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Clampdown on Mobile Phone Users


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How many times have you seen a policeman on our roads, let alone looking for mobile phone users? I travel the A1M from Biggleswade to Hatfield very regularly and get fed up with the number of people on their phones, especially white van man, but have never yet seen a policeman, let alone one that has his book out :-D



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It's the number of lorry drivers we see on the motorway using their mobiles that worry me. If ever we come up behind one that is being erratically driven almost always they are on their mobile or have their heads down presumedly texting or reading a map.


White van man seems to be more often on the mobile than not.

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Guest JudgeMental
well....there is one person on here that drives around France filleting & cleaning sardines as they go! 8-)
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I agree that a lot of the peole you see on the phone are van drivers but they are in your face as they are usually driving a larger than average vehicle and get noticed more. I am a van driver and as I am higher up than most, it is unbeleivable how many people you see in cars with their phone in their hand low down texting. Young girls, some with kids in the back are prime offenders, especially at the lights or in traffic jams.


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Agreed that the use of mobiles whilst driving is a scourge and the vast majority will never be prosecuted. However have you noticed how many young male drivers seem to be slumped against the drivers door when driving like they cant be bothered to sit up, almost laid down you know the ones who pull up at the traffic lights to race you to the nearest red light driving standards are now at an all time low.
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It beggars belief how these youngsters pass their tests as has been stated some sit slumped down and some sit crouched over the steering wheel I suppose they think they look " COOL " and how many youngsters do you see not wearing seatbelts and around the narrow lanes where I live not many of them have any idea what the brake pedal is for .That feels better rant over !!
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Guest JudgeMental
have Bluetooth in camper and car. a lot of header units available now have it.....
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If I'm driving and see anybody on the phone I always give them a massive blast on the horn.

If I'm on my push bike and I see anyone on their phone, I shout at them to get off it. No one has yet taken issue.

For it to be perceived as socially unacceptable, society needs to indicate to these fat-heads that it is indeed unacceptable.

Get beeping.
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I'm just suprised that they haven't come up with some sort of onboard "jamming" device,which is activated once the ignition is on...


As Wildbill says,the amount of "youngsters" you see texting with their phones down in their laps is really worrying!...they just don't seem to grasp the possible consequences..?


(Sounds odd but I blame a lot of that on their parents wrapping them in cotton wool,resulting in not enough of them falling off their bikes or out of trees as kids...Jeez!,most didn't even did PE at school, in case they got hurt?! :-S

..although I suppose they *have* got to keep their "Facebook status/Twitter" up to date..."..Just driving down M5 lol."..."..just caused a major crash OMG!... " *-) )


Just out of curiosity,you know when you come behind folk using mobiles on the motorway(..and they're sitting in the middle lane,weaving about,with their speed fluctuating between 55-65mph)?..Well,if you or rather your passenger,managed to take a couple photos,(showing reg' plate,position of car and the phone clearly being used etc)and then forwarded them to plod...what would happen? ..would they follow it up?...Just sending out a warning letter,would be something :-S


Edit: I'm with Crinkle' on this...I'll beep and "wave" at 'em to get off the phone(...although that's probably an offence in itself :-S )..but as Crinkle' said "society"(us!)needs to make it known that it's unacceptable...and not something that's clever to "get away with.."





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crinklystarfish - 2012-05-03 9:19 AMDo you often crash when hearing a horn malc?

No. But, but no doubt all the other drivers who hear the blast are wondering who it is aimed at.The bloke on the phone, who is concentrating on his call,may not even notice it. :-|
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How many times have you seen these 'Police' tv programmes where the police officer driving is talking into his radio whlst persuing someone that was on their mobile phone.....I know the police are highly trained but what is the difference.

I don't condone mobile phone use whilst driving..

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elamessa - 2012-05-03 11:02 AM


How many times have you seen these 'Police' tv programmes where the police officer driving is talking into his radio whlst persuing someone that was on their mobile phone.....I know the police are highly trained but what is the difference.

I don't condone mobile phone use whilst driving..



I thought the police phones were clipped onto their clothing - i.e. hands free ?




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Matrix Meanderer - 2012-05-03 10:48 AM


Phone jammers are illegal in the UK but still popular and easy to buy on the interweb.

See this site as an example: http://www.jammer4uk.com/cell-phone-jammer-c-2.html



Ian..I hadn't been aware that such a thing was available(not so readily anyway)....


They should install them in every restaurant and railway carriage! ;-)

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malc d - 2012-05-03 9:39 AM
crinklystarfish - 2012-05-03 9:19 AM
Do you often crash when hearing a horn malc?

No. But, but no doubt all the other drivers who hear the blast are wondering who it is aimed at.The bloke on the phone, who is concentrating on his call,may not even notice it. :-|

So what then?

And they do.

An assistant head teacher friend of my wife used to use her mobile all the time whilst driving but stopped because of the fact people used to beep, shout or gesticulate at her.

There are people that get on with stuff, and there are people that just whine that 'somebody should do something' about whatever. Perhaps the most deserving of contempt are the ones that whine that somebody should do something about whatever, and then also whine about those that do do something about whatever.

There are lots of those.
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Agree that use of a mobile phone when driving is definitely a no no. However, over here there are reports in the press that truckers are being pulled up by the police for watching videos whilst on the move, mainly on lap-top computers. It seems that the trick is to get up to speed and engage cruise control and then to put the right wheels over the white strip indicating the edge of the motorway. The strip is usually "ribbed" so giving a noisy indication if the vehicle starts to wander. However, I have seen no reports of handling of sardines by a British driver.







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Colin Leake - 2012-05-03 6:47 PM


We have a mobile turned on when we travel but no one ever phones us so it's never going to be a problem!


If you're feeling left out Col' ,I'll pass you some of our calls over...


"..Ah Hello..and how are you today?..Our records show that you may be owed several thousand pounds...blah blah..blah..." SLAM! 8o|



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malc d - 2012-05-03 12:26 PM


elamessa - 2012-05-03 11:02 AM


How many times have you seen these 'Police' tv programmes where the police officer driving is talking into his radio whlst persuing someone that was on their mobile phone.....I know the police are highly trained but what is the difference.

I don't condone mobile phone use whilst driving..



I thought the police phones were clipped onto their clothing - i.e. hands free ?




They have to push the transmitt button on the radio >:-)

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