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It pays to be polite


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Took the van to a Country show. Ground was very soft and the coned off lanes were narrow. Coped until I had to turn sharp right. Nowhere near enough swing so I stopped and got stuck. Young lad runs across and asks me to do nothing otherwise I might get bogged down. He cleared the cones, moved the traffic out of the way. I was able to reverse out and he parked me well away from the soft ground. I parked on my grip mats.


Few minutes later a car became stuck in the same place. Young lad approaches and asks the driver to do nothing. Driver obeys and the car is carefully towed out as it couldn't reverse even with us pushing.


Next car to get stuck ignored the advice from the young lad and tried to rev his way out. Possibly would have succeeded if he was aiming to go via down under! Driver gets out of the car and lets out a stream of abusive language at the young lad blaming him for the car getting stuck and not keeping the roadway free of mud. Became even more animated when the young lad - who remained calm - said he would arrange a tow. Driver seemed to demand that the lad provided matting so he could drive out - I couldn't make out exactly what he said because of the stream of four letter words.


It ended with the car unceremoniously pulled out by a hefty looking farmer driving a tractor and dragged down the field chased by a red faced driver. Farmer had the sense to drag it so far that he had time to unhook and drive off before the driver arrived. Quite a few watching people had a smile on their face when they saw how far the car was dragged.



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