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i-pad / laptop


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When we travel to France we usually take our laptop and find free wi-fi this time I also took my 3G Kindle and was able to all but very slowly an internet connection. My question is has anyone taken an i-pad 3G to France / Europe and had any success with internet connection via 3G ?
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I have used a wi-fi I-Pad in France over the past two weeks and only had to pay for the connection on one site. At other times I found free access, occassionally at McDonalds.


I did not go down the 3G route because the roaming charges with a UK contract were expensive overseas.

Lots of French sites have paid for wi-fi with a range of different tariffs ie by the minute, hour, day etc. and some of these worked out a lot cheaper than the 3G roaming contract offered by providers in the UK.

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Guest JudgeMental
JohnP - 2012-06-21 9:55 AM


I have used a wi-fi I-Pad in France over the past two weeks and only had to pay for the connection on one site. At other times I found free access, occassionally at McDonalds.


I did not go down the 3G route because the roaming charges with a UK contract were expensive overseas.

Lots of French sites have paid for wi-fi with a range of different tariffs ie by the minute, hour, day etc. and some of these worked out a lot cheaper than the 3G roaming contract offered by providers in the UK.


My wife wants an I Pad...maybe safer to stick with wifi model. I really dont know what to do *-)

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Once you have an IPad you will very rarely go back to a Laptop, they are IMO much faster and considerably lighter, and as said before a lot of items have free Wi-Fi or use McDonalds...

Only thing with an IPad they don,t support flash player, but things may change next year

But we love ours........writing on one now at La Ravoire near Annecy....


Derek & Pauline

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We've just returned from a month in N Germany, I bought a sim card for my iPad in a phone shop there, think it cot about Euro 15 for te month. I had superb reception wherever we were in Germany think the only place reception was dodgy was at Peenemunde. But then at a Stellplatz near there I had a decent strength signal again. I was very impressed. Think we will get one for our net trip but maybe look online for dels before we leave. It was a T mobile sim btw.
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Forget 3G anywhere in Europe or anywhere else for that matter. Get the WiFi only version and just take it into town and find the nearest Free WiFi Hotspot. McDonalds, Starbucks or any number of cafe. Just buy a coffee and find a quiet corner to surf. I had no trouble traveling around Europe and finding free hotspots. The 3G charges are outrageous and SLOW.


Most Free WiFi is faster and more convenient. Most Camping Site WiFi is rubbish and costs a fortune.   

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Guest ChrisB

An ex-colleague and Apple fanatic (some of you will know what I mean) recently went to a european launch of the new Microsoft Surface tablet. He is now a convert and can't wait to get his hands on one.

I'm a bit more cautious - but at least it brings some competition to the market (and overcomes the inexcusable lack of connectivity with the iPad).


My own laptop is beginning to fail (last month of warranty - so bang on schedule). Apparently it's my fault because I keep opening and closing the lid and the webcam/wifi aerial cables pass alongside the hinges and both were worn through.

At least with a tablet there wouldn't be any such problems.


O2 recently sent me a text saying that they will be pegging the daily data roaming charge to £1.99/day. Have not followe this up as I am not travelling abroad until August, but if this means the £1.99 will be the maximum charge with no data cut-off point during the day then this seems quite reasonable.

Not looked into it - there's bound to be some info on the website.

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Guest JudgeMental

Good links Mel, interesting reading.


Thanks Bob My wife is desperate for an Ipad I have told her already about the microsoft tab, but she really has blinkers on "everyone's got an IPad" mentality... *-)

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