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Paying for sites in Switzerland


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We are venturing into Switzerland this year.

How do you pay for your sites, don't want to take a load of Swiss francs, will a standard Nationwide credit card be okay?

It may seem a silly question, but it is a bit late when we are there and having to do the washing up!

Thank you B-)

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The swiss will take Euros BUT the exchange rate is not great. I usually take some cash for day to day purchases and use a credit card with no charges for overseas use.


Also note that many sites use a electric hook up plug that is unique to Switzerland. Most sites have an adaptor for which you pay a deposit.



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:-S when you pay with a visa,mastercard there is very often an extra charge to cover the charges taken by Visa :'( You MAY be given change in Swiss frances which are fixed at 1.20sfr /€ But you can ask for change in Euros

ALL banks even the smallist village branch will have forigin currency and a good exchange rate even for non account holders,you can change £ for sfr from time to time


Swiss ATMs add a charge of about 5sfr except to account holders, 8-) Much better to pop in and change direct,cash for cash (lol)


Its raining in Switzerland :'( :'( I hope the sun arrives as i drive through

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I always pay with my Visa Debit for any bigger puchase or meal. We have not been to a campsite for a few years, but I am sure they accept any major credit or debit card.


Oh, no, raining, I hope it will be better in two weeks time.


This is quite a good Webcam with weather forecast and it's pretty central http://www.webcams.travel/webcam/1295436939-Weather-Segel-Club-Cham-Cham



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We have only camped at one site - travelling in both directions to and fro Italy.


The site took site fees from card and took a 20 Euro cash deposit for the adaptor for their EHU system. This was returned (your actual notes) when the adaptor was returned.


It seemed a very efficient system, and of course, they all spoke reasonable English!


Very easy, although the pitches are well used and small.



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Clementine - 2012-05-22 1:40 PM


I always pay with my Visa Debit for any bigger puchase or meal. We have not been to a campsite for a few years, but I am sure they accept any major credit or debit card.


Oh, no, raining, I hope it will be better in two weeks time.


This is quite a good Webcam with weather forecast and it's pretty central http://www.webcams.travel/webcam/1295436939-Weather-Segel-Club-Cham-Cham



So do i as i two will be in Switzerland about the same time,i hate the traffic and the fact you often HAVE to use the motorway(with vignet note if you have a trailor you need a seperate vignet for that to 8-) )


I park on see front(lake)parkings migros parkings when there in a nice spot i asked the police about that and no problem,do remember your "zone blue"parking card as the police check and fine,might be needed for an hour or so before staying the night.i have an electric one 8-) Again beware dont out stay the welcome


The police may/will mark your tyers and come back when the zone blue time is over,if the mark has moved and your zone blue reset they may not be pleased but you wont be fined *-)


AND NEVER put a wheel or part of your tyer on the curb that attracts a fine nowerdays 8-)


Lastly put your mobile phones away best OFF the latest police insult is to TELL you you were using your phone then demand to see the phone,this police act is 100% illegal but some bad police do it 8-) Its quite shocking at first,if your phones off you can ask them to produce the person that saw you phoneing :'(


Otherwise Switzerland its very ok :-D

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