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Buying a van in Germany

Miles Berio

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Found Bavaria Bavaria Camp*1.Hand*Klima*Scheckheft*2,8Tdi*Details.aspx?id=208311824


Looked at it got the price then he took the plates off?He gave me a load of bolxxx long and short we went to the registration place couldnt get plates without an address.Anyone been there done it?.

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I'm reading between the lines here a bit :-).


If you buy a vehicle in Germany, I think you will find that the registration is in fact "personal", i.e. it is associated with the person who owns the vehicle, and their address, rather than the vehicle itself. (a change of owner, or even the owner's address, will force a change of registration plate).


Hence, whoever is selling you the vehicle couldn't legally leave the plates on it.


If you wish to register it (permanently) in Germany, then I think you will find you need to have a permanent German address (and this may be your problem).


If you are looking to export the vehicle (and, say, re-register in the UK), then you need to be looking at "export" or "transit" plates, which provide only a short-term of use on a German registration, but do provide an element of insurance cover for that period. Google will throw up a number of hits.


You will need to be careful, however, as I believe that the insurance provided with such plates is invariably third-party only, so will not cover damage to your own vehicle whilst it is in transit.


edit for typo

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He took the numberplate off.Cant make it clearer than that.I can get insurance to move a van that is road legal.BUT to get insurance i need a number on the van.

Germans can leave the number on but cant cancel their insurance.When they sell a van they take the plates off if he was my best mate he might let me move the van with his plates on.


looking at "export" or "transit" plates,I asked about that no one could or would tell me.a dealer can get those plates but their vans cost an arm and a leg.After a s**tload of agro a dealer said it cost about 240 euros for a plate.


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Guest JudgeMental

all this could have been sorted out before you went to Germany..Robin is right the plates are personal to the owner. What should have happened is (before paying him in full *-)) seller should have gone with you and helped you get the temporary export plates.(3rd party only)


You should also have arranged FULL UK insurance with the VIN number for when you reach UK border....as they will want to see it


I would take the dealer offer aof plates, as last year cost us either 150 € or 200 € I cant remember exactly

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Sale on hold until i get these plates sorted.I thought the "strassenverkersampt"could tell me what i need.Next ADAC there if the first question is am i a member

You say you got plates how did you get them.Getting messed about hear as well

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Guest JudgeMental
Miles Berio - 2012-05-14 4:11 PM


Sale on hold until i get these plates sorted.I thought the "strassenverkersampt"could tell me what i need.Next ADAC there if the first question is am i a member

You say you got plates how did you get them.Getting messed about hear as well


I bought a new van from a dealer last year..he arranged everything but all they do it take COC to registration place and get temporary export plates, I'm sure it was about 200 €. like Lenny said just get dealer to do it or go back with the seller and get him to help!


but you also need to arrange UK insurance for when you arrive back in England, some but not all will issue a temporary cover note for 30 days if you give them vehicle VIN number then its valid when you hit UK soil fully com, and until van registered here.


you will also probably need to change headlights, speedo to MPH and fit rear fog lamp. or else may not be able to register it...


BUT! cheer up...Exchange rate so good a great time to import a van!


edit: if seller cant produce a COC (certificate of conformity) you could have great difficulty registering it in the UK...so be careful

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Guest JudgeMental
Miles Berio - 2012-05-14 5:22 PM


The dealer will do all the work but his vans are crazy prices and high mileage.All vans come with a COC from the factory no prob there.Its a private sale,


Thanks mate ADAC in the morning.insurance contacted.


I think we misunderstood you, and dealer was offering to sort out export plates for you for 230 €..Was not for one minute suggesting you buy a van from him!lol

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