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Shopping around


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Just back from a visit to a Motorhome dealer. We went for some gas and loo fluid, this done we had a quick mooch around the new & used vans - as you do.


We came across a new Swift Sundance which seemed on the face of it pretty good value. So we asked a few questions and learnt it was reduced by over £4000.


Anyway home we are and curiosity got the better of me. A very quick basic search of the Web revealed the van reduced even further, nudging £6000 off at another dealer PLUS an add on pack valued at over £2000 was included.


Just a timely reminder for anyone, (me included) who goes and sees something that catches their eye.



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Not sure when it was but I remember reading a report sometime in the last year or so somewhere (Possibly MMM test report) on the new Sundance and it gave it a bit of a panning. I was surprised at this myself as I had seen one and thought it looked pretty fair for the price. However, if the discounts you are quoting are happening across the board perhaps the report was right or it has put people off this model.


Anyone got one that would like to report on it-good or bad?



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It is only cheap for one reason - they can't sell 'em - which does not bode well come trade in time!


Does it have cab air con, cruise control, reversing camera, alarm, tv aerial and booster, awning and many of the other add ons that many of us find helpful.


We recently considered a 'new' unregistered 2011 model Bessacarr E460 which was heavily discounted but by the time you added on all the toys the discount was virtually eroded.


However if you are happy enough with whatever spec it has, or can add them within budget, and lucky enough to find a Euro 4 version then it is worth a look at I reckon?

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We're not buying, it was merely the reduction that caught the eye and it's a layout that appeals to us.


Sheer curiosity value that's all, the Sales chap knew too, I told him!


At the Dealer we visited there was no add on pack unlike the one I looked at on the web. This did indeed include all the toys, inc, cruise, cab air con, winter pack, blah blah blah.


Both were brand new unregistered with the Euro 5 engine too.


Rich you're correct to say of course it's reduced for a reason - it's not selling, BUT, if you're in the market for one, panned or otherwise, there's decent deals out there.


The reason for the post though was merely to highlight the staggering savings that can be made by a few clicks on the internet.



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There are bargains out there, heavily discounted (depending on model) & they represent GVFM to new buyers.

But for current Motorhome owners, it's the cost of change that's more relevant.

As an example There's an advert in July MMM for a Chausson Flash14

No P/X price £35,500, with P/X Trade-in £43,137.


So swings & roundabouts.



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Flicka, you're correct of course for those of us who PX, it's the cost to change that's important, not the cost of the actual motorhome you're wanting to buy. When we got our Chausson Flash 04 we could have got it more locally for the same 'on screen' price, but when we asked about the PX there was a £3000 difference event after haggling!!! Hence the reason we drove 250 miles each way to get ours .... £3000 is an awful lot of diesel!!! :-D
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There comes a time though for some, who having had and owned a house, a vehicle, be it a car, motorhome or whatever that there's something a whole lot nicer out there.


For nicer, read newer, more expensive, or to flip the coin, warmer, more fuel effiecient, easier to use, the list is endless.


We were having a discussion only the other day, myself and Lady T about dreading a time which we hopefully don't reach. That being when we get too stingy/carefull/set in ways/insert own word (!) to make purchases that will improve our lives.


My Father who had a miserable cancer riddled 2 years of retirement, enjoyed his hard earned, new cars, trips to the USA, (NASA was a big interest) and so on.


If there's one thing I really want to aspire to, it's just that, enjoying what we've set out to achieve. Failing to do so - well that's just not an option.


Slightly off thread I know, but who gives a toss, it's my thread :D :D



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Guest pelmetman
LordThornber - 2012-06-09 12:35 PM


There comes a time though for some, who having had and owned a house, a vehicle, be it a car, motorhome or whatever that there's something a whole lot nicer out there.


For nicer, read newer, more expensive, or to flip the coin, warmer, more fuel effiecient, easier to use, the list is endless.


We were having a discussion only the other day, myself and Lady T about dreading a time which we hopefully don't reach. That being when we get too stingy/carefull/set in ways/insert own word (!) to make purchases that will improve our lives.


My Father who had a miserable cancer riddled 2 years of retirement, enjoyed his hard earned, new cars, trips to the USA, (NASA was a big interest) and so on.


If there's one thing I really want to aspire to, it's just that, enjoying what we've set out to achieve. Failing to do so - well that's just not an option.


Slightly off thread I know, but who gives a toss, it's my thread :D :D




Trouble with aspiring for something.........it usually means one has to work for it 8-).......So its a choice really......do I want to work more to pay for a nice shinny new toy that does the same as what I already have.........albeit a bit faster, with more complicated bits...........or do I use what we already have and clear of for weeks at a time...........several times a year......over 9 weeks this year so far :D......


Aspiring?....... looks too much like hard work to me (lol) (lol)............I'd rather be away in the camper than working to pay for one :D

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So no aspirations for you both Dave? Does that mean you've achieved and are fulfilled?


And bloody good for you if you are. What drove you though to own a nice property? Presumably you achieved that by work - or maybe not. Did you climb the ladder and better yourself?


Interesting stuff if not working (of any fashion, part time whatever) has "completed" you. How different we all are to borrow a phrase from Brian no less.



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After all is said and done it's only money and if you die leaving it not only will you get no support from the state (other than pension) should you need it but those who inherit will rub their hands with glee, say thanks very much and probably spend your life's savings in under a year! C'est la vie!


Much better we dispose of our disposable savings ourselves and I commend the idea to the house!


As has been said there are deals out there and getting the right deal often means initial depreciation can be no worse than that of a newish used van but without the risk of repair costs, depending on warranty.



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Guest pelmetman
LordThornber - 2012-06-09 5:15 PM


So no aspirations for you both Dave? Does that mean you've achieved and are fulfilled?




Never suffered from ambition ;-).................I just get bored doing the same thing year in year.........how people spend 40 years in the same job is beyond me 8-)..............I'm now bored of making pelmets and pouffes and working in general.........I reckon its time for another change..............and my wanderlust has returned with a vengeance B-)..........thought I cured it in the navy :D

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Mrs retired through health 2 years ago, I retired (early) last year. There are no pockets in shrouds.

The bit in between will be as enjoyable as possible and all the ambition I accumulated whilst working will be exorcised before the shroud time.

Go for it Lord T



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