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Festival outrage


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knight of the road - 2012-06-07 8:02 AM


Dave225 - 2012-06-06 8:33 PM


it was perhaps a tad untactful to ask a Jewish couple to role play Holocaust victims and I am not too sure how that fits in with a British Railway. But people love to dress up in uniforms, just look at the Royals and the more distasteful the better it seems. Bad taste did not stop Prince Harry wearing an SS uniform.


Of couse maybe Bury has a love affair with Fascism on the quiet. I certainly do not know.

The East Lancs railway has nothing to do with British Rail it is a private steam railway run by enthusiasts and has had a wartime theme for many years.


Inever said British Rail, I meant a railway located in Britain. My point was that as far as I am aware no British railway ever transported Holocaust victims. Now having a War related day is perfectly fine as many people enjoy nostalgia but again I do not think there were ever any SS personnel marching up and down a platform in Bury. However as I also mentioned even our Prince Harry enjoys a night wearing his Nazi uniform, so there is no accounting for taste, is there?

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I imagine the guys who dressed in nazi uniforms sported the Swastika and deaths head emblems purely for authenticety and as the Manchester Evening News and the Bury Times reported that out of 10,000 visitors to the event thare was only one complaint from Mr and Mrs Merton Paul which in my opinion speaks for its self. I quite fancy myself in a long leather coat, leather jack boots a peaked cap with a totenkoph emblem on the front, rimless glasses and with a lived duelling scar down my left cheek, my blonde hair and blue eyes would really set the scene, especially if I strutted down Ringley Rd on a saturday afternoon while they were all coming out of the gog.
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Guest peter
I frequently dress up like that on a saturday night. I also have a riding crop to thrash her with. Really turns her on, and me if I'm honest. I think it's the smell of the leather that does it. :D (lol)
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So it was you that Saturday night at the Billing Land Rover do in 2009!


Have to say - you both kept us all entertained Peter. Damned sporting of you Sir! Especially given the problem you were havin with your equipment. Shame the Aquadrome staff used the fire hose on the two of you.


You did seem to have a bit of trouble walking on Sunday morning tho - not surprising really.


Did you ever get that starting handle back?

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