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Peterbourough advice from Warners on camping!


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Guest peter
Derek Uzzell - 2012-04-30 9:20 AM


How I yearn for the 2006/2007 years when forum members were able to appreciate Frank Wilkinson, Starspririt and Peter engaging in friendly, witty, civilised discussiion. Those were the days...

It looks like Starspirit (now Tracker) has come off his medication Derek. Hence his now sad demeaner and delusions of grandeur. As for wit, I'm afaid that is something that sadly eludes him, so he turns to snide remarks instead and if challenged, claims it was all tongue in cheek. Rather sad character in fact. I think I will give him a miss in future, as he is plainly unable to respond to witty remarks in the appropriate manner since he had his sense of humour bypass.
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Guest Tracker
peter - 2012-04-30 9:53 PM

looks like Starspirit (now Tracker) has come off his medication Derek. Hence his now sad demeaner and delusions of grandeur. As for wit, I'm afaid that is something that sadly eludes him, so he turns to snide remarks instead and if challenged, claims it was all tongue in cheek. Rather sad character in fact. I think I will give him a miss in future, as he is plainly unable to respond to witty remarks in the appropriate manner since he had his sense of humour bypass.


There speaks the ex Wellingborough Whinger henceforth known as the Boston Bog-snorkeller, or maybe BoggyP - it's so good to know that you have lost none of your former wit, charm and good humour.


How could you lose them - you never had any to lose in the first place!


It really goes against my nature to mock the afflicted or to laugh at anyone in their misfortune but for you BoggyP I am happy to make an exception!


Never mind BoggyP you can rest safe in the knowledge that your MG is a far better car than my Toyota MR2 - BoggyP said so therefore it must be true!


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Guest Tracker
Others will be the best judge of that Boggy as I don't think we can realistically rely on the judgement of someone who went to Peterborough knowing in advance how bad the conditions were - and then advertised it on a public forum!
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Guest peter
Why don't you know when to concede, in the certain knowledge that you are attempting to cross swords with someone with a far superior wit and wisdom than you appear to possess. Give up now before you really make a complete fool of yourself.
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Please guys can you now agree to disagree and just ignore each other. If you want to argue that much then create your own thread or email each other direct!


PLEASE......for the sake of everyone else on the forum can it stop.



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I think I may have spotted the root of the problem.

They both hold a spectacularly delusional belief that they are in any way witty or informative.

Unfortunately it's largely unavoidable with this medium, where many who have never been taken seriously in real life now have a vent for their impotence. Hence the troll phenomenon.

Forums all over are littered with people who have a great deal to say but nothing amusing, original or inspirational to contribute.

For what it's worth I find a good technique is to look at the author of the post before I read it and simply move straight on past it. Nothing of value is ever missed this way.
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Guest Tracker
peter - 2012-04-30 10:55 PM


Why don't you know when to concede, in the certain knowledge that you are attempting to cross swords with someone with a far superior wit and wisdom than you appear to possess. Give up now before you really make a complete fool of yourself.


Concede? Sorry Boggy - I didn't realise that it was a contest - I was just hoping that you would come back with some witty or humourous comments so that we could engage in friendly banter - it seems I ask too much of you once more!


It always makes me smile when the pompous on here try the well worn path ego trip of 'superior wit, wisdom and intellect' - especially when these very same folk have shown very little of any of these attributes in their postings!


It's only in jest Boggy - wise up and do try to find enough humour and humility to smile at the way others see you there's a good chap.


I don't understand why you always have to start by having an unprovoked swipe at me just because you don't like what I post - these are not the actions of a normal person?


Surely all you needed to do was to post a politely written counter argument to my posting if you disagreed with it - something which your claimed wit and wisdom should not find to demanding surely - and for a few tips on how it is done just read back through the replies from others!

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pepe63 - 2012-05-01 5:33 PM


..does this mean that all us other "dumb bu**ers"(..you know,the ones that didn't happen to fully agree with your earlier, "anti-Warners" sentiments) get an apology then..? (lol)


As I see it, there are two distinct groups of people on this forum - several sub groups as well - but basically two main groups.


Those who can debate and will offer help when needed and are generally polite unless provoked are the main group and the other group are the opposites.


Nobody who questions my views with courtesy and reason will ever get called a dumb bugger by me and this group is the vast majority.


I reserve the special title of dumb bugger for those who not only deliberately take it upon themselves to misunderstand but are also incapable of saying so without being unpleasant or making snide comments and to those who like to jump on a passing band wagon.


I can't recall what you said as to which group you fall into but no doubt you will know!




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We don't do outside shows. When we need to go to a show we prefer the big indoor ones such as the NEC or EXEL. However there is no need for some people who did not go to belittle those who did and gloat over the problems they had. We are all different and the fact is that huge numbers do attend outside shows and enjoy themselves. Those who had trouble have my sympathy.
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Guest Tracker

We are indeed all different Colin and we dislike all the noise and clamour of an indoor show much preferring the more relaxed atmosphere of an outdoor show where you can relax, wander about the show and the camping areas chatting and meeting new people, or just sit out and people watch in the warm sunshine.


Very agreeable - but not when it's cold, windy and hissing with rain!

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That's why people like us have to buy new vans so that the likes of you tight wads can buy them later secondhand.


Actually the truth is we simply like new vans and cars for that matter and find it the quickest and easiest way to find a van that fits our requirements exactly.


We decided that when we retired we would be able to afford to buy whatever we wanted and would do just that.


We only buy what we actually need but when we do we tend to buy the best simply because we can. Mind you that often makes financial sense. For example all the White goods in our kitchen are Melie. Expensive to buy but built to last for ever.


The carpets we have just had laid will probably see us out as they say.

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Guest Tracker

I'm with you on that Colin as we too find ourselves better off now that we have ever been and have no compunction about enjoying it to the best of our ability.


For many years now we too have had a new car every two years, not that our 'old' car has ever been anything but reliable (apart from the BMWs) and likeable, but just for the hell of it!


I think our carpets etc will outlast us too - daft innit!!


But when it comes to a van I just can't bring myself to have a £50k plaything in the drive - equally daft innit!


On the other hand we have bought and sold a selection of 'second' used cars and boats and jolly good fun it is too with any losses a helluvalot less in total than the loss on a new van the moment we drive it away!


I'm not knocking new van buyers because as you say tight sods like us depend on new van buyers to provide our next used van - apart from which life ain't a rehearsal, there's no use for money where we all end up and we only pass this way once.


So power to your elbow Colin and I'll race you to see which of us can dispose of the cash element of our kid's inheritance first so that the poor hard done by buggers will 'only' get the house - plus a few not ungenerous handouts along the way!

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Guest pelmetman
Colin Leake - 2012-05-01 9:51 PM


We only buy what we actually need but when we do we tend to buy the best simply because we can. Mind you that often makes financial sense. For example all the White goods in our kitchen are Melie. Expensive to buy but built to last for ever.


The carpets we have just had laid will probably see us out as they say.


Ah.......but you have had to work long and hard to do so ;-)


Where as lazy oikes like me seek the cheapskate option through life, which is why we still have the same two piece suite we bought for our first house.............although it is now covered in £80 per mtr fabric that was left over from a job I did in Mayfair ten plus years ago :D

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Guest pelmetman
Colin Leake - 2012-05-02 4:46 PM


Are you sure Tracker. What about if you turn up at the Pearly Gates and it turns out to be like the Isle of Man where you need to have a certain amount of dosh to move in.


Be a bit of a bummer that if we've spent it all!


I'm reliably informed that money don't get you in Colin ;-) ..................Just the ability to beg forgiveness.........As any bloke should know how to................If you have been married for a long time :D

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Guest Tracker
pelmetman - 2012-05-02 5:44 PM

Where as lazy oikes like me seek the cheapskate option through life,


I don't see you as lazy Dave - you saw the light sooner than most worker bees and that is the difference!


Money would not change our way of life - lack of it would influence the toys with which we carry out our life of leisure but not the principle!



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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-05-02 5:59 PM


I don't see you as lazy Dave - you saw the light sooner than most worker bees and that is the difference!



I doubt my mate FG or the government would see it like that :D ............but I'm no different to them.......just looking after number one.......except I'm funding my idleness.......not the taxpayer ;-)


Parked up at Forges les Eaux on my cheapskate Kindle.......... B-)

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