British weather - how to properly build contingency plans for large events.

If only these half-witted financially struggling organisations knew that there was such a rich team of untapped talent out there with nothing currently better to do than prattle away on a crappy little forum.

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I personally think that Warners should have done a " leaflet drop " to the entire country so as to warn people of the possible problems that might occur if the bad weather that was happening was to continue.


That should start some SH*T flying !!!!


For gods sake people " grow up "

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crinklystarfish - 2012-04-28 9:18 AM
BGD - 2012-04-27 10:21 PM  ...Is it truly not beyond the whit of British man to actually think; and book such things, where by definition, big heavy vans will attend by the thousand, at a location with hard-standing or tarmac for parking? Anywhere else in Europe this is an utter basic requirement of MH shows.

Do the people at Bad Kissingen know they are letting the side down? - where it's not been unknown for overlanding 4x4 trucks to need a tow off.

In the UK it rains, sometimes a lot, I'd imagine that crosses the mind of any business that has a commercial interest in the success of outdoor events.

I think the highly skilled would-be event organisers that have posted ought to club together and form a consultancy company.

They'd make a fortune advising dimwits like Warners, numerous outdoor music festival organisers, MotoGP, and Ecclestone's Formula 1 circus - all of which have had recent events sullied by the British weather - how to properly build contingency plans for large events.

If only these half-witted financially struggling organisations knew that there was such a rich team of untapped talent out there with nothing currently better to do than prattle away on a crappy little forum.

Oh we really do need a like button on this site! Well said Crinkly.D.
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Guest peter
Dave Newell - 2012-04-26 6:14 PM


So what you are saying Dick is Warners should rent every hardstanding pitch in the county so that visitors who chose not to pre book will have somewhere to stay? Oh and you expect them to rent every bus in the county to bring these POSSIBLE visitors to the showground (whether they want to or not?). I can only assume this is your meaning 'cos I can't see any other way of providing alternative locations with hardstanding pitches for non pre booked visitors who may choose to turn up add hoc.



Don't waste your time Dave. The forum idiot is talking out of his arse again. (as is usual)
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Guest Tracker
peter - 2012-04-28 6:32 PM


Dave Newell - 2012-04-26 6:14 PM


So what you are saying is Warners should rent every hardstanding pitch in the county so that visitors who chose not to pre book will have somewhere to stay? Oh and you expect them to rent every bus in the county to bring these POSSIBLE visitors to the showground (whether they want to or not?). I can only assume this is your meaning 'cos I can't see any other way of providing alternative locations with hardstanding pitches for non pre booked visitors who may choose to turn up add hoc.



Don't waste your time Dave. The forum idiot is talking out of his arse again. (as is usual)


The prize for being the deliberately dumbest pair of idiots on here for your failure to read and understand all that has been said must surely go to Peter Pighead and Dai Knowall.


If you still don't understand it just go back and read it all with your specs on - or perhaps you should have gone to specsavers!


Peter in particular is unable to be civil in any response and any rudeness from his just goes to further highlight his unpleasant attitude and his ignorance but I expected a more reasoned argument from Dave.

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All I can add to balance the comments, is that several years ago we attended Peterborough and had a great witme with great weather......but equally we have been to the south of France and enjoyed great weather some years but on other years, very bad weather! Luck of the draw, I'dsay, and personally wouldn't want to camp on a concrete jungle car-park!
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Guest peter
Tracker - 2012-04-27 3:42 PM


flicka - 2012-04-26 8:29 PM

Sorry Tracker, but IMO your arguement is undefendable

Anyone going to the Show without pre-booking takes a gamble as to whether a pitch is available or NOT, irrespective of the weather / ground conditions.at any time of the year.

So as a counter arguement -

If the weather forecast is for glorious wall to wall sunshine & every man & his dog decides to attend without pre-booking, Warners should accept every unit that turns up. (?) (?) (?)

At any Show there is a limited No. of Pitches, so if you are sure your want to attend - PRE-BOOK.

Anyone who hasn't pre-booked (any Show) takes that risk & therefore the responsibility if turned away.


Thanks John and I appreciate the well reasoned and polite response.


What began as a tongue in cheek response as ever gets taken too seriously by some and I do find it so hard to resist carrying on the saga , if only to see who says what !



I see good old Backtracker is up to his usual trick of making a stupid or malevolent statement and then BACKTRACKING and stating that it was all tongue in cheek, just because he ended up getting taken to task and is informed of his utter stupidy. What a plonker!!!
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Guest peter
Tracker - 2012-04-28 6:37 PM


peter - 2012-04-28 6:32 PM


Dave Newell - 2012-04-26 6:14 PM


So what you are saying is Warners should rent every hardstanding pitch in the county so that visitors who chose not to pre book will have somewhere to stay? Oh and you expect them to rent every bus in the county to bring these POSSIBLE visitors to the showground (whether they want to or not?). I can only assume this is your meaning 'cos I can't see any other way of providing alternative locations with hardstanding pitches for non pre booked visitors who may choose to turn up add hoc.



Don't waste your time Dave. The forum idiot is talking out of his arse again. (as is usual)


The prize for being the deliberately dumbest pair of idiots on here for your failure to read and understand all that has been said must surely go to Peter Pighead and Dai Knowall.


If you still don't understand it just go back and read it all with your specs on - or perhaps you should have gone to specsavers!


Peter in particular is unable to be civil in any response and any rudeness from his just goes to further highlight his unpleasant attitude and his ignorance but I expected a more reasoned argument from Dave.

I'm not argueing with you dick, I'm merely pointing out your frequent stupidity. As everybody knows, it's not possible to argue with an idiot, as they are too stupid to realise they are wrong.
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As I was the OP for this thread I have sat back and read many of these posts.

My intention was to alert people to the problems expected at Peterborough. The information from Warners raised our awareness to the problem and I for one was still going to attend up to the last minute but Warners emailed me (via showgoer) aswell as putting information on this forum advising that there was no availability for non-booked campers. I was grateful for this as we would have driven a round trip of 400 miles otherwise. The open weekend at our local cider farm was also cancelled due to waterlogged fields and flooding so at least the show still went on at Peterborough anyway.

I emailed a friend who also changed plans to attend. Everyone has a reason for not booking ahead and that is understandable. I for one have now pre-booked Newbury as I save money and circumstances allow me to make a firm booking on this occasion.

Some of the bickering has made my jaw drop. Life is too short to argue but not everyone agrees with that.

Those that attended Peterborough I hoped you enjoyed it. Please update us on how the show went and if you got out of the mud.

Have a good time all.


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