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Le Mont Michelle. an expensive car park now


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I am one of the lucky ones that stayed in the aires off the causeway, with absolutely no facilities and had the pleasure of sitting outside with the le monte bathed in glorious golden sunset and then twinkling with the stars. No more. The aire has disappeared, which is progress? As has the aire in town. MHs are now located at the furthest car park at a minimum charge of €12.5 with overnight being €25. No I will not visit again as the French are learning from rip off Britian. You can, if you book ahead stay at the hotel campsite at €18+tax but absolutely no chance of getting into the village without a pass code. Be warned the magic is now very expensive.
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25 Euros is rediculous-last time we were there about 3 years ago it was 7 per night on the Hotel aire.

was going to call for a night or two this year to see the new layout but at that price we'll give it a miss.

25 Euros is a plat du jour for 2-more enjoyable than a carpark!



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Wow! So are you saying the aire opposite the hotel campsite is closed as well? The one run by the hotel vert? It was massive and €9 last time we were there. And what's this about a pass code. Last time we were there we just flew up on the bike and went in foc.


I must admit the aire by the mont was an eyesore but why close the campsite aire? You would have thought it would be crammed now.


Stuff em.

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This was discussed earlier this year:




Unfortunately you cannot now go to the Mont under your own steam, you HAVE to take the shuttle bus and therefore pay for the priviledge (the shuttle bus isn't FREE as it is included in the extortionate parking fee).


We were fortunate to have stayed there before it was changed and it was absolute magic, we won't be going again I'm afraid, unless we can get there by canoe!!! :D

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Yes you were lucky , but I am afraid time moves on and things are a changing, very quickly.

Did not know to overnight was 25e  as they do not want Motorhomes parking overnight,I know they do park overnight , but without any facilities at all,

Have a look at their web site,,,

Regards ,


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Tend to agree


The last time we went there it was free, campers were tipping the contents of their loos over the edge of the beech, creating litter and acting totally irresponsibibly. So there are no easy answers.




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You can understand them not wanting Motor homes parking overnight ,creating litter and mess as described in previous post, has a cost involved in clearing up.Once again its the few who make it bad for the rest of us ,would be happy to pay for day time parking.At least they have provided dedicated parking for motor home ,not like Britain's car parks.Perhaps we should be more proactive and when we see people making a mess take there number and report them.
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Guest JudgeMental
FRANKP60 - 2012-06-16 1:58 PM


You can understand them not wanting Motor homes parking overnight ,creating litter and mess as described in previous post, has a cost involved in clearing up.Once again its the few who make it bad for the rest of us ,would be happy to pay for day time parking.At least they have provided dedicated parking for motor home ,not like Britain's car parks.Perhaps we should be more proactive and when we see people making a mess take there number and report them.


Has anyone read the link to French information posted earlier, regards the reasoning behind this move..it makes sense to me. They are trying to preserve and improve the area, and improve the whole experience. ..but I don't understand why they could not install a bourne, as without one some will use this as an excuse to dump waste indiscriminately

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Yes a lot of work has been carried out over the last few years.Now I am afraid they are recouping their costs. Not sure where the 25e is coming from, as far as I am aware 12e50 covers. But then I think they are going to stop overnighting with pressure from the local campsites.So this may explain why no facilities exists.



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lennyhb - 2012-06-16 3:34 PM


Reading the link on the rates page charges are daily from 2 am until 2am Motorhome 12.5€ where does the OP get the 25€ for overnighting from?


I assume from the assumption that you would have to pay for 2 days otherwise you'd need to move at 2.00 am!


Having yet another look at the charges, it would appear that there is no charge for you to park your bicycle, and also no charge for the shuttle ... I think! *-)

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Mel B - 2012-06-16 4:29 PM


lennyhb - 2012-06-16 3:34 PM


Reading the link on the rates page charges are daily from 2 am until 2am Motorhome 12.5€ where does the OP get the 25€ for overnighting from?


I assume from the assumption that you would have to pay for 2 days otherwise you'd need to move at 2.00 am!


Are yes, a bit sneaky.

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sshortcircuit - 2012-06-15 8:19 PM No I will not visit again as the French are learning from rip off Britian. You can, if you book ahead stay at the hotel campsite at €18+tax but absolutely no chance of getting into the village without a pass code. Be warned the magic is now very expensive.

I guess that you will not be considering a visit to South West England either? The admission charges to for example Clovelly (£6.00 pp) and St Michaels Mount (£7.50pp) Will turn you off your haggis butties :-)


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Currently in France, and was hoping to have a night at Mont SM, to see the changes, which we saw the start of about 3 years ago., but looks like we will give it a miss, also Pity about the charges, but it was bound to happen. ACSI still very good value for us, trying Camping Cheques, but so far, been dissapointed with two of the three sites we chose, and left after one night each time, will not bother to buy them again, not worth the money up front,certainly for us, as we only go France Spain, Portugal


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  • 2 weeks later...
Come on folks what is the problem here? For under £20 you get a couple of days parking, plus overnight and free bus to one of the major tourist destinations in Europe. If was here in U.K. motorhomes would be banned, bus would cost a fiver each and nearest sites would be £30 plus a night!
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robertandjean - 2012-06-25 9:29 PM


Come on folks what is the problem here? For under £20 you get a couple of days parking, plus overnight and free bus to one of the major tourist destinations in Europe. If was here in U.K. motorhomes would be banned, bus would cost a fiver each and nearest sites would be £30 plus a night!


My thoughts exactly...

I'm not familiar with the area being discussed here but motorhome forums in general,seem to be awash with "hard done by" motorhomers banging on about how councils don't provide them with "facilties" or the lack of cheap(free!?) "overnighting" spots...or that MHs have been "banned " from parking in specific,key areas..etc... *-)


Why do folk expect to just roll up to a town/resort/attraction,in their "self sufficient" MHs...put next to nowt back into the local economy(..apart from maybe buying the odd bottle of cheap plonk and loaf o' bread)..and yet at the same time expect "faciliies" laid on for them..and all for next to nowt..?.... :-S



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lennyhb - 2012-06-16 3:34 PM


Reading the link on the rates page charges are daily from 2 am until 2am Motorhome 12.5€ where does the OP get the 25€ for overnighting from?


We cycled past the aire last week. At the entrance barrier where one gets a ticket to allow entry was a small notice. The price for parking for one day until 2am the next day is 12.5 euros and in smaller print it stated that to stay overnight the cost was 25 euros. Despite this, there were many vans on the "aire". Lost tickets also incur a 25 euros charge.

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