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On my travels


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well I am on my travels once again down to the Vendee and just about everything has been going wrong I think everybody must have doubts in there minds weather things will go right when you are off for a long period.

As some people will know I had an aframe fitted to my car and a towbar on my van this year.

I came over from Portsmouth to Caen and when I parked up at the municipal site in Caen My battery on the toed was as flat as a pancake with good luck I had taken my charger.

I was told that the toed was pushed against my van when I parked on the ferry and the brake lights must have been on all the time that I was on the ferry funny that as I thought that all lights were controlled by the van and when everything was turned off in the van it would be turned off on the car

I left my battery disconnected for the trip down to the Vendee and reconected it when I arrived as the lights all worked from my van.

when I went out in my car I found that the side lights and all dash lights would not work and could I find the fuse could I hell! so at the moment I only use the car in daylights as all other lights work including headlights.

Could it have something to do with the cambus system on the car and the battery being dissconnected for about 9 hours

when we parked up on the second morning I stepped out of bed in to a puddle of water that was comming from the toilet (I left the water pump on all night) My mind worked overtime "could it be that in the winter I had not drained off properley and something had frozen and cracked".

I was dredding dismantilling the bog.

When I opened the cassett door water poured out and on inspection the jubilee clips were not of very good construction and had failed on the pipe to the flush tank "sorted".

On the third morning once again I stepped out of bed and there was another puddle but this was my fault as I had put in the van a new Nature Pure water filter and a connection was leaking it was not leaking when I put it on "Honest My lud".

Another thing I putchased an awning before going away and did not put it up before leaving "WRONG"

I should have had a go at putting it up before leaving it took me seven Bl--dy hours to finaly get it right I sat down with a pint and I was knackered.

NOW I can start to enjoy our long holiday and everything will be sunshine and rose`s "I hope.

Good luck on your holidays everyone.



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Guest Tracker

Cheer up he said things could be worse - so I cheered up and sure enough - things got worse.


Hope your luck improves Mike and have a good and safe trip - wellies are available in France!!

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Thanks for that Tracker.


At the moment it is dry but we had a lot of rain during the night the weather in the Vendee is very unpridictable you can have lovely sunshine in the morning then rain in the afternoon or the other way around.

In the first week the weather was great and I got sunburned never mind I will be here for some time and with the law of averages we should have some sun.

Another bonus is that it is warmer than cold wet Staffordshire.



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IF your towed car has overrun braking,always DISCONECT brake cable,ie the cable from van to car [ whilst on .ferries] the brakes on this system are always live,no other way of switching them off,

as to your other problem of light failure,look in your instruction book,you surely must have one

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We are inSouth West France. Been in the area for two weeks , returning from Spain. Weather here is hot and sunny in this little corner of France. Waiting for the weather to improve up north, before we move up to far


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We are inSouth West France. Been in the area for two weeks , returning from Spain. Weather here is hot and sunny in this little corner of France. Waiting for the weather to improve up north, before we move up to far


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JudgeMental - 2012-06-11 4:44 PM


you may have a long wait! :D


You could be right. Since my last post, GUESS What has happened! The heavens have opened, but I suppose it makes a change from wall to wall sun. At least we have FREE wi-fi, so I can catch up with all of the goings on on here. I guess you got home Ok Judge, did not make it to Beni, but stayed 2 weeks at Calpe, but did not get to see Bruces show either, OH was not well, and Football took preference . Next year maybe?


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Guest JudgeMental
Caddies104 - 2012-06-12 11:54 AM


Weather on Thursday onwards is really good in Annecy, so just waiting!! As pouring and the moment!


Its wet most places, has not stopped in London for a few days...Spain looking very good though

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