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Hello to Every body out there,I suppose I am what you call a Newbie as I have just got my van after pulling a trailer tent around for a few years , but having just started reading these forums I am a bit perplexed, about this small car I have to buy called a toad , when I have it connected to my van can I still adhere to the normal speed limits for my van as it is another motor vehicle or do I class it as another trailer tent which means I have drive slower . Regards Henway (?) (?) (?)
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Hi and welcome. Lots and Lots on here about towed cars. They way i understand it is that its a trailor so you may as well have a propper car and tow a caravan

oops thats opened it right up

give it an hour or so and see what happens :-D

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henway - 2012-06-02 4:41 AM


Hello to Every body out there,I suppose I am what you call a Newbie as I have just got my van after pulling a trailer tent around for a few years , but having just started reading these forums I am a bit perplexed, about this small car I have to buy called a toad , when I have it connected to my van can I still adhere to the normal speed limits for my van as it is another motor vehicle or do I class it as another trailer tent which means I have drive slower . Regards Henway (?) (?) (?)


While you are towing the car ('toad') behind your motorhome, the car counts as a 'trailer'. Hence trailer-related speed limits will apply. The relevant UK limits are shown here




If the toad accidentally becomes detached from the motorhome while you are driving, then the trailer-related speed limits will no longer apply to the motorhome. ;-)

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But take note that all this helpful information ONLY applies in the UK. If you've any plans to cross the channel, just DON'T - at least not with the toad.

PLEASE use the "search" facility (try "A-frames") to read the previous 493 threads on this subject before extending this one further!

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Save your money ! leave the toad at home (lol) and buy a bike. Welcome to the M.H mad house and learn to grow a thicker skin ;-)


You will find life a lot more relaxing now weve done trailer tents and caravans not forgetting the tents we started with :-D we enjoyed them all, Happy motorhoming.

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Guest pelmetman
Tony Jones - 2012-06-02 4:17 PM


But take note that all this helpful information ONLY applies in the UK. If you've any plans to cross the channel, just DON'T - at least not with the toad.

PLEASE use the "search" facility (try "A-frames") to read the previous 493 threads on this subject before extending this one further!


Not quite correct Tony ;-).............seen several French campers with toads this trip......and I mean the ones attached by a "A" frame 8-)...........maybe the virus is spreading >:-).............


PS Henway............... welcome to the loony bin :D

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Hello Everybody Its me again and can I thank everybody who replied to my problem sorry I am late in replying its just I had to go and earn some money ,you know what I mean wink wink, anyway If the Toad becomes detached from the vehicle I can increase my speed ,so would it be a good idea if I put the wife in the toad to steer it , she has not passed her test ,but my mate Davey , who has a motorhome said if I put a set of L plates on it should be okay as she is in the company of somebody with a full licence, she said she was happy with this Idea and she is good at driving ,although its probably me to drink anyway If this idea is legal I will go and buy a toad Regards Henway :-S :-S
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henway - 2012-06-06 3:42 AM


Hello Everybody Its me again and can I thank everybody who replied to my problem sorry I am late in replying its just I had to go and earn some money ,you know what I mean wink wink, anyway If the Toad becomes detached from the vehicle I can increase my speed ,so would it be a good idea if I put the wife in the toad to steer it , she has not passed her test ,but my mate Davey , who has a motorhome said if I put a set of L plates on it should be okay as she is in the company of somebody with a full licence, she said she was happy with this Idea and she is good at driving ,although its probably me to drink anyway If this idea is legal I will go and buy a toad Regards Henway :-S :-S


The Caravan Club has always been wary of motorhomes towing cars but, after advice from David Attenborough, is now recommending a toad/chimp solution.


Training a chimpanzee to steer a car is not hard: many human drivers with IQs less than your average chimp's can rapidly learn to drive a vehicle perfectly well not just steer it. You can either train the chimp yourself (expect to take around 3 weeks) or obtain a fully-trained animal from the recently set up UK company Chimp-A-Toad based in the New Forest.


Apparently EU motoring legislation permits "simians" (which includes the great apes as well as humans) to pilot vehicles, so a toad/chimp combination will be 100% legal within the UK and Continental Europe.


Using a chimpanzee will avoid the marital arguments that getting your non-driving wife to steer the toad would inevitably cause. Because a chimp-steerer exploits a little-known loophole in EU motoring law, the chimp won't need a driving licence and the toad won't need to carry L-plates.


However, it might be a good idea for your toad to carry an "Chimp On Board" window-sticker to warn overtaking drivers (and the police) that a non-human is at the toad's steering-wheel, as seeing a hairy ape steering a car might possibly distract other road-users. For extra safety you could put the same sticker on your motorhome. Such stickers are available from Chimp-A-Toad for a very reasonable £89.99 (plus VAT).


Don't be tempted by other companies offering chimpanzee alternatives (Gorillas-4U, Baboon-A-Frame, etc.). Gorillas and baboons make unsuitable toad-steerers - the former's massive muscleature can damage the vehicle's steering mechanism and the latter don't know their left paw from their right. Orangutans have been tried, but are just too laid back temperamentally (and their long red hair gets everywhere in the toad). Just follow the CC's good advice and choose the toad/chimp option.

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Guest JudgeMental
henway - 2012-06-06 3:42 AM


Hello Everybody Its me again and can I thank everybody who replied to my problem sorry I am late in replying its just I had to go and earn some money ,you know what I mean wink wink, anyway If the Toad becomes detached from the vehicle I can increase my speed ,so would it be a good idea if I put the wife in the toad to steer it , she has not passed her test ,but my mate Davey , who has a motorhome said if I put a set of L plates on it should be okay as she is in the company of somebody with a full licence, she said she was happy with this Idea and she is good at driving ,although its probably me to drink anyway If this idea is legal I will go and buy a toad Regards Henway :-S :-S



Fantastic idea! But Derek's far better, then the wife can give you a hand job while you drive, wink wink, you know what I mean;-)


Anyway how are you this morning Fiona? :D

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Guest pelmetman
I think Henway........ Has opened up a whole new can of worms ;-)........especially if you bring in the LEZ 8-).......So thinking out loud if I got a powerful electric toad and it pushed me around London in Horace.........would I then be legal??.........and no rude suggestions please 8-) 8-)........about pushing t**ds up hill *-)
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pelmetman - 2012-06-06 11:51 PM


I think Henway........ Has opened up a whole new can of worms ;-)........especially if you bring in the LEZ 8-).......So thinking out loud if I got a powerful electric toad and it pushed me around London in Horace.........would I then be legal??.........and no rude suggestions please 8-) 8-)........about pushing t**ds up hill *-)


Why would you choose to push Horace around London with your electric toad (which just might raise authoritarian eyebrows!) when you could just use your electric vehicle to tow Horace as a 'trailer' in the usual A-frame way?

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Well 8-) Allright Allright its not agood Idea but having pulled a trailer tent around for a few years I always wanted a motorhome, so just recently at great cost to myself I went out and purchased one,and it feels great no more being looked down upon as being a motorhomer you are the top of the tree,then I started reading all the Forums as I wanted to be one the lads and all I read about was these Toads so I thought to myself I will get one so I will be able to impress my fellow motorhomers so I started looking into getting one,now you lot are saying get a Frog, now what I want to know is what is the difference, is this the frog eyed sprite because my mate Davey had one and he said they were quite nippy anyway you can mock me but when I am driving down the motorway at seventy miles an hour pulling my Toad you can give me a wave Regards Henway :-D :-D (lol)
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Guest peter
flicka - 2012-06-06 10:10 PM


If you intend going over to France, forget the Toad, you'll need a Frog.

Or a frog and toad to travel on. :D
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Guest peter
pelmetman - 2012-06-06 11:51 PM


I think Henway........ Has opened up a whole new can of worms ;-)........especially if you bring in the LEZ 8-).......So thinking out loud if I got a powerful electric turd and it pushed me around London in Horace.........would I then be legal??.........and no rude suggestions please 8-) 8-)........about pushing turds up hill *-)

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Guest JudgeMental
flicka - 2012-06-08 8:13 PM


Toad towing is restricted to 60mph on motorways >:-)


spoil sport!.....It dont stop the Dutch! :-S

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