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I'm 60 today!

Tony Jones

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pelmetman - 2012-04-27 4:16 PM


Many happy returns Tony ;-)........................


At 55 I must be one of the youngest on here :D




Nope, sorry. I'm younger than you!!!!!!


Many Happy Returns and I hope you have been spoilt rotten by your family and the weather has not put a dampner on the celebrations!!! . :

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Thanks everyone, we had a great weekend.


Friday night meal at daughter's. She and her husband have got a fancy bit of kit called a Raclett - no, not a tent, a sort of electric grill you put on the table, and everyone cooks their own bits of meat/fish/etc as the meal goes on. Great fun!

Cooked breakfast on Saturday, then went to the Imperial War Museum, which I've always wanted to see. Well worth spending a day - especially a wet one like Saturday!

Then a meal out at a lovely restaurant on the South bank, just downstream from Tower Bridge.

And back yesterday afternoon, for a bit of a bash with the Church people.

Terrific time all round.


And Malc - what makes you think my avatar NEEDS updating? Or should I scan the portrait in the attic?

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Tony Jones - 2012-04-30 12:31 PM




And Malc - what makes you think my avatar NEEDS updating? Or should I scan the portrait in the attic?



Hi Tony.


Glad you had a good weekend.


I just assumed that your avatar was taken ages ago - when you were only in your fifties.




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