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Night-Stops @ Motorway Services/Aires In France

Frank McAuley

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I'm nearly frightened to raise this subject as it's been discussed so often BUT I wonder is there a view other than the one generally expressed, viz : "Don't do it"?


We're in France now and because of the area we have been travelling through coupled with the fact that we are also towing a car accessible sites enroute have been few and far between. I accept that the rest areas as opposed to the "working" service (24/7) areas would be risky to over-night but would the latter be a different proposition? I have noticed that the Dutch seem to do this without incident!


Perhaps this practice does take place and members of this wonderful site may , through experience, have knowledge of "reasonably safe service areas" on motorways and an unofficial database drawnup.


Please accept that I'm not being tight (frugal)- if there was a suiable campsite I would use it.


BTW had to replace an EGR valve on a new 3ltr Fiat Ducato last week- any comments,especially if I could take action (driving skills) to avoid this as I had to wait 3 days for the part! :-S

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Hi Colin

Your comments are justified until you look at the N137 South of RENNES,A83 and the A 10 travelling South the sites are all to the West on the coast or up some "track" to the East. As our intention was get to a location in the south of France we were looking for handy overnight stops near the motorway and there just not there especially when your combo is not the smallest!


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Hi Colin, last week we got back from France.


Whilst there we met a man and his wife who told me a sad tale of robbery at a motorway service area.

He showed me the front side window that had been neatly cut out by slitting the rubber, they then entered the MH whilst they were in it (presumably asleep) and stole money wallets and a handbag.


It was assumed that the front door was opened using the internal handle.


An alarm was set but was overcome in a manner that was described to me, it was scarily easy, and the alarm was a good one.


They didn't find out until the morning when they woke up.


We are not talking about something that happened years ago to a friend of a friend. I saw the evidence and it happened weeks ago in South of France on a motorway aire.


So, you might consider it prudent not to stay on a motorway aire after the hours of darkness?



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hallii - 2012-06-07 2:10 PM


Hi Colin, last week we got back from France.


Whilst there we met a man and his wife who told me a sad tale of robbery at a motorway service area.

He showed me the front side window that had been neatly cut out by slitting the rubber, they then entered the MH whilst they were in it (presumably asleep) and stole money wallets and a handbag.


It was assumed that the front door was opened using the internal handle.


An alarm was set but was overcome in a manner that was described to me, it was scarily easy, and the alarm was a good one.


They didn't find out until the morning when they woke up.


We are not talking about something that happened years ago to a friend of a friend. I saw the evidence and it happened weeks ago in South of France on a motorway aire.


So, you might consider it prudent not to stay on a motorway aire after the hours of darkness?




Whilst I don't want to get into an argument or doubt your words on this matter Halli, nor do I want to advocate overnighting on a motorway aire, I find it surprising that someone could cut a window out, open the door, climb in root round and find money, bags, wallets in darkness then get out again having immobilised the alarm during the operation and not wobble the van or make any noise to wake the occupants.

We have been woken many times with the sound of rain on the roof and/or wind rocking the van let alone someone climbing in and rocking it rummaging round.

Furthermore, to make us feel secure, we always put the alarm on at night as the victims here did-how did the robbers disable it without setting it off? If you cut the wires/disconnect the power it goes off. It is too high up in the engine compartment to fill with foam without opening the bonnet (which again would set the alarm off) so I would be interested to know how they did it.

Appologies for going off thread but we are off to France for 6 weeks next week and am concerned about this report.


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I would think that you would alright on that route as long as you don't stay close to a large town. I wouldn't chose to do that myself as you may well have a lot of noise from all night truckers.


There are some notorious aires such as the main auto route near Lyons and the Catalan Village aire near Perpignan and of course any service area near Barcelona further south.

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Whilst I don't want to get into an argument or doubt your words on this matter Halli, nor do I want to advocate overnighting on a motorway aire, I find it surprising that someone could cut a window out, open the door, climb in root round and find money, bags, wallets in darkness then get out again having immobilised the alarm during the operation and not wobble the van or make any noise to wake the occupants.

We have been woken many times with the sound of rain on the roof and/or wind rocking the van let alone someone climbing in and rocking it rummaging round.

Furthermore, to make us feel secure, we always put the alarm on at night as the victims here did-how did the robbers disable it without setting it off? If you cut the wires/disconnect the power it goes off. It is too high up in the engine compartment to fill with foam without opening the bonnet (which again would set the alarm off) so I would be interested to know how they did it.

Appologies for going off thread but we are off to France for 6 weeks next week and am concerned about this report.



Hello Mike, It was not my intention to scaremonger and I tried (but probably failed) to report the facts as I know them.


The couple referred to are experienced motorhomers and as reported I went and inpected the damage to their van. The front fixed window on the drivers side was neatly cut out, and the alarm had been disabled, as I said, scarily easily. So much so that I have emailed my alarms manufacturer to find out if mine can be so easily disabled. I cannot go into how it was done, but rest assured, most thieves will know the trick. It was done without opening any bonnet or door.


The couple I refer to were somewhat shaken up still, and I believe them to be honest and accurate as regards the details. To repeat, they were in the van, the thieves entered during the night, stole what they could and exited without waking anyone.


Now I know what you mean, I wake up if the bike cover flaps in the breeze, and I like to think that I would wake up if someone was creeping around the van. But the fact is, they did not. I also set the alarm and have a couple of items to hand for self defence, not much use if you don't wake up though.


I use French Aires de Camping Car a lot, I sleep on Spanish beaches and other wildcamping areas, so meeting that couple has made me sharpen up my awareness a bit.


To all those dog owners in motorhomes, I envy you, at least the pooch will, hopefully, bark.


Alas I cannot have a dog for medical reasons.



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Most of the reports of robberies in France (however carried out - and nooooooooooooooo, not the gassing debate again - please! :-D) seem to relate to folk overnighting on autoroute service or rest areas, particularly on the main N-S tourist drags.

Personally, I don't think it has so much to do with being near cities, as the access seems to be via the autoroute, and the thieves reportedly often use motorbikes (usually stolen) for a quick smash and grab and away.

Inevitably it is the month's favourite flavour of immigrant that gets the blame, though I have my doubts where the miscreants are on bikes. There have been a few organised gangs caught and broken up by the French police, but most escape undetected simply because they are long gone by the time the police arrive.

A few such aires contain motorhome dump etc facilities, so are listed as "aires de service camping-cars", but this listing relates only to the dump etc facility, not to their use for overnight parking.

The advice given by the French police is strongly against overnighting on any autoroute services area, however designated. Nevertheless, many do this - and some get robbed. As with many things in life it is a choice, and the options all have differing risks. Yer pays yer money.

When travelling with a rig such as you describe, if you want easy access to reasonably safe overnight stopovers, I think your only solution must be thorough research and detailed pre-planning. Even the proper aires are liable to prove tricky with a toad.

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Guest JudgeMental

Pick pockets and sneak thieves have been around for 100's of years. The more of you that overnight on motorways all the better for the rest of us :-D


window alarms? No I thought not. And cutting quarter light rubbers out as a means of entry is as old as the hills *-)

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I've only overnighted once on an autoroute 'aire' and that was in 2005 when I was on my own driving my Germany-bought Hobby motorhome back to the UK.


I can't say the idea of autoroute overnighting attracts me, anymore than overnighting on UK motorway service-stations would. I appreciate that finding places to overnight is complicated when towing a car and I'd probably look for Relais Routiers restaurants near the autoroutes to stay. These have plenty of parking for the trucks and you should get a good inexpensive meal.


If you define your itinerary here




you'll see that there are RRs within easy striking distance of the main French axial routes.


I can't guarantee you'd be 100% 'safe' on an RR park, or even that you'd have a tranquil night, but it should be better than autoroute overnighting.

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I have just returned to France from a visit to the UK in our camping car with a trailer attached, probably nearly 12 metres overall length. I can suggest a few aires, off the cuff, which would accommodate your rig. Bessines, just off the A20 north of Limoges, Chateaudun, (below the chateau walls) between the A10 and the A11 to the west of Vierzon, Beauvais, to the north-west of Paris. I can't guarantee that you will be able to just drive into your parking position with your car attached, but there will be sufficient space for your car as well as your camping car.



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We gave up overnighting on autoroutes years ago not worth the risk. As for thinking you will wake up when somebody tampers with your van I would`nt rely on it, there are plenty of posts on these forums claiming vans have been entered when the occupants are asleep and they all express surprise at not being woken. From my own work related experience waking some people at 4 a.m. can be surprisingly difficult.
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The one time Partial answer was to choose the Service area`s on TOLL roads. The argument being that the Thieves where less likely to target them because they are better patrolled (by Police AND security) had more CCTV and the mere action of paying a toll (even Cash) can get you onto CCTV etc; I would not personally subscribe to this but it is a persuasive thought??. We used to transit France in January (into Spain In the "good old days", pre Euro) with an American R-V plus "Toad", and finding ANYTHING open was just about impossible!!! Even sites that where "advertised" as Open where often Closed. We have overnight-ed in some very strange places Mostly villages "off the beaten track" Including a Cemetery Car Park, once!, Outside Closed Campsite Gates (Twice) several Town Hall car parks. etc; Only once did we have reason to "move on". when a white van full of "North African" men, started to take an interest in the car on the trailer. My wife stayed up, with the lights on until I had had a few Hours sleep. and then we moved on while she slept in the Passenger seat.!. Another possibility is to find parking NEAR the local police station!!!.


Currently we are taking a break in the UK after touring the USA. planning to go back next year, (Even with the Flights It`s Cheaper than Europe!!!) and frequently used Walmart. Or Flying J truck-stops as well as Casino`s. so far without any problems. BUT you weigh it up. and, yes, I have moved on once or twice as a precaution ? After a while you get a feeling for places.


As for "not hearing or knowing you have been broken into" it is an unfortunate fact that "Vin Rouge" not withstanding, there are a whole lot of "not so young" people out there who HABITUALLY take the nightly sleeping prescription even when on the move. Sooo? Maybe?





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For about 25 years I regularly stopped on Autoroute Aires overnight on our way to the Alps for Skiing holidays.


Never had a problem - except once a few years ago at the Sommesous service station on the A26. We were woken up at about 4am by heavy hammering on the caravan door. I got up & was confronted by 2-3 Gendarmes who told me in no uncertain terms to "GO NOW!"


I said give me 5 minutes - they were having nothing of that ....very belligerent & menacing - so I had to drive off in my pyjamas with my wife & 3 year old crying in the car to the Aire just down the Autoroute.

I did write to the relevant Head of Gendarmes in complaint, but never had a reply.


Makes you wonder who are the good guys?


I have still used Services & Aires on Autoroutes but predominantly I use campites now.


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Having driven to Italy every year for the last 20 years to holiday, we have always wanted to cross France the quickest way possible, but when you physically cannot drive any further, you are sometimes forced to spent a night at the Services. Pulling in at 3-4 in the morning, which we have done many many times - even if it's for 3-4 hours to get some shut eye.


We have always parked up as close to the services entrance as possible, always under a light, we now have extra internal door locks and always chain the front doors together and have a perimeter alarm - but I still do not like doing it!


Only once have we been disturbed by a burglar who tried to force the lock with a large screwdriver, making such a racket woke me up. I pulled back the curtain and was face to face for a second or two before he legged it!


For the last 2 years we have got up earlier, got to Eurotunnel earlier, and I have driven the 600 miles across France to Chamonix late evening, and stayed with 100 or so other Motorhomes at the foot of Mont Blanc in the Car Park.


So I would not say don't do it, because sometimes you have to!




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Guest pelmetman

Slightly off tack but whilst we were away in France last month I got chatting to a lady who explained that she and her husband were new to motorhoming and this was their first visit in the van abroad.


She'd been chatting to a couple who had warned her to stay clear of all Aires in France as you were sure to get robbed or attacked at the very least, they had obviously scared her half to death. The said couple said how he carried a gun and she had a pepper spray!!


I told her how we'd been staying on Aires for 20 years and had never encountered any problems. This is not to say we are complacent, we are always careful as to where we park.


We all know that robberies do occur but I am sure that a lot of stories are urban myths and slightly exagerated each time they are passed on and told.


Anyway I hope I reassurred her to give Aires a try as there are a lot of really lovely ones out there.





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I would hesitate to use an Aire on an Autoroute for all the aforementioned reasons What resource are you using to find suitable Places to overnight? As you seem to have access to the internet then I suggest logging onto I-Campingcar, if your connection speed allows it then this facility can be down loaded as a pfd file to search off line.
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Over many years we have often used motorway stops on the page section without any problem but we are cautious about which ones we use. We are down in Spain at the moment and had a British caravaner on site with us for a few days while he obtained a replacement side window for their car. They stopped at services near Alicante and left the car to go into the services together leaving her handbag on the front seat of the car!! Opportunists will always be on the lookout for a soft touch just make sure it's not you.
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Why don't you either consult the aires bible www.campingcar-infos.com and find something just a mile or two off your route in a quite backwater village or if you cant find an aire in said village just find a quiet village off the motorway and pull up somewhere with the tow car attached?


It perfectly legal to do this. The Aire we are on right now at lac de der is plenty big enough for a car and trailer and there is tons of room. There ate lots like that to be honest. Worst you would have to do is unhitch the car and park it outside

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Hi Frank,

Down the South of France my self at the moment with car on tow, would not consider an Aire with this set up,why not just use a site, I find it the safest and best method. No problem booking single site nights on the way down,or turn up early in the day.

Sorry to hear about the EGR,,,if I can be of any help , you can give me a ring, Will PM my No if you need it,

Have a lovely "safe" hol,

Regards to all,


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Hi Brendan


Tyou for offer of help but the EGR was replaced after Fiat Assistance arranged for a most helpful technician to attend. His diagnosis was accurate and he arranged for the main Fiat agent in Saintes to replace it. We were very pleased with all involved- particularly Fiat Assistance who kept in touch with us throughout,viz: Sat,Sun, Mon (France closes) and Tues ( religious hol). Nevermind we were lucky to be at an excellent site at PONS (between Saintes and Cognac)- Moulin de la Vergne which is a short dist off the A10. The owners who are Dutch were brilliant- they even acted as translators between us and the mechanic!

Our combo is 12 metres long and,like you,would always have stayed on a campsite but as I've explained earlier they were few and far between on our route- especially handy to the autoroute. This has been our first trip with a "Toad" hence our caution but the info presented so far on the page has given us food for thought and hopefully we'll endeavour to plan our route more carefully.

I expect some might say you should choose a smaller combo but the use of the car instead of the scooter we preciously carried has made it all worth while.


Thanks to evberybody for the comments and especially to you Brendan for your most kind offer of help.

Now hoping the rain stops !! *-)

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We use the ASCI (ACSI ?) camping DVD which will give routes between campsites. We do a little resarch as to how close to Motorways the camp sites really are.


(Have been caught out a couple of times where the campsite is next to the motoway, but take as an hour to get to)



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It seems hundred years ago now but we stopped in a very remote spot in a valley just off the road, after getting into bed heard a vehicle pull up by us. Had a peep through window and it was a car,as no movement by them went back to bed.While later another vehicle pulled up, now there was no room for three so whats going on?, more peeping, this time its police talking to occupants in car, wheren upon they were moved off leaving us for a restfull night.
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