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Lyon, France

Keith T

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We are thinking of visiting Lyon on the way down to Provence this year, having always giiven the city a wide berth previously.

Any information on campsites/aires suitable for stopping off for a few nights either within the city or accessible by public transport would be helpful. Also what are the 'must see' places nearby and within the city?

I will also post this in the 'sites' section, though I find that the best and most useful repsonses to this sort of question usually appear via the motohomes forum!

Many thanks.

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Vienne.Lyon 6€ return safe aire except friday when the muslim markets there they are very rude.


tuesday about 5pm arrives the cheese van half price compared to other bio vans 1€f in place of 2€


I cant give the GPS as i had a tom tom while there


As its you ill add that Lyon dose have many parkings in which a campingvan can stay but tere either very slopeing,by the youth hostel.full forbidden or to small by the sunday mkt by the canal is ok but 8-)


I heard that imigrants in the UK get "only" £21000 pa for renting accomadation 8-) now i know why the taxes have become to much

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Guest JudgeMental
my daughter went recently to visit friend on Uni exchange there..she was very impressed with city and went round all the sites. Lyon has always been a crime hot spot for driving incidents. We have had police preventing us stopping at motorway aires in the past, just keep your wits about you and leave van on a secure site.
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Two bad experiences makes me steer clear of Lyon, 1981 car was broken into only time I've ever had a car broken into. 2004 small supermarket in a village on the outskirts pulled into the car park a couple of youths rode up on a scooter opened the passenger door tried to snatch the wife's handbag didn't get the bag but got the laptop lucky it was on it last legs and worthless.
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Lyon Indigo Campsite Allee Camping International 69570 Dardilly tel 33 (0) 478356455 We have used this site a couple of times.Very pleasant and comfortable.Swimming pool etc. Nearby restaurants and shops.Public transport links to Lyon.Easy access from Autoroute certainly.We have never had any problems on this site.There is a website.
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plumbersvan - 2012-04-24 10:26 PM


Vienne.Lyon 6€ return safe aire except friday when the muslim markets there they are very rude.


tuesday about 5pm arrives the cheese van half price compared to other bio vans 1€f in place of 2€


I cant give the GPS as i had a tom tom while there


As its you ill add that Lyon dose have many parkings in which a campingvan can stay but tere either very slopeing,by the youth hostel.full forbidden or to small by the sunday mkt by the canal is ok but 8-)


I heard that imigrants in the UK get "only" £21000 pa for renting accomadation 8-) now i know why the taxes have become to much


This may be the aire you refer to. More details on the campingcar-infos website in the "Vienne" entry.


Avenue Marcelin Berthelot

Place Joseph Muray et Jean Tardy

38200 VIENNE


Latitude : (Nord) 45.53882° Décimaux ou 45° 32' 19''

Longitude : (Est) 4.87277° Décimaux ou 4° 52' 21''


I've never been to Lyon by road, though I have passed through it on the TGV. I recall seeing written on a wall by the railway track (in huge capital letters and in English) the words "LYON IS HELL". Perhaps it reflected the view of a UK motorcaravanner who had been looking vainly for somewhere to park overnight.


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Tony Jones - 2012-04-24 10:19 PM


Been watching the "Hairy Bikers Bak-ation" tonight then Keith?

They were in Lyon, looked lovely (Lyon that is, not them!)




Yes, oddly enough we were wathcing HB last night!! BUT we had thought several times we might like to visit Lyon, and it certainly does look nice, though as a rule I'm not a lover of big cities...and it will probably be more or less en route this year for our trip south.


Thanks to all for the information, we certainly would not use an aire or parking place in such a city, and I have been in touch with Camping Indigo, who have already replied to me sending me the tariff list and a bus timetable! Very impressed, but will certainly give the city a wide berth in driving terms!

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Tony Jones - 2012-04-24 10:19 PM


Been watching the "Hairy Bikers Bak-ation" tonight then Keith?

They were in Lyon, looked lovely (Lyon that is, not them!)




Yes, oddly enough we were wathcing HB last night!! BUT we had thought several times we might like to visit Lyon, and it certainly does look nice, though as a rule I'm not a lover of big cities...and it will probably be more or less en route this year for our trip south.


Thanks to all for the information, we certainly would not use an aire or parking place in such a city, and I have been in touch with Camping Indigo, who have already replied to me sending me the tariff list and a bus timetable! Very impressed, but will certainly give the city a wide berth in driving terms!

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Tony Jones - 2012-04-24 10:19 PM


Been watching the "Hairy Bikers Bak-ation" tonight then Keith?

They were in Lyon, looked lovely (Lyon that is, not them!)




Yes, oddly enough we were wathcing HB last night!! BUT we had thought several times we might like to visit Lyon, and it certainly does look nice, though as a rule I'm not a lover of big cities...and it will probably be more or less en route this year for our trip south.


Thanks to all for the information, we certainly would not use an aire or parking place in such a city, and I have been in touch with Camping Indigo, who have already replied to me sending me the tariff list and a bus timetable! Very impressed, but will certainly give the city a wide berth in driving terms!

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Tony Jones - 2012-04-24 10:19 PM


Been watching the "Hairy Bikers Bak-ation" tonight then Keith?

They were in Lyon, looked lovely (Lyon that is, not them!)




Yes, oddly enough we were wathcing HB last night!! BUT we had thought several times we might like to visit Lyon, and it certainly does look nice, though as a rule I'm not a lover of big cities...and it will probably be more or less en route this year for our trip south.


Thanks to all for the information, we certainly would not use an aire or parking place in such a city, and I have been in touch with Camping Indigo, who have already replied to me sending me the tariff list and a bus timetable! Very impressed, but will certainly give the city a wide berth in driving terms!

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michele - 2012-04-25 8:10 PM


:D :D :D :D You fink we's deaf don't cha :D :D :D




Don't know what happended there then - only pressed the 'submit' button once!!! Strange stuff, all this modern technology! I think it may be that it doesent seem to highlight the 'submit' box when you have preesed the 'enter' button!

Thinking of upgrading my 'old' (well probably about 3 yrs) ordinary mobile phone to a new Smartphone...don't know how I shall cope with that!!

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Depends on your age I think anyway ...hubby is used to computers technology and police crappy computers but he hates that phone and I have to say its fairly new. The buttons are too little I hate it also prefering to go for the iphone much easier and bigger to see.
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This may be the aire you refer to. More details on the campingcar-infos website in the "Vienne" entry.


Avenue Marcelin Berthelot

Place Joseph Muray et Jean Tardy

38200 VIENNE


Latitude : (Nord) 45.53882° Décimaux ou 45° 32' 19''

Longitude : (Est) 4.87277° Décimaux ou 4° 52' 21''


I've never been to Lyon by road, though I have passed through it on the TGV. I recall seeing written on a wall by the railway track (in huge capital letters and in English) the words "LYON IS HELL". Perhaps it reflected the view of a UK motorcaravanner who had been looking vainly for somewhere to park overnight.




:-D Im sure thats it its very safe to leave your camper there locals from Lyon leave there campingvans there as a garage 8-)


B-) Lyon is a wonderful city with small villages within the city,if you either know the city well or arrive at night you can find safe parkings *-)


I found one parking near the flee market venue which had CCTV :-D I waited to place my camper which was then a VW under the CCTV and flood light :-D The police drove by and stopped got out and looked the very ancient VW 8-) :'(


I got out to ask if it was the best place to park,the policeman had a VW as well i let him look at my camper opened the front windows which acted as air con once *-)


He told me i didnt need to worry about theift :-D The Muslimy he said simply set fire to cars after friday at the mosque, for fun 8-) 8-)


I followed him to a safer place miles and miles from the flee mkt


So you can park your camper without worring about it being broken into *-) :-D

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2 years ago on our way down to Italy we stopped for the weekend at a nice site at Anse, a few miles outside of Lyon. There were nice walks beside the 2 rivers, a lovely little village with a chateau whose gardens were open to the public and a super riverside restaurant and bar which was of excellent quality but also quite cheap. We walked 5 minutes to the town from where we caught a bus to lyon. it took about 30 mins and cost €1.20 each on a saturday.There is an interchange at the bus terminal where you then catch an unmanned metro into the city centre,( This takes payment by card only). The metro dropped us by the cathedral in the heart of the old town; there was a market on and plenty of bars / restaurants where we ate various local dishes- absolutely super!

The campsite was Porte du Beaujolais, details in the AA book or PM if you don't have a copy. It used to be an ACSI site but I do not see it in this years book. Facilities are fine and there is a large boules area- they have tournaments regularly which you can enter if you like.

I would not recommend driving in Lyon, it is a very busy city and parts of the ring road are closed which totally confuses the sat nav, however public transport is so good & cheap you are better off using it. Any more info required drop me a PM

have a sausage for me when you get there!


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