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Cost of Wind Power


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I do not usually have a lot of time for what is written these days in the MSM - and the Guardian with its "Guardianistas" less than most.


But this comment is spot on:-


"The government wants to commit a staggering £100bn to wind farm subsidies over the next decade, almost all to rich landowners. Northamptonshire, with England's most planned wind farms per acre (and least wind), will probably have turbines visible from horizon to horizon. Will this really so impress China and India as to persuade them to change their emissions policies? It is like a primitive tribe burning its wives and treasure to awe an enemy into submission.



Full article:-




Well said that man! :-S

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CliveH - 2012-05-23 3:31 PM


I do not usually have a lot of time for what is written these days in the MSM - and the Guardian with its "Guardianistas" less than most.


But this comment is spot on:-


"The government wants to commit a staggering £100bn to wind farm subsidies over the next decade, almost all to rich landowners. Northamptonshire, with England's most planned wind farms per acre (and least wind), will probably have turbines visible from horizon to horizon. Will this really so impress China and India as to persuade them to change their emissions policies? It is like a primitive tribe burning its wives and treasure to awe an enemy into submission.



Full article:-




Well said that man! :-S




Absolutely right Clive.


The public are already aware of the handouts to ' farmers ' - so they now plan handouts to landowners in the hope that no-one will notice that they are the same people.



" We are all in this together " means we are ALL lining the pockets of these people.

( Although, as we know, the government has no money).



( ,,, and no, Northamptonshire is not a windy place )




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