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McMillan nurses


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Yes you need to keep McMillan 'onboard', if nothing else they can be good at sorting out what other services you need. Just try and remember no matter how crap you might feel people respond to positive encoragement (not sure if that is quite the right phrase) better than being sworn at, although I don't think you are the person who would swear at them.
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They gave me a lot of information that I did not know was there, basically they said you are not on your own we are here to help we dont abandon you to your fate.

My main concern is pain control and they said they have a lot of weapons at their disposal in order to give one a better quality of life.

I have been rather blase about my problem and it was only when I got a copy of the letter sent to my doctor from my oncologist that the dawning of my predicament hit me like a ton of bricks, I just couldnt help breaking down in tears every now and again.

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Guest Tracker

Malcolm, firstly may I say how saddened I am that you are in the unenviable situation of needing the support of the MacMillan team.


Sincerely, my heart goes out to you and your family.


They are a fantastic group of people as I found out some years back when my late wife needed them and they were a great source of help and comfort to both of us at a very difficult time.


If anyone is looking for a charity to support I can certainly recommend MacMillan Nurses.

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I too have prostate cancer (not as advanced as yours) and I find reading your posts encouraging; so please continue to make them. It is good (very good) to hear of someone who is continuing to enjoy life and not be ground down by the situation.


All the best ..... Michael

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All the best Malcolm & can only repeat Trackers sentiments.

Regarding Macmillan Nurses, my family have a very high respect for them & refer to that as Macmillan Angels for all the help, support & encouragement when my brother had Hodgkins cancer.


You could not have better support IMHO.

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spospe - 2012-05-02 9:32 AM




I too have prostate cancer (not as advanced as yours) and I find reading your posts encouraging; so please continue to make them. It is good (very good) to hear of someone who is continuing to enjoy life and not be ground down by the situation.


All the best ..... Michael

About 12 months ago I had a complete blockage of the urethra the pain was excrutiating i was taken to hospital where I had a surgical proceedure called a trans urethral resection of the prostate or T.U.R.P.S. for short basically they shave away part of the prostate gland to relieve the pressure on the urethra i am now in the happy position of being able to pee over next doors fence (joking) its just a case of taking each day as it comes, magnificent strides are being made on combatting prostate cancer on a daily basis, the treatment and care i have had over the last 6 years has been as good as if i was royalty, thank god for the NHS.

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