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Sat Nav Co-ordinates


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Very quick question regarding sat nav co-ordinates.


I have a new tom tom and as of yet have not downloaded the co-ordinates of all the Aires in France.


Could someone please remind me or point me in the right direction of a previous post, explaining how to do this.


I want to be able to add the co-ordinates of an Aire we stayed at years ago at Cast de guildo in Brittany as well as several others.


I said "very quick question" *-)

I would also like to know the quickest way to add co-ordinates from google map onto the tom tom.


(I know how to add the icons and co-ordinates, its just the initial finding them that is the problem)


Many thanks as always :-)


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I hope this rough translation will help - see installation PDF file which was downloaded with Camping Cars Aires files


Fichiers POIs :

- 'AS_CCI.asc' ------------------> Aires de Services Uniquement

- 'ASN_CCI.asc'-----------------> Aires de Services avec Stationnement Nuit possible

- 'AA_CCI.asc'-------------------> Aires de Services sur Autoroutes

- 'AC_CCI.asc'-------------------> Aires sur Campings acceptant les camping-cars

- 'ACF_CCI.asc'-----------------> Aires sur Campings à la Ferme

- 'ACS_CCI.asc'-----------------> Aires de Services sur Campings acceptant le passage pour les Services

- 'APCC_CCI.asc'---------------> Aires de Parkings réservées pour Camping-Cars sans Services

- 'AP_CCI.asc'-------------------> Aires de Parkings tolérées de jour, sans Services

- 'APN_CCI.asc'-----------------> Aires de Parkings tolérées de jour et de Nuit, sans Services

- 'ATOTALES_CCI.asc'-------> Aires Totales (regroupe les 9 fichiers ci-dessus)


- 'AS_CCI.asc '------------------> Services Areas Only

- 'ASN_CCI.asc' -----------------> Areas with Services and overnight parking possible

- 'AA_CCI.asc' -------------------> Service Areas on Motorways

- 'AC_CCI.asc' -------------------> Camping Areas of accepting campers

- 'ACF_CCI.asc' -----------------> Camping Areas on Farm

- 'ACS_CCI.asc' -----------------> Camping Areas accepting the passage for Services

- 'APCC_CCI.asc' ---------------> Parking Areas reserved for Motorhomes without Services

- 'AP_CCI.asc' -------------------> Parking Areas tolerated by day without services

- 'APN_CCI.asc' -----------------> Parking Areas tolerated day and night, No Services

- 'ATOTALES_CCI.asc' -------> Aires Total (9 combines the above files)

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I assume that you did mean the www.campingcar-infos site?


You may also find useful information at www.i-campingcar.fr

There is a downloadable PDF file listed as (version 4) which can be loaded onto your PC. This gives you information on various Aires together with photo's.

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