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Diamond Jubilee Explained (An alternative view)

Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James
Tracker - 2012-05-31 8:54 PM

until you Jocks get your independence


As a condition of getting their independance I would demand that Scotland takes back Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Alisdair Darling and Fred Goodwin and revokes their passports.

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Guest Peter James
Symbol Owner - 2012-06-01 9:51 AM

Do you include the late Queen Mum's fly-fishing activities in:"Killing animals for pleasure", Peter?




I don't know anything about that as I have never had any interest in her, (or in fishing, except for food.)

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I would think that 1 in 8 of the population being Republicans is about right. Its certainly a lot more now than when I was a nipper I'm pleased to say.


Mrs Windsor has her many supporters, but if we (the Republicans) can increase the number of the anti's to say a quarter of the population, who knows what could happen. Old "big ears, weak chin"; may well make a difference when mum's replaced. Fingers crossed, its a waiting game.


Royalists tend to like who the media likes. They like Mrs Windsor but not her eldest son, or her daughter, or her middle son, or her youngest son.


However they like her eldest sons children, and probably have no idea who the other grandchildren are, except when they look a prat on the telly.


Hopefully for us interested in the long game William Wales will be in the wings for a long time.

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I'm far from being a royalist...but I'm not entirely sure that an out and out Republic would end up being an awful lot different or of any real benefit to us,the people anyhow...


We'd probably end up with a string of Kennedy/Bush/Clintonesque dynasties(..along with their assocuiated clique)just taking it in turns....


I must say though,considering the country is supposed to be skint,with jobs going and services being cut etc..it does seem somewhat obscene,the amount of money "they"(we?)must be spending on this jubilee knees up.... 8-)



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Guest peter
Symbol Owner - 2012-06-01 2:34 PM


I meant to add:- the percentage of Republicans on this forum looks to be even less than the MORI poll discovered Peter!





Maybe, but the people /dinosaurs on this forum are not representative of the population at large, thank god.
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Guest Tracker
peter - 2012-06-01 8:19 PM

Maybe, but the people /dinosaurs on this forum are not representative of the population at large, thank god.


That is certainly true in your case Peter!.

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peter - 2012-06-01 8:19 PM


Symbol Owner - 2012-06-01 2:34 PM


I meant to add:- the percentage of Republicans on this forum looks to be even less than the MORI poll discovered Peter!





Maybe, but the people /dinosaurs on this forum are not representative of the population at large, thank god.



I have to say that I have found those organising the street parties to be a narrow minded lot, and not in the least easy going.

I did try to get into the amazing new spirit of neighbourly warmth, but the response to the Che Guevara poster in my window has been particularly frosty


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pkc - 2012-06-02 8:34 AM


....I have to say that I have found those organising the street parties to be a narrow minded lot, and not in the least easy going.

I did try to get into the amazing new spirit of neighbourly warmth, but the response to the Che Guevara poster in my window has been particularly frosty


Maybe it wasn't the Che poster but the New Model Army uniform you had on... (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Peter James - 2012-06-01 9:35 PM


If support for them is that strong, why don't they want an election (?)


I've got nothing against a referendum on the subject.............perhaps we could include a few other hot potatoes......


like leaving Europe >:-)

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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2012-06-02 5:36 PM


like leaving Europe >:-)


or joining Europe?


Britain usually seems to be half in and half out.

Follows EEC law when it suits them, usually when its something unpopular so they can blame it on Europe.

But Ignored Europe on the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Doesn't have the Euro, but still has to bail it out - we are getting the worst of both worlds on that one.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I think the only thing that is sad is that the celebrations on the Thames could have been so much more impressive if we were not in a double dip recession, watching just some of it makes you realise the country is truly skint ( and wet ).
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1footinthegrave - 2012-06-03 5:56 PM


I think the only thing that is sad is that the celebrations on the Thames could have been so much more impressive if we were not in a double dip recession, watching just some of it makes you realise the country is truly skint ( and wet ).


Saw a bit of it on the telly, looked really pathetic, particularly the blinged up river barge. Mrs Windsor was doing a good impression of a demented Diddyman.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
laimeduck - 2012-06-03 8:56 PM


Well stuff you lot! Grumpy old Buggers!


I went down to the Thames & I say:-


Hip hip! Hip hip! Hip hip!


Was anyone struck by the non racial diversity in the people attending I wonder, considering the ethnic mix in the UK, and particularly London it was not reflected in the crowd. :-|

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I have been in a darkened room for a week to avoid the hype of the jubilee, I am a republican and would get rid of the lot them if I had my way,well not a darkened room but a green field away from the hype, next thing to avoid for me is the Olympic hype, ho hum boring old fart me ,but at least I know it.http://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/dance.gifhttp://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/dance.gifhttp://www.wildcamping.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/dance.gif  I posted this on another forum where a similar  thread is  running , so I am not on my own on this then.
vwalan and sp2 boy like this.
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As I posted earlier,when I got . back home on Sun from the Wembley match, I saw some of the river show. It must be me because I just thought it looked pathetic.


I then, glutton for punishment, watched the concert. Again it must be me because with the exception of Robbie Williams, Tom Jones and Stevie Wonder so many of the others were flat.


You had to feel sorry for the little girl who would not have sounded out of place at a school concert, but I guess that was just nerves.


Cliff couldn't hit high or low notes and put in a dreadful performance, Annnie Lennox, who I like a lot, couldn't hit a low note to save her life. Elton John was similar, he got a bit better after a couple of songs, but still well off from his best. The finale.... Macca, well he was almost as bad as Cliff. As for the fawning Rolf Harris....sickening.


I think someone should tell them that their next move should be retirement, whilst people remember the good parts of their careers.


Is it me???? 'cos I thought on balance the show(s) were rubbish and I'd like my money back.

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