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NO - but it ain't gonna change any time soon as the turkeys will never vote for Christmas and the unions will never climb down and risk losing face or influence.


Meanwhile the rest of us go on politely footing the bill as ever was with the public sector!

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Our Community charge went up this year soley because of an increase in the Police charge. Do we think it value for money, a resounding NO. We never see a Policeman here, yet there is continuous vandalism and drink and drug taking in the local parks, all known to the Police but they do little or nothing to stop it. We have one patrol car at night, with two officers, to cover a very large area.


We have three police constables living in our road ALL off on long term sick with....stress related problems, yet they seem quite normal to me and go about their usual out of work business, one, my neighbour, has said he is going to 'string it out as long as he can' to get nearer drawing his pension. Now I would be the first to accept that stress is not good but surely there must be a way of placing these people in 'back room jobs' and allow others to get out on the street.

Both my niece and her husband are PC's and we know a lot of PC's and trust me they are doing very nicely thank you and all looking to retire on very nice pensions at 55!


Time for a wake up call I think.



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ChrisB - 2012-05-17 7:07 PM


antony1969 - 2012-05-17 6:10 PM


..... value for money ?







Absolutely not.


Yet another gold-plated public sector pension scheme, paid for by the taxpayers in the private sector generating the wealth to then have it taken from them in taxes (most of whom don't have any access to ANY type of occupational pension, let alone the utterly extravagant schemes that public sector employees enjoy and that private sector employees actually pay for).



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The problem with the ' useful / essential ' part of the public sector ( i.e. nurses, firemen, police etc ) is that people get very protective about what these people do.

No-one can doubt their worth, but that is not what the changes are about.


In my view, the problem now is not what they do, but what they cost, in a country that is in decline.


With increasing life expectancy, the idea that many of them can retire ( at an age when other people are two thirds way through their working lives ) and then live on taxpayer funded pensions for, possibly, more years than they were at work, is just not sustainable.


Naturally their union wants to reject any change, that's their job, ( and quite a well paid one I believe) but I haven't heard the unions say how the future pensions will be paid for.


With the rising economic strength of the far east, and South America, the party, in the west, is over.





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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-05-18 2:30 PM


With the rising economic strength of the far east, and South America, the party, in the west, is over.



Yep agree with that ;-) ............the public sector have yet to grasp the fact that the cupboard is bare, and life as they know it will change whether they stamp their little tootsies or not........I suspect anyone who retires from public sector now or in the next few years will be the lucky ones ;-)

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ChrisB - 2012-05-17 7:07 PM


antony1969 - 2012-05-17 6:10 PM


..... value for money ?




hello hello hello , what's going on ere then ? someone thinks it's good value to rob the little old taxpayer of there hard earned dosh and give it in a backhander to pay ridiculous police pensions .


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Hey antony, just a little off thread. I believe there isn't enough wind over in Huddersfield for the wind turbines on the town's central buildings, have you applied for the job :D :D :D


You never know, there might be a good pension with it. :-D ;-)



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