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Colin Leake

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Brilliant. Bought five hours. Got down to 28min left then when I went to use it again it played up a bit then it suddenly had five hours left. Don't quite know what I did but well pleased with the result. I wonder if it has started the six month time clock again?
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Funny you should mention that but I purchased a card at Broadway in the spring and everytime I logged on it wa showing as no time used. However when I used it about a month later at Bearstead it started counting down but from the original 5 hours!


I think this might be to do with the original WiFi supplier going out of business and the new company taking over.



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We are currently staying on an ACSI site near Honfleur France at a cost of €12 per day including showers, elu and wi-fi (unlimited)


The CC is really overcharging for internet access. OK if you want it from your van, then some hardware needs to be installed to give the coverage and this needs to be paid for, but I would be quite happy with taking my netbook to the information room and working from there (been on a site like that on the Ile d'Oleron and it worked quite well with a good social atmosphere amongst us internet junkies sat around the coffee table).

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Having 3 Orange contracts allows me a £5 a month dongle, I recently contacted them as I needed more mb's.


They doubled me up to 1GB and only charged me £3 extra because of a loyalty clause. Even if you don't have a contract mobile, someone you know doubtless will have, take advantage and get a dongle on their contract.


Tons of options out there and mine works really well, the convienience is worth the few quid alone.



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We used to use a £5 a month O2 card in the IPad but found very few sites gave good if any 3G coverage. The five hour CC card will last us all season (well all of the 6 month time limit) works well and most sites now have the system install. We only use it for checking emails and banking whilst on holiday.
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Been away since April, Have found lots of sites have free wi-fi, and some sites charge over the top rates.

Currently in Brittany and charge is 2euros for 24 hours, so not to bad. Best to check , as some ACSI/Camping Cheques sites say there is a charge (in Book) but are now free

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