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The Olympic legacy?

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman

How many billions of debt..........how many viable businesses have been driven to the wall?..........Sports people seem to be very selfish 8-)......


It's about time they gotta proper job *-)

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All very true but it is not the athletes themselves who are to blame, except for those who take drugs and sponsorship. It is the organisations and the big Companies who use this and other events to promote themselves. Governments are just as much to blame as thye think it will make them look good, while in actual fact the majority of people think they are ridiculous. I excused athletes but then again there those who were never that good but thi k as organisers they can be excellent. A certain L Coe springs to mind. Same as useless sports personnel becoming broadcasters. It is all jobs for the boys and girls and the peasants are only there to pay for it.


Bet you when it all goes belly up in a couple of year's tim the excuse will be ' we had to pay for the Olypics' Yes stupid, we know that so why did you do it in the 1st place?

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2012-06-06 8:27 PM


All very true but it is not the athletes themselves who are to blame, except for those who take drugs and sponsorship. It is the organisations and the big Companies who use this and other events to promote themselves. Governments are just as much to blame as thye think it will make them look good, while in actual fact the majority of people think they are ridiculous. I excused athletes but then again there those who were never that good but thi k as organisers they can be excellent. A certain L Coe springs to mind. Same as useless sports personnel becoming broadcasters. It is all jobs for the boys and girls and the peasants are only there to pay for it.


Bet you when it all goes belly up in a couple of year's tim the excuse will be ' we had to pay for the Olypics' Yes stupid, we know that so why did you do it in the 1st place?


Agree with all of that Dave ;-)...........but wouldn't it be nice if the people in charge actually did what the oikes wanted.......properly...........and I don't mean relaxing the stupid PASTY TAX.......they think they're so bleedin clever *-).............


I mean closing their buddies tax loop holes ;-).............and amoungst other things ang a few piece's of useless sh*te that we are paying to be kept in comfort *-).................to salve their shallow political correct ego's >:-(


HWMOB will have a fit when he comes of his mountain :D

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As far as I see it the UK has not benefitted one bit from these bloody 'Corporate' games.  It has cost far too much, the majority of contracts/labour have effectively gone to non UK companies and those UK companies that have got contracts have sub contracted outside of the UK.  The LOCOG clampdown on the 'smallest' use of the 'rings' logo etc makes me fuming mad.  Visa (official sponsor) has insisted on locking/closing all and any non visa cash machines in and around the venues.  It has been reported that vendors can only accept Visa cards for payments.......and so it goes on ad infinitum.


It is not a sporting event that is at the centre of this profligate use of our cash...it is 'corporate' self- centredness. 


IMO the whole thing is a bloody disgrace.


Rant over.....


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IMO the biggest problem is that as the majority are not in favour of how the Games are going, (corporate intervention, ticket sales fiasco, etc., etc..) the bigger the flop, the bigger the debt legacy.


So in that vain I hope they turn out to be a BIG success, as that will minimise the subsequent burden.

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-06-10 11:18 AM


The Olympics and the Jubilee celebrations ( and the World Cup and Formula 1 ) are only set up so you don't notice that we are all DOOMED.





p.s. It's raining here in Burgundy









It's dry here in Lincolnshire ;-)


and now the suns come out B-)

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flicka - 2012-06-07 9:42 PM


IMO the biggest problem is that as the majority are not in favour of how the Games are going, (corporate intervention, ticket sales fiasco, etc., etc..) the bigger the flop, the bigger the debt legacy.


So in that vain I hope they turn out to be a BIG success, as that will minimise the subsequent burden.


John, you never know........it might be as big a success as the Millennium Dome was.... 8-) (lol) (lol)


What happened to that ?...you never hear anything of it anymore



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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2012-06-10 6:12 PM


flicka - 2012-06-07 9:42 PM


IMO the biggest problem is that as the majority are not in favour of how the Games are going, (corporate intervention, ticket sales fiasco, etc., etc..) the bigger the flop, the bigger the debt legacy.


So in that vain I hope they turn out to be a BIG success, as that will minimise the subsequent burden.


John, you never know........it might be as big a success as the Millennium Dome was.... 8-) (lol) (lol)




Well on a cost per success basis I hope not.................


According to the UK National Audit Office,[11] the total cost of The Dome at the liquidation of the New Millennium Experience Company in 2002 was £789 million, of which £628 million was covered by National Lottery grants and £189 million through sales of tickets etc. A surplus of £25 million over costs meant that the full lottery grant was not required. However, the £603 million of lottery money was still £204 million in excess of the original estimate of £399 million required, due to the shortfall in visitor numbers.[12]


8-) 8-) 8-).......................I hope to days kids and grand kids have saved their pocket money ;-)

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But it is all not bad news.


Team GB will have their mascot Beckham at the fore, they will probably get gubbed and he will get his knighthood, so all ends well.


Talking of football I have been invited along to a French outfit on the campsite to watch the England-Francematch. Some Englisg will also be there but who do I support?? The French are allies of Scotland but if I do not support the English they will no doubt thump me Ha! Ha! Had thought of wearing an ABE T shirt, the one that says, 'anyone but England'. Very popular at the last World Cup but alos a coward.


Ironically I suspect England will win the match because the French will blow their cool. All in all a bit of a touchy situation.

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Guest pelmetman

More Olympic cobblers *-)


Dear customer


Have you considered the effects of the disruption to deliveries during the Olympics?

Most of central London will be severely affected for deliveries and collections.

There are a lot of sites outside of London which are hosting Olympic events, all of which will have ‘lock down’ areas.

“Final mile” deliveries into Olympic event areas and ‘lock down’ areas are all being screened and completed by UPS which will incur significant extra charges and delays, sometimes up to 24 hours.


Please check out the links on www.apc-overnight.com which show affected areas with proposed dates and times of disruptions/ lockdowns.


Please remember that we cannot be held liable for delays/ disruptions to service or additional charges incurred whilst the Olympics are on.


Please pass this email or just the link to anyone in your company that may be dealing with despatching consignments whilst the Olympics are on.


Thank you


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