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Travel Insurance advice


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Hi Richard

Just a tip, these questions are better posted in the Motorhome Matters swection of the forum.


There are lots of threads on the subject, a few of the more recent are:-











Medical Insurance is very much dependant on Pre-Existing Conditions, which different Insurers do appear to have different approaches as to that Risk & price accordingly.


Hope the links help.

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Papillon9 - 2012-05-08 9:30 PMCan anyone recommend a company who can provide the best and cheapest yearly personal and medical insurance for motorhome travelling in Europe and the UK.ThanksPapillon9

Unfortunately 'best' and 'cheapest' are not usually found in the same sentence when pricing travel insurance.

And as has already been said there are so many factors that will affect a quote, such as pre-existing conditions, your age and length of trip. Some firms only cover up to thirty days whilst others will do the whole year.

I found that the best way to find the right policy was simply to Google it. There's a number of price comparison sites that will give you quotes but as usual, pay attention to the small print.

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Agree totally with what Francis says. Do not go for the cheapest unless you want problems with a claim.


Go for a good name, that is financialy strong with a good track record re its claims paying history.


Consulting a general insurance broker may be a good idea -BUT make sure they are not a tied agent for just one or two providers - make sure they can select from the "whole of the market".


We have used Hospital Medical Care Association (HMCA) in the past as they came highly recommended.




Never claimed tho! - so have no idea as to how good they are in practice - tho clients that have had to claim rate them highly.

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