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Guest Tracker

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Well, not much point in Warners return the ground to as it was, with that lot due this weekend.


At least they should have their own tractor unit to tow each other off.


BTW - I had a look at the visitor information on their website - no mention of poor ground conditions or need to take wellies. >:-) >:-)

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I used to love going to a similar event for Land Rovers – The Billing Show at Northampton.




We used to stay for the week before the show and meet up with friends for a great time. Up to 2006 the weather was usually good, with 2006 being excellent apart from a mega Thunderstorm on the Saturday of the show.


But 2007 & 2008 were terrible years weather wise. And this coupled with the show charging exhibitors huge sums to be there meant that the “show bargains” were no more as the items were cheaper bought online and posted to your home.


So we then went just for the day, and now we do not bother at all.


Great shame because these events are fantastic fun. But bad weather and lack of those “bargains” means that I for one am wary of spending time, entrance costs and fuel costs getting there on something that is now a poor version of what it once was.


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Guest Tracker

Clive - most of Billing is under water as we speak, many caravans have been moved off, everyone has been evacuated and the whole place closed so I doubt anyone will be there this weekend unless they are mopping up - but then again that's what happens when you place anything on a flood plain.


When will we ever learn?

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Oh dear Tracker - been there - done that.


2007 was the last year we took the cvan - and we sat looking at the stream level behind the levee rise above ground level where we were pitched!


Then the water started coming thro and we prepared to move pronto!


But then lots of guys in HiVis jackets arrived and gave instructions down walky talkys to open this and that "gate" and within 20 min we were assured all was OK - but I reckon that was the closest we ever cam to losing everything.


A lot of the guys were called away as they were part of 4x4 Response as the flooding was tremendous.


Such a contrast to 2006 when we had 10 days of glorious sunshine apart from one dramatic thunderstorm.


I am not sure we have had a decent summer since that 2006!


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