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Why do so many campers watch TV?Why so early?


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I watch films or BBC documentaries with the laptop :-D


I list all the films or seires i would like to watch then download it useing "usniff" or "Iso torrent" That way i dont have to change chanels or watch something i realise i didnt enjoy once ive watched it :-D Downloads are watched useing 9w of power rather than 60w for sat and flat screen :-D


I do have a good radio which i use every day :-D I havnt watched a film for over a week :-S

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plumbersvan - 2012-04-25 4:37 PM:-S What am i missing? *-) My ever so humble campingvan dose not have a TV nor sat dish :-D From time to time i do watch a film :-S B-) Since the rain began what seems to have been weeks ago :-( I realised today i havnt watched a film. for agesIn a small village aire i Emptied my tank,filled the water tank & found a good place to park, :-D The village has a good bread shop a hotel and nothing much else :-| All the same a pleasent stop for the night more so as i could fill the tank.Once installed i picked up my ebook(sony 505) and continued reading.A camper arrived parked,then moved,moved again and finnaly left (?) 8-) Another arrived the same manovers 8-) Whats wrong?Flooding?The next campers arrived in convoy drove about back and forth then parked :-| I saw the Sat dishes turning around and around,they moved forward backwards changed place asked me if i was leaving (?) Why i asked,they couldnt get a TV signal 8-) They almost could by driveing as far as they could forwards,they said *-) They all leftAnother aire i found a campingcar watching TV at 9am???Is there a a special channel thats so interesting?? 8-) At home ive tried TV several times but never found anything
It's called free choice, you do what you do, others do what they want to do, what is wrong with that ?
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Caroline - 2012-04-26 9:26 AM


We have TV and Sat (freeview) in the van, because we don’t have the time to sit and watch it at home. So for us going out in the van is the time to relax and do the things we do not do at home, it is nice to watch a film, catch up with the news and view the weather (especially for this country). That does not mean that we have it on all the time it is a choice we make, also my OH does not like to read books so for him watching a film is the same as reading a book.


That does not mean we sit in the van either we get out and explore, however on a dark and rainy night there is nothing better than snuggling down and watching a film with a glass of wine.




exactly Caroline

except i have bacardi :-D her indoors has the wine!! (red)

mind you i wouldnt shuffle about to get a signal, if we dont get one when parked so what !! we get the beer out and have a good old fashioned chinwag or people watch


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Guest 1footinthegrave
We never cease to be amazed that most if not all French vanners we have ever seen make setting up their TV the very first thing they do, and even in lovely weather seem glued to their TV sets, perhaps French TV is not full of the awful dross we have to endure ! ;-)
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1footinthegrave - 2012-04-26 10:12 PM


We never cease to be amazed that most if not all French vanners we have ever seen make setting up their TV the very first thing they do, and even in lovely weather seem glued to their TV sets, perhaps French TV is not full of the awful dross we have to endure ! ;-)


No. Its much worse! See my post earlier in this thread re our outdoor TV neighbours.

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Guest pelmetman

Oh dear we have a television in the van and hey guess what we watch it, we also take the computer away with us and from time to time log into this forum AND when away in this country I even buy the odd newspaper :D


Back to original question as to "why so early" - we enjoy watching the news.



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peter - 2012-04-25 10:50 PM


We have a tv because that is our choice, end of. It's no business of anyone else. Why should it be.?.


Totally agree Peter. Nothing to do with anyone else how we spend our time, watch TV, read, drink and chat. We all do different things because that is what WE like!


I don’t a TV in the motorhome; I have TWO!!

One in the back and one in the front because that is how the van is designed. I can sit in the swivel round cab seats, a nice armchair to watch TV in the front or recline on the bed to watch TV in the back.

I must admit that I don’t have a satellite dish so it’s terrestrial freeview TV in the UK when the weather is bad. I only take the one TV in the back when abroad to watch DVD’s when the weather is bad.


The funniest thing that happened was watching an episode of Dads Army with the volume fairly high. With the words “Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler….” spreading across the aire on the evening breeze and the rush for the remote to turn the volume down when I realised that the van parked next on the aire was a German van.


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I have a confession to make.......................


mini ips is getting a new tv to replace the tiny one that I bought for her 6months ago for her new home in windsor, I bought the cheapest cos I am a cheapskate (not really I had just spent 5k on a car + insurance for her) and didnt realise how small it was until we opened the box. Anyway she is giving it to us and I MIGHT put it in the van foir the very rare occasion we might want to watch it (it has built in dvd so might be usefull) never had one in caravan or mh before so no idea how to mount it I assume we get some sort of swivel bracket thingy. Dont know what ariel to use defo not having a sat dish thimg and dont want to put a hole in the van so prob try some sort of indoor ariel even though signal will prob be rubbish.


Anyway I thought I had better own up to potentially joining the dark side of MH - TV watchers :-D

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Barryd999 - 2012-04-26 9:31 AM


Just as an afterthought to those who dont have a telly and cant understand why others do. What do you do in the Winter if your in the UK and its pitch dark at 4pm, pouring down so you dont want to go out and freezing? Ok you can read a book (for a while) or play a game or even have an early night! 8-) but I would go mental I think without a telly in the winter.



A selection of what we do is

1)Reading ( there is study eg i am trying to learn/improve my spanish and also learn about geology - but can only do so much so also read fiction with a glass of wine)

2)plan next days trip, research any places worth a visit, route, distances etc

3)chat about day and what do tomorrow + meaning of life etc

4)Radio - we download radio podcasts - there is so much downloaded to my computer that we never get through it all.

5)download and edit pictures from the day - this is me whilst listening to podcasts or music

6)cross stitch whilst listening to podcasts (this my better half rather than me)

7)card games


9)newspaper - downloaded daily

10)magazines - downloaded weekly


the biggest problem is not having enough time, i take a few dvds to watch on the laptop but we seldom seem to have the time and they usually come back unwatched.


At the end of the day its each to their own and i am sure my interests will bore others silly





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Guest peter
malc d - 2012-04-26 9:23 AM


peter - 2012-04-25 10:50 PM


We have a tv because that is our choice, end of. It's no business of anyone else. Why should it be.?.



I agree with you absolutely Peter - the fact that you have got a TV has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else.



Makes me wonder why you told us that you've got one.





Oh bugger! I didn't realise that. Now everbody will know of my guilty secret. Damn it!!. :D
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I notice that nobody has mentioned having rampant sex all night (morning / afternoon) as an alternitive to TV! :-D Lets be honest chaps (and maybe ladies) isnt that what we would rather be doing? Actually dont bother answering cos I think its just me. Sadly Mrs D would prefer Corrie or Endeasters. (most of the time)


Cross stitching sounds good though, is it anything to do with dressing up in womens underwear?

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Barryd999 - 2012-04-28 9:48 PM


I notice that nobody has mentioned having rampant sex all night (morning / afternoon) as an alternitive to TV! :-D Lets be honest chaps (and maybe ladies) isnt that what we would rather be doing?...


Not me! As a high-price call-boy for Saga Connections I get enough of that during my day job (now temporarily on hold until a knackered knee is replaced) and motorhome holidays are a chance to recuperate.

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Barryd999 - 2012-04-28 9:48 PM


I notice that nobody has mentioned having rampant sex all night (morning / afternoon) as an alternitive to TV! :-D Lets be honest chaps (and maybe ladies) isnt that what we would rather be doing? Actually dont bother answering cos I think its just me. Sadly Mrs D would prefer Corrie or Endeasters. (most of the time)


Cross stitching sounds good though, is it anything to do with dressing up in womens underwear?


Have you ever woken up and forgoten what you had posted the night before when you were plastered?


I have! (lol)

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takeaflight - 2012-04-25 6:13 PM


IMHO these type of post's "I cant understand why" are pointless.


I can't understand why people tow !

I cant understand why people have dogs !

I cant understand why everyone does not have an A Class !

I can't understand why you would have a Kindle !

I can't understand people using aires / sites !

etc etc


The list is endless, the majority of ours friends can't understand why we have a motorhome at all.


But is it not great that we are all different, and IMO that should be celebrated and not denigrated.


Mind you, if I believed what I just typed then I wouldn't be posting this.





(lol) Just goes to show ! even though you dont know it You are always being watched by someone who DOESN'T UNDERSTAND !!! ;-)

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Guest peter
Barryd999 - 2012-04-29 10:50 AM


Barryd999 - 2012-04-28 9:48 PM


I notice that nobody has mentioned having rampant sex all night (morning / afternoon) as an alternitive to TV! :-D Lets be honest chaps (and maybe ladies) isnt that what we would rather be doing? Actually dont bother answering cos I think its just me. Sadly Mrs D would prefer Corrie or Endeasters. (most of the time)


Cross stitching sounds good though, is it anything to do with dressing up in womens underwear?


Have you ever woken up and forgoten what you had posted the night before when you were plastered?


I have! (lol)

I bet tracker has........Well, he must be plastered to post some of the garbage he does. :D
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Barryd999 - 2012-04-29 10:50 AM


Barryd999 - 2012-04-28 9:48 PM


I notice that nobody has mentioned having rampant sex all night (morning / afternoon) as an alternitive to TV! :-D Lets be honest chaps (and maybe ladies) isnt that what we would rather be doing? Actually dont bother answering cos I think its just me. Sadly Mrs D would prefer Corrie or Endeasters. (most of the time)


Cross stitching sounds good though, is it anything to do with dressing up in womens underwear?


Have you ever woken up and forgoten what you had posted the night before when you were plastered?


I have! (lol)


Maybe you need one of those French breathalysers wired to your computer, like thye've threatened to do with trucks, so you can only post when sober. Come to think of it, maybe you're not the only one who'd benefit from an app like that ...

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Guest JudgeMental

when getting alarm sorted before holiday (needed new sounder) the chap fitting it also fits a French system from Lyon that you have to blow into the device, and vehicle wont start if over the limit *-)


" Why do so many campers watch TV " Hmmm....... because they are thick? :D

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Guest JudgeMental
Barryd999 - 2012-04-30 2:25 PM


Ive banned myself from drinking all week now appart from Saturday nights. Maybe I should lock the computer up on a weekend. Acutally im supprised. It could have been a lot worse.


Have thought about that to...But have just put bottle of wine in fridge just as a precaution *-)


hoping to see united get there comeuppance tonight so will need a few beers! :D

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JudgeMental - 2012-04-30 4:42 PM


Barryd999 - 2012-04-30 2:25 PM


Ive banned myself from drinking all week now appart from Saturday nights. Maybe I should lock the computer up on a weekend. Acutally im supprised. It could have been a lot worse.


Have thought about that to...But have just put bottle of wine in fridge just as a precaution *-)


hoping to see united get there comeuppance tonight so will need a few beers! :D


Nooooo Dont mention beer or wine! Its only Monday. five flipping days to go yet.

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